I'm guessing Freddie never studied the placer report linked on that map a few posts back? The report on page 65 and the map on page 82 as well as the narrative indicate the property was extensively dredged. That and the State of Colorado gravel mining permit that restricts the operation to previously mined ground.
I don't watch the show. I did watch a few episodes the first year. I hope those who do watch it enjoy it as entertainment. I didn't but I find very little television that I enjoy watching. That doesn't mean it's a bad show or my taste is better than anyone else - it's just not my thing. All my partners watch it and generally enjoy the show.
Clearly the Hoffmans would have been back working the 9 to 5 after their first year if this were really based on mining. I'm sure there are those who remember Guyana as a country that had a moratorium on placer mining when the Hoffmans took over the "mining" site from the previous European tv show operation. Now I hear Oregon was a bust too.
The gold in Fairplay is about 18 - 19 karat (76 - 80%). The better paying placers there produced about $9.60 a yard in today's money. That was working the best gravels first. Much of the placer paid less than half that. A large operation can make that pay. They already did make it pay at Fairplay and the Katuska pit.
Is there gold at Fairplay? You betcha. That glacial moraine may still hold more than what was already mined. If I were mining there I would be looking at unworked areas in the moraine.
I wish them luck with their television show.
Heavy Pans