Does anybody know why gold tanked so hard today??
But that's still ridiculously low. If there are 20 pennyweights in a troy ounce,(??) they'd only be paying roughly $450 us per ounce. That can't be right...
I think it is due to the Cyprus bailout. Their gov't is liquidating something like $400 million in gold.
There is all kinds of manipulation going on, fits in with all the other weird stuff going on. My take, hedge fund betting 1 quarter of a billion dollars on gold, silver, and mining shares to go up so they gonna sock it too'em and drive it down.
SAC Capital Partners LP, a $20 billion dollar group of hedge funds founded by Stephen A. Cohen, quietly positioned itself in over $240 million dollars worth of gold, silver, and mining share investments during Q4 2012.
Of great interest is the structure of those positions. They are indicating, that the firm is expecting a massive spike in both gold and silver, as well as a staggering move higher in the mining shares.
Two points of perspective:
1: the migration of workersfrom farms to cities in china means 8% growth is barely enough to absorb all the newly arrived workers. Anything less than 8% makes the ruling autocracy in China worry about civil unrest and urban unemployment leading to a challenge to their leadership!
2. The people of Japan have started dumping gold due to its relative high price in Yen at the moment (gold is priced in dollars not yen so when the yen weakens against the dollar, they get more yen for their gold...). This dumping may have a short term downward effect on global prices.