WD how are you planning to heat the new digs? Picked out the siding yet? Insulating it? Planning on a screen door? Lovely Victorian style to add a touch of old maybe.....
Oh I'd be getting excited planning the layout of the finds and MY found things.
Just looking at the framing and it wouldn't pass our requirements up here-( anything over 108sq.ft needs a permit.)
Which involves inspection-which now requires that the structure built has conform with the Ontario Building Codes.
But it's an outbuilding for me things not a house-silly you!
Yes we see that but you better build it to those requirements so we'z can send the assessor around to measure those new digs and tax you for them.
Just because we can.
The pain of wanting a simple here-and it gets all complicated.
Solution throw a axle under it and now throw a plate on it's arse and they can't say poop about it-see there's always a work around in these parts.