I can't stay long as have more clean up to do AND internet is only running at about 25 %.
Just wanted to let everyone know we are all ok.
On Monday at 11:05 a.m. a storm with straight line winds of 90-100 m.p.h. hit us.
The house pretty much was fine, but the trees in our yard did not.
A large limb fell off the Ash tree and when it came down, it snapped our Evergreen tree off about 25' from the top. Now I have a 20' base still intact, ( maybe carve a Totem pole out of it ? )
The trees came down and missed our vehicles by merely a fraction of an inch. They did completely cover our driveway and we had no way to leave. No chain saws, only a bow saw. Once we got power back, we were able to use a reciprocating saw to cut some branches. I had on my covid mask because the pollen and sawdust was terrible and I thought it would help.......NOT. I nearly passed out twice because I could not breathe through it. So I took it off.
The electric company finally restored electricity to us on Thursday, ( 73 hours and 30 minutes after the storm hit ).
The humidity was so terrible during those 4 days of no electricity that the carpet felt like a sponge. Probably have it replaced.
Cell phones where iffy for the first few days.
We are still currently without cable.
It was not until Wednesday that I found a set of old rabbit ears and hooked them up to the flatscreen tv and we could see how widespread the damage was. Since internet service is still bad, we are unable to view any videos or news broadcasts. Limited to text only.
Contacted the insurance company last Tuesday, still have not seen anyone yet.
That is all for now. Off to be a lumberjack.