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Just another reason to live in a cabin like a hermit with all of my relics. :)


just to make your decision to live as a hermit even easier 8-)


That´s what I always say :headbang:

There is a reason why Simon and me got a NICE man´s cave :hello2::laughing7: include Simons nice bouncy castle which blocks the entrance :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Guess there is enough space for a third male on board if your relics don´t start a fight with my egyptian relics :icon_thumleft:

Lets see, I've got a couple hundred Civil War bullets, multiple shell fragments, 1 civil war shell, a WWII Sherman shell, WWII Stuart shell, WWII German Pak 36 shell, Two WWII Helmets, patches, bullet casings, coins, arrrowheads, about 100 stamped bricks, history books, bayonets, knives, a hundred or so bottles, and rocks. And I think that's it.

Don't mess with that pu##y.:laughing7:

Our cob (my avatar) can slap Max's nose 6 times before he can pull back, never a claw. But just the paw mitt one can feel her power.:laughing7:

Our cob (my avatar) can slap Max's nose 6 times before he can pull back, never a claw. But just the paw mitt one can feel her power.:laughing7:

I know that exactly Pepper! Done the same "who is faster game" with my first cat as a kid. Also never a single claw from her! :laughing7: sometimes when she was real angry she pulled out the claws and touched with it but without any pull backwards. Just as a strict and harsh warning :laughing7: As reaction you can bite carefully in an ear until you hear a "gack gack gack" :headbang: :laughing7:

Oh man... I missing my cats so hard! They are real better humans and way more fun LOL

Morning (missing) crew :coffee2:

Friends where are you all? Was the USA invaded by China or something and no one told me to come and help my friends or whats happen??? :dontknow: :laughing7:

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