Ever bring home so called treasures only to think later....what do I do with this stuff ? Well....start an artifact garden. Here's all the stuff I'm eager to pick up and bring home, but not worthy of bringing into the house. I'll sit on the porch looking the pieces over with a rum punch.....but ultimately they end up in my ever expanding artifact garden. Much of it is beach combed in my treasure hunting adventures, but the wife isn't letting the broken bottle shards in the house even though they are authentic pirate or spanish bottles. I see some of my friends picking around in there and many guest's stand hypnotized studying the pile. Who knows what's in there...hell...sometimes I pick my own pile and end up bringing something back in the house !! so enjoy my treasures...see what you can find in my not quite treasure pile....everything from natural wonders like shells,rocks, fossils etc. To all manner of man made curios thrown up by the sea.