GGs Chain Flail Impact Mill

I have a crusher that has a 15 inch diameter drum and it is driving me crazy. I am crushing quartz with .5 to 1 oz. of gold per ton and after only about 200 lbs. I have to change the chains. There has to be something better that will last longer. I have to stop every 3 buckets just to change chains and talk about slowing the progress down. The other problem I have is that my discharge port is at the bottom and my screen is constantly being torn up. I begin to notice small pieces of rock coming out. At first I stopped everything and changed the screen, but now I have learned to just keep rolling and after I am done with all of the larger rock I then replace the screen and rerun the discharge with the smaller rock pieces. This at least works well. I am thinking that if I get a screen of solid steel maybe 1/16th inch thick that it would last a lot longer.

not sure if this will help but if you can find one of those indoor garden stores they sell air scrubber filter cans. They are packed with carbon and I guess people use them to reduce smells. But I was given an old one I took it apart and It is nothing more than super hard punch plate. Holes 1/8" and the inside punch plate holes are 3/16" I flattened it out to make a classifier. But I swear It is the same stuff sold on e bay to go in rock crushers. They would probably just give you an old one you could make 50 sets or so. I had to use a cut off wheel to cut it, stuff is pretty duty. Tie down chains are pretty tough too. All the same I and many others would trade you problems in half a heart beat. lol

not sure if this will help but if you can find one of those indoor garden stores they sell air scrubber filter cans. They are packed with carbon and I guess people use them to reduce smells. But I was given an old one I took it apart and It is nothing more than super hard punch plate. Holes 1/8" and the inside punch plate holes are 3/16" I flattened it out to make a classifier. But I swear It is the same stuff sold on e bay to go in rock crushers. They would probably just give you an old one you could make 50 sets or so. I had to use a cut off wheel to cut it, stuff is pretty duty. Tie down chains are pretty tough too. All the same I and many others would trade you problems in half a heart beat. lol

Thanks Sticks. I am off to find a garden store.

I have a crusher that has a 15 inch diameter drum and it is driving me crazy. I am crushing quartz with .5 to 1 oz. of gold per ton and after only about 200 lbs. I have to change the chains. There has to be something better that will last longer. I have to stop every 3 buckets just to change chains and talk about slowing the progress down. The other problem I have is that my discharge port is at the bottom and my screen is constantly being torn up. I begin to notice small pieces of rock coming out. At first I stopped everything and changed the screen, but now I have learned to just keep rolling and after I am done with all of the larger rock I then replace the screen and rerun the discharge with the smaller rock pieces. This at least works well. I am thinking that if I get a screen of solid steel maybe 1/16th inch thick that it would last a lot longer.
I'm not sure if it here I mentioned the idea of putting grade 8 bolt & nut on the swinging side to act as a hammer. Then you'd just replace the bolt N nut and could possibly hardface the bolt. Depends on what your wear looks like, is it the end link or where the links are swinging?

I'm not sure if it here I mentioned the idea of putting grade 8 bolt & nut on the swinging side to act as a hammer. Then you'd just replace the bolt N nut and could possibly hardface the bolt. Depends on what your wear looks like, is it the end link or where the links are swinging?

It is the end link. I just bought some 100 grade tie down chain. So maybe along with that I can add the nut and bolt to the end link and have something that will last a while.

It is the end link. I just bought some 100 grade tie down chain. So maybe along with that I can add the nut and bolt to the end link and have something that will last a while.
I would use your 100 chain first .
Hard facing the bolt won't work , the heat will make it like a grade 2-5 bolt and will start to bend and brake off from the impact / hammering .
Then that will tear up your screen area quickly .

Found this video on building an electric motor powered crusher..................


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So once you guys crush this down to 100 mesh like it appears most of these crush to how do you get that fine of gold from the crushed ore? Some friends and I bought a hard rock claim on a whim bought a crusher and now we need the next step. Any help would be appreciated.

So once you guys crush this down to 100 mesh like it appears most of these crush to how do you get that fine of gold from the crushed ore? Some friends and I bought a hard rock claim on a whim bought a crusher and now we need the next step. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm still working on some sort of separation system with out water but not looking to good right now .
I'm also trying to design a small wash plant that would do a food job . My ore I pan out and all my gold is gone and I found I screen down to 30 mesh after crushing and have not lost any gold .
So I am still trying to perfect some sort of system , water works the best but lots of waist and lots of water usage so far.

The ore has to be washed first to ride of the fine dirt / mud then it's easier to separate the gold .

I have access to fabrication (a buddy of mine owns a fabrication shop) so I can get anything put together or built I need.

As PM's have come in I really think I am going to lean to a gold cube. Just have the crusher basically dump the crushed ore right into it. After it exits the gold cube I will have the crushed ore dump into a sluice below it almost like a waterfall and run through there for one last chance at anything that was missed by the gold cube.

There is way to much ore to try any type of chemical removal I think. We have 900 tons of tailings that have visa le gold in every piece we looked at. The stuff they processed back in the day to leave this must have been crazy. What was left in the mine we can get to by hand is better than what is outside but we are going to start with the tailings to figure it out and the. Upgrade from our small crusher when we are out of tailings and go after the big stuff left in the mine

I have access to fabrication (a buddy of mine owns a fabrication shop) so I can get anything put together or built I need. As PM's have come in I really think I am going to lean to a gold cube. Just have the crusher basically dump the crushed ore right into it. After it exits the gold cube I will have the crushed ore dump into a sluice below it almost like a waterfall and run through there for one last chance at anything that was missed by the gold cube. There is way to much ore to try any type of chemical removal I think. We have 900 tons of tailings that have visa le gold in every piece we looked at. The stuff they processed back in the day to leave this must have been crazy. What was left in the mine we can get to by hand is better than what is outside but we are going to start with the tailings to figure it out and the. Upgrade from our small crusher when we are out of tailings and go after the big stuff left in the mine
sounds like one of the old mines I visit . I to will be trying a gold cube , I'll rent it first to test . But the water is a problem out in the desert,
For the a mount of ore the water thickens fairly quick . Working on a water separation system also . I tried it with my trommel but still uses a lot . Good luck and keep posting , maybe one of us can find the way that would be useful .

Yeah we will some of the same water issues though we do have some water on site.

Not to dig up an older thread, but this is a Great Article! GG and others have inspired me to build my own. Lots of great input as what to do and not to do, but I do have some build questions. Most of these chain flail mills shown in this thread are narrow in width. Look at these web sites, and notice how wide the drum is: equipment for sale page 1 - Patriot mining and equipment
Gold Ore Impact Flail Processing Rock Quartz Crush Mill -
Hammer Mills | Hammer Mills for Sale | Gold Mining Equipment | Mt. Baker Mining & Metals
Notice how wide the mill is, does this change how fast the rock is crushed? Or does it change how fine the rock is crushed?
If I build a 14" - 16" tall, but only 4" - 6" wide impact mill, will this still be sufficient? I'm only using this for small runs and sampling, not production.
Silly, I think I just answered why the larger drum! Does the larger drum allow more time and more material to be crushed?
Then if so, a narrower mill would be just fine for small runs and sampling......
Just want to start the build, anxious to get some quartz crushed! Just don't know how wide to build this. Thanks Guys!

I went with 16" X 4" wide .
Used 3/4 shaft x48" have extra pieces cut to make back up parts to have on hand .

I rolled 1/4 " X 4" flat bar to 16" round . Not easy .
My motor came from harbor freight on sale for $119.00 .
I use it for testing and works very well . I drily 3/16 inch holes for exciting on the side in the center .
And welded a shoot over it and the material drops down .
Used 3/8 chain but wears quickly .
Made two clevises and worked flawlessly and ran for aprox 1.5 hours straight with no problems . Checked and found worn 3/4 through .
This last weekend I made 4 chains and added solid metal to the ends of the chains . Worked well . Still haven't checked them yet . Crushes to 200 mesh .
I bought a gold cube and works very well and fairly quick to get the gold out .
Total $600 into the crusher and $300. In the gold cube .
Well worth it for what I do .

I went with 16" X 4" wide .
Used 3/4 shaft x48" have extra pieces cut to make back up parts to have on hand .

At 4" wide and it does the job for you, sounds like a good width. Having spare parts sound like a great idea when far away from the local hardware store!

And welded a shoot over it and the material drops down .

Have seen the photos of your build and like your "screen" idea and the way you welded the ore chute on the side.
I'f you don't mind, I'll use that chute idea on my build. However, I do have some screen that I may install on the side instead of drilling the holes. Your idea of the drilled holes has merit, you'll never need to replace a screen. I guess I'm not sure how I'll address the screen aspect quite yet.

Used 3/8 chain but wears quickly .

I have a few 25ft lengths of 3/8 tie down chain, no cost involved there. So far so good!

Made two clevises and worked flawlessly and ran for aprox 1.5 hours straight with no problems . Checked and found worn 3/4 through .

If it ran that long on your clevises, how long of a run would you get out of just chain?
Or should I ask, how many 5 gal buckets can you run before the chains wear out?

Total $600 into the crusher and $300. In the gold cube .
Well worth it for what I do .

I have a Blue Bowl and a small model Desert Fox type spiral gold wheel that I plan to use for separation, just need something to crush all the quartz I have been accumulating. Have viewed all the photos of your build Jair, and really like the way it went together.
I have an 5hp engine, a stand made, just need to get the bearing blocks, shaft and metal for the crusher body. I have access to old LPG tanks, they may not be very thick, but the 100# tanks are about 14.625" diameter and the smaller 20# tanks are 12.125" diameter. Oh Yea, there are hazards involved in cutting old tanks, but I have done it before.

Thanks for the additional info. Of further interest, is just how long your chains and clevises hold out. A couple of buckets latter and sounds like you need to change the chains out. Guess there is a reason to bring spares.

Chains last in my case 15-20 min of running time with solid Quartz . I seem to spend more time changing the chains then crushing .
It takes me a bought 5 min per bucket of solid Quartz . I run at 4000 rpm . On mine , with drilling holes I welded a steel block just in front of the holes for a impact area and to deflect The rock away from damaging the holes . The centrifugal force blows out the crushed rock when small enough .
And it only takes bought 1-2 seconds to crush one 3" Rock Very quick , and I love that .

I tried my blue bowl , two slow , I also have the desert fox but haven't tried it do go the mud generated ,
The gold cube works good and fast , turned 12 buckets in total of 3 hours and pulled 10 grams of gold .
Still looking for better value of ore . I do have a lot more pictures of the build if you need them .

A wider drum is great for the shop when doing more production but it would add a lot more weight to the already almost too heavy to handle by one man unit for field sampling.

Wider drum means twice the amount of chain plus would require a longer larger diameter shaft, larger size bearings, along with a larger motor with more hp. Could add as much as another 100 lbs. to the overall unit.

The Gold Cube is the fastest way of recovering free milling gold from your powdered ore. However I'm pretty sure you will lose a fair amount of the micro gold unless you are into using mercury, chemicals, froth flotation, etc. and/or other refining methods required to separate gold from sulfide.


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A wider drum is great for the shop when doing more production but it would add a lot more weight to the already almost too heavy to handle by one man unit for field sampling.

Wider drum means twice the amount of chain plus would require a longer larger diameter shaft, larger size bearings, along with a larger motor with more hp. Could add as much as another 100 lbs. to the overall unit.

Have given some thought to that, you're right on there, would have to lift that thing out of the back of the truck all by myself. As far as materials for the build, larger everything....more expense, more weight...more parts to replace..
Just looking for something to bring to the field for small runs. Do you like the crusher you built? Was the size adequate for what you do? GG, you had mentioned in a post, about changing the outlet port for the powdered ore. You had originally had the port on the front cover, where did you move it to? Side or bottom?

The Gold Cube is the fastest way of recovering free milling gold from your powdered ore. However I'm pretty sure you will lose a fair amount of the micro gold unless you are into using mercury, chemicals, froth flotation, etc. and/or other refining methods required to separate gold from sulfide.

Do have free milling gold, but do not have a Gold Cube (lack of funds). Could I run the ore through a sluice box to recover the heavier concentrates and then run that material through a spiral gold wheel? Just trying to make do with the equipment I have on hand. I'm not into recovery methods using any kind of chemicals, however, I do use H2O. :laughing7:

Have given some thought to that, you're right on there, would have to lift that thing out of the back of the truck all by myself. As far as materials for the build, larger everything....more expense, more weight...more parts to replace..
Just looking for something to bring to the field for small runs. Do you like the crusher you built? Was the size adequate for what you do? GG, you had mentioned in a post, about changing the outlet port for the powdered ore. You had originally had the port on the front cover, where did you move it to? Side or bottom?

Do have free milling gold, but do not have a Gold Cube (lack of funds). Could I run the ore through a sluice box to recover the heavier concentrates and then run that material through a spiral gold wheel? Just trying to make do with the equipment I have on hand. I'm not into recovery methods using any kind of chemicals, however, I do use H2O. :laughing7:

The crusher does a great job and I really like it. Have not done anything with the port as yet because it works fine with a vac.
I recommend the way Jair did his port on the side and when I get time I will make that mod on mine.

As far as the sluice goes use vortex mat, That's the same mat as used on the gold cube, just make sure to set the sluice at a 15 degree angle (same angle Gold Cube uses) and it will work fine.


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As far as the sluice goes use vortex mat, That's the same mat as used on the gold cube, just make sure to set the sluice at a 15 degree angle (same angle Gold Cube uses) and it will work fine.


Thanks for the suggestion on the vortex mat. I have an extra 3 foot long sluice that can be used as a dedicated sluice for the powdered ore. It has an old red felt like type of material currently for the matting, about 2 feet long under the riffles. Should I run the vortex mat the whole length? Or use the header portion as the "slick plate"? I do appreciate everybody's suggestions and comments on this build. Having somebody actually build one and work out all the kinks, then post all that information, eliminates a lot of guess work and having to experiment. Can't wait to get the rest of the build material for the drum!

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