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Latest on rock crusher build .
next step .Latest on rock crusher build .
next step . Finally got to crush some rocks . Over 100 mesh . Up to 4" rocks in less the a second . And works better then I thought it would . Big thanks to good guy for posting his build . I did move the out put screen to the side at 90 degrees . Took it off the cover . <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=982140"/> <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=982141"/>
100 mesh is the smallest screen I have and it go's the ought itwhat mesh is it pulverizing to? looks good though.
the holes I drill are 3/16 at 90 degrees from the shaft center .These are some great designs, I have a couple questions - now that you've had time to put some good use on these mills, do the bolts/nuts that hold the chain to the shaft get dinged up enough that it becomes difficult to remove them and replace the chain? Is there any advantage to putting the self cleaning outlet on the side at 90 degrees versus the bottom, or at say 45 degrees? How much tonnage can you run before needing to switch out chains? (I'm trying to figure out if it'd be better to use a big hook or clevis instead, 2 for $5 at HF) How are you attaching the part that holds the chains onto the shaft? Is it just welded on, like mill a flat onto the shaft and weld it onto that? Or are you using collars somehow? Thanks, great thread! I'm planning on building one based off your designs here. edit: oh yeah, also on that self cleaning design that Jair did, I notice the outlet holes are pretty big like 1/8th or 1/4" but the powder is less than 100 mesh. Does the size of the punchplate on the outlet not matter?
the holes I drill are 3/16 at 90 degrees from the shaft center .
I field tested and after an hour I broke off one chain bracket . The weld pulled material from the shaft and I was loading 4 inch rocks . Took home and rewelded adding more weld , three passes . Tested and holds up . But I will be crushing no larger then 3" rocks . It crushes like baby powder . You will still find other sizes but nothing bigger then 30 mess . At least with mine .
The side discharge I think works best for me I don't need any vacuum or generator . Built a tube to connect under and drop in the bucket . The bolts for the chains are nylocks so fare seem to be no problem but yes the chains do take a beetling , I take extra out with it but haven't needed to change any yet .
You guys do good work but I have to tell these flaylers are only good for a little sampling jobs, if you don't mind tramp metals in your values, if you only have small batchs to run a cement mixer with balls will give you a much better grind. just my thoughts on grinding.
not sure on the mixer although I had thought a bout it . But I needed a crusher to take out in the field for testing and move on if nothing found . Trying to put together a quick sampling set up to cover larger areas but still crush large volume of oar to get a better assay of the area . In my neighbor hood it would not be very good for the noise and any dust . But I do have a area I put down pavers for panning and the use of my 12 volt sluices and trommel , gold wheel ect. I think the mixer would do better but more of a set up for stationary area .How long does a cement mixer take to crush up a load to fine power ?
How long does a cement mixer take to crush up a load to fine power ?
I had a 4" flat bar rolled as close to round as possible and had to finish it my self to a 16 " drum . the shaft is as close to center as possible , I used a 3/4 " shaft but may go to 1" if needed , and built 3 spears , As I was building parts . Chain is just 3/8 " tie down chain . 3/16 plat at bottom and one just above the exit holes 3/16 . 90degrees to the right centered to the shaft . I drill mine right into the drum. I clearance the plates after it was all together so there was just enough clearance that the chains don't hit them . So far it works grate . The motor is from harbor freight on sale right now $99 shaft was from hard ware store $9 most steel I had on hand . I got aprox $600 in to it total . Made bolt on legs so I can take it down to put in jeep or trailer to sample with . I tried posting a bunch of pictures for you . Hope it worked . I'm from Washington 13 yeas ago . Now Vegas .Do you have to dry your ore? kinda in a rain forest up here in OR, I built a rocket stove to dry my samples prior to running in small mortor and pestal. Stove works awesome crushing sucks takes forever, recently found a grain grinder Action Mining has them, works with 1/2" drill, also slow. Looking forward to building impact. The pillow blocks I put on my highbanker shaft have a wobble center or self aligning so they don't have to be perfectly true, would something like that help with this mill providing that I kept it to 1/16" clearance? It looks like the hardest part would be shaft alignment and balance. Don't get me wrong not knocking your build, most things I build cost twice as much and work half as good as factory lol.
drill after bending . The holes will change the strength in the material and the holes will be distorted . I crush a lot of different oars to sample and check for values . The flat bar was 74" long and I had a lot of work to do to get it to the 16" diameter needed. But I was a fabricator by trait for years . I love fabricating my own equipment and or changing what I buy to meet my needs . I'm in the desert and do love it .Nice thanks for posting pics. I'm guessing that 4" flat bar was 50 1/4" long before you rolled it? I think that I will drill exit holes before I have it rolled probably easier to jig up. I like that you don't have to replace a screen in your design. How long does it take to go through a 5 gal bucket, guessing again your in limonite though the color of your material is pretty light so rhyolite? That's what we have. Lots of sulfides though, I'm just saving them off to side and will try to figure a way out to roast them later. Thanks again for yours and GGs post, both are awesome.
hardening I'm not sure of . This is the first one I have built , so far so good . If need be I'll weld in several more 3/16 plates to protect the drum but I think it will take a lot of hours hard running to wear it down . In my case I may build a nother with a replaceable bolt on drum and put an extra one on the shelf with my extra parts I have and the ones I will be building for spares .Thanks your right the holes would distort when bent. So is 1/4" flat bar ok, do I need to try to harden it somehow after it is rolled and welded. Thanks again for your advice, have a good one.PS huge meteor shower tomorrow night dont know how your skies will be gonna rain here bummer but they're saying over 200 per hour! Peaks between 11pm and 1 am fri-sat enjoy