geology of ky .

Another cituatlon that could cause 300/400 ft. sea level rise would be slowing of earths rotation . There is a bulge of water around earth at the equator probably a mile deep that is held there by the force of earths rotation. If the earth slows down where will that water go ?? Back toward the poles.. If a comet/asteroid hits the earth at the right angle it will slow the earths rotation and if it's big enough it could stop its rotation.
It wouldn't have to hit in a polar region to slow the rotation. If you are above the North pole and look down on the earth it spins counter clock wise. If a comet/asteroid of the proper size hit at the equator traveling east to west it would slow or possible stop the rotation. With a sudden strike if it stops the rotation oceans will slosh across the land masses the likes of which man has never seen. But there would be few if any left to tell about it

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Another cituatlon that could cause 300/400 ft. sea level rise would be slowing of earths rotation . There is a bulge of water around earth at the equator probably a mile deep that is held there by the force of earths rotation. If the earth slows down where will that water go ?? Back toward the poles.. If a comet/asteroid hits the earth at the right angle it will slow the earths rotation and if it's big enough it could stop its rotation.
It wouldn't have to hit in a polar region to slow the rotation. If you are above the North pole and look down on the earth it spins counter clock wise. If a comet/asteroid of the proper size hit at the equator traveling east to west it would slow or possible stop the rotation. With a sudden strike if it stops the rotation oceans will slosh across the land masses the likes of which man has never seen. But there would be few if any left to tell about it

There are some theories that suggest the Earth's wobble was caused by an ancient impact or a near miss with a massive object. Others think its a result of the mass of the core vs the mass of the outer crust. I have also read that the Earth is not a perfect sphere but more like a ball with a weight placed at the poles causing it to bulge at/near the equator. This could be caused by the force of the spin and/or the magnetic effects of the poles. You are about 13 miles closer to the center (core) of Earth at the poles than at the equator if I remember correctly.

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Watch the video...

I watched the whole video. And yes I agree with the video and what has been done over the years. Myself, I believe that was what the Flood of Noah was all about to destroy these giants that had descended from the 70 Angels that was suppose to watch over mankind by order of God. But these 70 Angels mated (for lack of a better word) with the women of mankind and formed the giants in the Earth in those days. Even the Holy Bible tells us that there were giants in the Earth in those days. Whether any survived, I do not know? But I do know some of their genes survived whether through and by the sons of Noah or their wives. I do know that the Wife of Noah was descended from Cain.

Right interesting to believe that this gene survived through one of the lost tribes of Israel, Dan. I do believe this type of belief into whether or not giants existed is suppressed by governments of the World today and for hundreds of years. Our governments want us to forget about this part of mankind's past, but I for one search things out until I come to my own conclusions.

Sounds like you have read the Book of Enoch? Specifically chapters 6-10? Not much is spoken of him in the Old Testament.

The Book of Enoch Online

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I am one that believes Noah's Flood and the many events spoke of in the Bible had a great deal to do with the way our earth is today. Seems the more they work at proving that there is no god, is the more evidence they find that god is very real. Think of it like this, in any catastrophy you see the first thing you here anyone say is OH MY GOD !!!! I heard a fellow say one time that there was no atheist on a plane that was about to crash, that everyone was praying.

They also say there are no atheists in foxholes either. It is funny, if you talk to a physicist about creation and he will go on and on about the big bang and that everything in the universe came from a particle the size of the period at the end of this sentence. When you ask them where that particle came from, they tell you...umm...well...(ahem) it was always there. They have no proof for that large leap of logic...they take it on "faith" that it is true. So, to them, believing in an unproven/unproveable particle always having been there is ok, but to believe and have faith in a higher power is not scientific and has no place? That makes no sense to me.


They also say there are no atheists in foxholes either. It is funny, if you talk to a physicist about creation and he will go on and on about the big bang and that everything in the universe came from a particle the size of the period at the end of this sentence. When you ask them where that particle came from, they tell you...umm...well...(ahem) it was always there. They have no proof for that large leap of logic...they take it on "faith" that it is true. So, to them, believing in an unproven/unproveable particle always having been there is ok, but to believe and have faith in a higher power is not scientific and has no place? That makes no sense to me.


This is the basic root of the current argument between science and religion. Sadly science is approaching the cusp by entering into genetic editing, trying to be god-like they will destroy us.

The more research the do trying to prove there is no god is the more proof they find there is one. Funny isn't it??

I have never seen an atheist yet that did not call up on the Lord in his time of need or pain. You ever seen an atheist hit his hand with a hammer? First words out of his mouth, "Oh Lordy" I, myself do not have to take anything on faith. I can prove beyond a shadow of doubt that God exist. But I will not get into that now. I have to become a member to get on another thread to talk about religion. So we will have to leave it at that.

Yes, KY Hiker, I have read that book many times. I have also read the books of Nicodemus, Judas, Phillip and the writings of Josepheus, Maccabees I and II, Books of the Apocalypse and just about any other books that have been translated into English. Does not make me any better than anyone else, just better informed.

I do believe the Tribe of Dan which is mentioned in the Cremona Document and the Templar Documents prove that they came over to the North America continent about 600 BC. The Indian mounds in Kentucky and their fortifications still testify of this. The Melungeons and the ManDan Indians are Indian Tribes and people that have descended from them. That is why all of the pottery, carving on rocks and other Templar and Roman artifacts that are being found. If one checked within 30 miles of these fortifications in Kentucky, Ohio and on the Islands in the Ohio River between the two territories you may very well find the Lost Silver Mines of Jonathan Swift.

I have a good idea where the rich mines are located but I have never gotten the time to check it out. I found it in documents of the writings of the Continental Congress.

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This is probably not the place to drop this, but I didn't think a new thread was necessary. I think this may help those who have come across signs/symbols/carvings and what they may mean. Sacred geometry is something that has been with us for thousands of years. This video discusses how some of it is created and some of this may be classified as Masonic or Templar in its nature. You may be able to take from this class and apply it to maps, drawings or carvings found and it may shed light onto a part that has you stumped. I'll try to post more as I go through my watched list on YouTube.

A link to more videos

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Then there are the guys that read paintings and get weirdness by locating shapes on Google Earth. Check out the section on Treasure Leads....the spear of destiny is a convoluted thing but hey who knows.

There is a lot of symbology used in the arts of old. Ever looked at the details of tarot cards? They look odd at first, then the details reveal some of the symbolism and hidden meanings. The spear, the grail and the pieces or parts of the true cross are relics that have been pursued for centuries. There is no way to authenticate any of them if they were found, and I doubt they contain any 'magic' that so many assume they have. The power comes through the spirit, not through physical items in my mind.

In Wolfe County, KY there is a fault line called the Glen Cairn and Pine Ridge fault. Pine Ridge rises between the Lower Devil's Creek drain system and the Swift Camp Creek drain system. Over which I suspect was an Indian Trace passing through and up Swift Camp Creek.

Interesting that there is an oil field right over the same area as the Pine Ridge fault. The ridge forms a rise between the drain running South to the KY river (Lower Devils Creek) and (Swift Camp Creek) running North to the Red river.
link to topo map pan/zoom in for detail.

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Unexplained or unexpected geology like silver in KY, could be explained by ancient impacts by comets or meteors into the 'shallow sea' of old that covered the region.


There is much that science ignores, OOPArts and the like.

Get past the first 5min of this video to see good up close video ...


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Comets dusting our atmosphere with biological organisms and much more discussion.


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