geology of ky .

Another recent theory about snow ball earth maybe earth was covered by ice like Antarctica and it ground off much of the craters and mountains and volcano tops. from news page:[h=2]Serendipity in suspicious sediments[/h]The geochemical evidence is powerful, but chance discussions at a recent scientific conference made each future coauthor realize that there’s even more to the story.
For one thing, “around 600 to 700 million years ago, Earth loses its craters,” notes study coauthor Bill Bottke, a planetary scientist and asteroid expert at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Some ancient craters still exist on stable continental cores named cratons, but they are few and far between. (Recently, a city-size impact crater was found under the ice in Greenland.)

What is currently being discussed in the 'out of mainstream' scientific community nowadays is breathtaking. Not directly connected to geology, but of extreme interest to me... A layer of our atmosphere where airborne virus's exist in high concentration. As they fall closer to the surface of Earth they warm and reanimate. Comets (and their tails) contain ice populated with organisms that cause genetic mutation. As the Earth passes through the path of one of these tails these organisms enter Earth's atmosphere. Some survive and fall to Earth's surface, causing plagues...flu, or just genetic mutations to certain plants or animals. Comets may contain the basis seeding life, or mutation of life throughout our solar system and beyond. Not to mention the havoc they can do when parts or all of them enter our atmosphere at 30,000 mph.

Wow, sounds like science fiction a few years ago!

I do have a little problem with some of if the comets are seeding the galaxy or universe. How did they get the "seed"?

They are always trying to take God's part of the equation out of figuring how it all happened. I don't know how or why he put us on this terrestrial ball but its easier to believe he did than a lot of those theories. And I don't know when he did it or why the geology is they way he made it - or let it happen. Not debating geology cause I am very interested in it...just the "newer/younger earth" theories are very practical too..not enough silt at the mouth of the Amazon and other major rivers, magnetic field dissipation, salt in the ocean, all kind s of things that point to the earth being younger than some of the theories. Love to consider them though!

What is currently being discussed in the 'out of mainstream' scientific community nowadays is breathtaking. Not directly connected to geology, but of extreme interest to me... A layer of our atmosphere where airborne virus's exist in high concentration. As they fall closer to the surface of Earth they warm and reanimate. Comets (and their tails) contain ice populated with organisms that cause genetic mutation. As the Earth passes through the path of one of these tails these organisms enter Earth's atmosphere. Some survive and fall to Earth's surface, causing plagues...flu, or just genetic mutations to certain plants or animals. Comets may contain the basis seeding life, or mutation of life throughout our solar system and beyond. Not to mention the havoc they can do when parts or all of them enter our atmosphere at 30,000 mph.
Sounds like “The Andromeda Strain”

out of mainstream scientific community , concerning layer of atmosphere where viruses are supposed to exist until proven i don,t believe it , considering the out of mainstream theroists may be persuaded to put this out there to cover chemtrails the dark state would do this as you know it has been proven that is what they are spreading [viruses and deasease ] thank god it hasent been very succesful

Wearing my Tin-Foil Hat, NOW! SOMETHING is gonna happen, SOON!

Wow, sounds like science fiction a few years ago!

I do have a little problem with some of if the comets are seeding the galaxy or universe. How did they get the "seed"?

They are always trying to take God's part of the equation out of figuring how it all happened. I don't know how or why he put us on this terrestrial ball but its easier to believe he did than a lot of those theories. And I don't know when he did it or why the geology is they way he made it - or let it happen. Not debating geology cause I am very interested in it...just the "newer/younger earth" theories are very practical too..not enough silt at the mouth of the Amazon and other major rivers, magnetic field dissipation, salt in the ocean, all kind s of things that point to the earth being younger than some of the theories. Love to consider them though!

There will always be more questions to answer...and some we'll never be able to answer. I think when science stopped studying God's creation and turned their backs toward God (to prove he doesn't exist) is when they got lost. Maybe God is a terra-former...?...maybe he took this ball of clay and made it into what he wanted it to be through external influences? Rogue comets rushing from the center of the galaxy and passing through our solar system every 12,000 years or so? The Earth's great year is an interesting study too. The Younger Dryas period could have been influenced by a major impact? Randall Carlson (a master mason) has some very interesting theories...

Cultures all over the world have flood stories and some have firestorm stories. Legends of fiery dragons in the sky are thought by many modern scientists as meteors or comets entering the atmosphere. The great Chicago fire is a possible instance, did you know there were MASSIVE firestorms and wildfires in Wisconsin and Michigan on the same night Chicago burned?


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out of mainstream scientific community , concerning layer of atmosphere where viruses are supposed to exist until proven i don,t believe it , considering the out of mainstream theroists may be persuaded to put this out there to cover chemtrails the dark state would do this as you know it has been proven that is what they are spreading [viruses and deasease ] thank god it hasent been very succesful

After watching footage of B-17s in flight at 32,000ft on their way to Germany, I can tell you right now those chemtrails are nothing but contrails caused by pressure disturbance over the wing in a very cold, low oxygen atmosphere in combination with exhaust gases.

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I am one that believes Noah's Flood and the many events spoke of in the Bible had a great deal to do with the way our earth is today. Seems the more they work at proving that there is no god, is the more evidence they find that god is very real. Think of it like this, in any catastrophy you see the first thing you here anyone say is OH MY GOD !!!! I heard a fellow say one time that there was no atheist on a plane that was about to crash, that everyone was praying.

I am one that believes Noah's Flood and the many events spoke of in the Bible had a great deal to do with the way our earth is today. Seems the more they work at proving that there is no god, is the more evidence they find that god is very real. Think of it like this, in any catastrophy you see the first thing you here anyone say is OH MY GOD !!!! I heard a fellow say one time that there was no atheist on a plane that was about to crash, that everyone was praying.

I agree on your points. God sent the flood....the question I am considering and that may never be answered is...did God send the comet/asteroid that caused the flood? Because if a comet/asteroid hit either of the polar regions there would certainly be a huge flood and a 300-400ft rise in world ocean levels.

I agree on your points. God sent the flood....the question I am considering and that may never be answered is...did God send the comet/asteroid that caused the flood? Because if a comet/asteroid hit either of the polar regions there would certainly be a huge flood and a 300-400ft rise in world ocean levels.

Yes he sent what ever came our way. It's his plan and we are but puppets on a stage. It wont take a comet/asteroid hitting earth to raise ocean levels 300-400 ft. just a pole shift of say 30 -40 degrees. It would happen much faster if a comet/asteroid hits, but it doesn't have to hit. I figure that sometime in the future ocean levels will rise to 600-700 ft above present day.

sounds like somebody needs to do a little more research on chemtrails

Yes he sent what ever came our way. It's his plan and we are but puppets on a stage. It wont take a comet/asteroid hitting earth to raise ocean levels 300-400 ft. just a pole shift of say 30 -40 degrees. It would happen much faster if a comet/asteroid hits, but it doesn't have to hit. I figure that sometime in the future ocean levels will rise to 600-700 ft above present day.

One thing man will one day figure out God can make anything happen He wants to. You can explain sea levels rising 300 or 400 feet but how can you explain "Noah's Ark" sitting 14,000 feet upon the side of Mount Ararat?

Sorry, as I have said before... I just don't do the Black Helicopter stuff. I find it a bit over the edge. If someone provides legit research and evidence I am willing to listen. Crop dusting is not chemical trails and what you see in the sky on a sunny day are contrails not chemtrails. Interestingly, my spell check won't accept chemtrail as a word either.
I don't wear a foil hat so the government can't control my mind, the Illuminati are not controlling the world, believe it or not, most conspiracy theories are just that, theories...I have mentioned this before but I will say it again. There is a S**T TON of information out there, unfortunately much of it is misinformation, conjecture, people pushing their own agenda and urban legends. If the US highway system was like the information highway (web) and every road sign was a chunk of information, you would see cars; off the road...slammed into trees... off ramps to no where...signs leading you in all directions including the direction you wish to go. Its up to each of us to decide which signs are correct and which ones are Bravo Sierra.
Like that famous TV show of the 90s said...'the truth is out there'... what does that infer? It infers 'the truth is not in here' meaning the show.

We will just have to agree to disagree on some things, we all have our own convictions, beliefs and stubborn habits/thoughts to deal with. We are all different and imperfect, that is a good thing!

One thing man will one day figure out God can make anything happen He wants to. You can explain sea levels rising 300 or 400 feet but how can you explain "Noah's Ark" sitting 14,000 feet upon the side of Mount Ararat?

I personally never try to explain God, I ponder Him, I wonder at His works, and I thank Him daily. As far as your comment, I cannot explain the sea levels rising 300-400ft or how the remains of a large ship are found on the side of a mountain. But I do listen to theories of how mountains are pushed up over time, our planets climate changes constantly and sometimes abruptly, sometimes gradually. Those trying to prove these theories gather evidence to convince people their theory is fact. Have you ever wondered why they don't also gather the evidence disproving their theory? Because everyone has an agenda! A true or 'pure' scientist will gather ALL evidence, make a deduced conclusion and produce a theory on all the evidence. Much too often, the scientific method is reversed and we get junk science.

Here is an example, in this video he states at the beginning "...all the vectors the theoretical possibility that giants once existed..."

...but not all vectors point that way, just the ones he has chosen to put into his presentation. This is not scientific, this is someone presenting his conclusions based on the date/facts he has collected to help bring people to his side of an argument. Personally I think it is possible if not probable that giant people existed, but I am not trying to convince people to think the same way. I place many of these videos on here so that others can explore different ideas and come to their own conclusions on their own terms.

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I read one book where there was a mass grave cemetery of giants somewhere on the plains in Oklahoma I believe. They said there was 30 acres with over 300 giants buried to each acre of ground. All buried sitting up. Now if we have 10,000 giant graves why can not a couple of them be placed on display. I have heard some of the giants are 8 to 12 feet tall. So where has all of this evidence been gathered to and where has all of it gone to. They say the mounds up and down the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio River has hundreds of mounds of these giants where are any of the skeletons. I have seen large mounds in the Kanawaha Valley over 300 feet long and about 50 feet high. Where is any of these skeletons today? I know the fortifications are in Kentucky, the Mastodons are there and other pre-historic skeletons but I want to see the giant humans.

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