GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Hola amigos,

I would like to hear more about those 'little people' encountered, any particulars that might be remembered, if that person still follows this thread.

To anyone who does not believe it possible that there could be "little people" - just look at the recent discovery of the "human Hobbits" in Indonesia, which stood all of three feet tall, hunted pygmy pachyderms and giant komodo lizards, or the incredibly small human mummies found in Wyoming years ago - one was nicknamed "Pedro" and stood a whopping 14 inches tall! The second one was even shorter! If you don't want to "believe" that doesn't bother me, however I would like to hear more details on the encounter and keep the door open to possibilities. Thank you in advance,

Oroblanco <has photos of 'Pedro' - including an X-ray, making the "hoax" theory fail>

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Oroblanco said:
Hola amigos,

I would like to hear more about those 'little people' encountered, any particulars that might be remembered, if that person still follows this thread.

To anyone who does not believe it possible that there could be "little people" - just look at the recent discovery of the "human Hobbits" in Indonesia, which stood all of three feet tall, hunted pygmy pachyderms and giant komodo lizards, or the incredibly small human mummies found in Wyoming years ago - one was nicknamed "Pedro" and stood a whopping 14 inches tall! The second one was even shorter! If you don't want to "believe" that doesn't bother me, however I would like to hear more details on the encounter and keep the door open to possibilities. Thank you in advance,

Oroblanco <has photos of 'Pedro' - including an X-ray, making the "hoax" theory fail>

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

A number of years ago I was in contact with a Federal Government lifer working in Denver regarding obtaining aerial photos with certain geophysical satellite enhancements. Pretty nerdy topic and the guy was a real techie, soft spoken, polite, calm, no-nonsence. Like talking to Mr. Rogers. He methodically solved the problem I called him about (too expensive for my blood as it turned out).

During our conversation I made an offhand, rather flippant comment about the glowing flourescent green mountain lion that has been seen near the illusive 'hot cave' entrance to the cavern system on Santo Nino de Atocha mountain where Estavanico and Marcos de Niza allegedly made their discovery ca 1539 (off-topic here). He said, "Yes, I know there are some strange things out in the hills". Me, being curious and all, and open-minded (I've seen Big Bird myself in the Cookes Range in SW New Mexico - I posted that story a few years ago), I answered, "Oh?" Then he told me his experience with the 'little ones'.

He was elk hunting with his son in the big mountains in Colorado years ago. They found themselves on a well-used game trail and decided to follow it. At a certain point they looked ahead and saw several elk coming towards them on the trail, a couple hundred feet away and closing. They were surprised and just stopped and watched. As the elk got closer, they both got 'sleepy' and 'sort of froze'. The elk kept coming straight at them, and finally began to pass them on the trail, barely noticing the people. As they were passing, the guy said he saw, 'very clearly, without a question', that the elk were being ridden bareback by 'little people'. The riders could only be seen from periphial vision he said. "When you looked straight at them, you couldn't see them. But if you looked at them from the side with your periphial vision, they were quite visible." As the herd passed (a dozen or so, as I recall the story), he switched his gaze from direct to periphial several times and each time saw the little people. After the elk passed, he and his son (who also saw the riders), no longer had that 'sleepy' feeling. As a scientist, this guy rationalized that whatever these little people were, they seemed to be mostly undetectable to human vision, but apparently not completely. The conversation ended, he thanked me for the call, asked me to call back if I needed anymore satellite information and said goodby.

A couple weeks later, out of the blue, I received a book in the mail from him - America BC, by Barry Fell, with a note, "You might like this". That's the last time I've heard from the guy.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Grizzly Bare: is the same rocky face as in the battle of resaca ga?

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

I live in Georgia and this is the first time I have heard to these woodland spirit "little people" things. Makes me want to check them out.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

txconservative said:
I know this topic hasn't been open for quite some time now, but I must say this... Just because you are not there to witness any of these things doesn't mean you have to be such a buzz kill to someone else who is just merely stating their story and experiences. I can sit here and tell you many things I have seen/witnessed in my life time and really could care less if you believe me or not. Keep your opinions to yourself. Perhaps you should research these happenings and have an open mind about things.

The future governor is not only pretty but very intelligent. :notworthy:

I would almost move to texas, just so I could vote for you. :icon_thumleft:

It's a real shame that some good post get disrupted because of closed minds.

A open mind is like an acorn that grows into a might oak.

A closed mind is just another nut.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

NaturalJWL said:
txconservative said:
I know this topic hasn't been open for quite some time now, but I must say this... Just because you are not there to witness any of these things doesn't mean you have to be such a buzz kill to someone else who is just merely stating their story and experiences. I can sit here and tell you many things I have seen/witnessed in my life time and really could care less if you believe me or not. Keep your opinions to yourself. Perhaps you should research these happenings and have an open mind about things.

The future governor is not only pretty but very intelligent. :notworthy:

I would almost move to texas, just so I could vote for you. :icon_thumleft:

It's a real shame that some good post get disrupted because of closed minds.

A open mind is like an acorn that grows into a might oak.

A closed mind is just another nut.

Haha thank you ! :)

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Is this the same Rocky Face outside of Dalton? I found lots of arrowheads in this area growing up there, i also camped n explored the cliffs on the backside of this mountain. JT, how can u believe in one thing u have never seen or have scientific proof of yet ridicule n discount others?

The little people may have existed. But the Gold Treasure story is false. If you follow real newspaper accounts that appearred at the time, you will see that the waterhose guys family owned a Hotel that was about to close up due to no one staying there.

My buddy and I explored all over RFR last month. It's beautiful up there and the view is magnificent. Nothing unusual other than an abandoned jeep in one of the valleys that we couldn't figure out how it got there. ALso paid our respect to Mr. Disney's grave and explored the confederate entrenchments. Found a couple caves but no little people bothered us that day.



It is Cherokee GOLD on RFM; "little ppl" are REAL! "Google" Cherokee "Little People"...

NOW! "Google" Cherokee GOLD on Rocky Face Mountain, GA... GOLD!

I have seen cave

how serious are you?

The little people may have existed. But the Gold Treasure story is false. If you follow real newspaper accounts that appearred at the time, you will see that the waterhose guys family owned a Hotel that was about to close up due to no one staying there.
Funny that this should all come up about ---- Little People and Cherokee Lore Last night on Coast 2 Coast there was a piece about THE LITTLE PEOPLE IN NC , Here is a link to last nights show summary Interesting considering the topic here After-Death Communications - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Rebel not to sure how frequently you go to C2C but the first hour is not the prime topic you can read the first hour summary and hit any links for more info Never heard them do a KGC piece Might be interesting for you to contact them or even LC too would make an interesting show

My family settled at Rocky Face Ridge in 1840. Their homestead is a place called The Huricane Cove at the foot of Dug Gap. The next cove down the ridge is called Red Wine Cove. During the Winter of 1863-64' , Joe Johnston had 72,000 members of The Army of Tennessee camped on RFR. Sam Watkins in his famed book does not mention any little people. Company ( H ) Aytch it !

The Waterhouse Plantation is at the intersection of Ga.225 and Ga.2 , Mr. Waterhouse owned The Cleveland National Bank in Cleve , Tn. , he fled to Ohio when the civil war broke out and returned after the war. I have lived here all my life and first detected in 1977 and never in my life heard of any of this. But a Cherokee Gold Treasure could be true. Little people is a bunch of b.s.

Rebel not to sure how frequently you go to C2C but the first hour is not the prime topic you can read the first hour summary and hit any links for more info Never heard them do a KGC piece Might be interesting for you to contact them or even LC too would make an interesting show

NOT interested; LC can do it... GOOD for his upcoming SERIES of books!

So you were attempting to cold blood murder these short guys?

And you are the one who is worried about those hills?

Well friend,
Twenty-three years ago I went looking for this treasure. Didn't have a detector but I had some idea where the Cherokees had hidden their treasure.(old family tales) I haven't had a drink simce I came down from that ridge, and I swear to you if you go there be on the lookout for the little people.
No I don't do drugs either. I am more than 50 years old and have been a decent member of my church for most of my life and my friends will tell you I don't lie any more than most people, and I tell you I saw something on that ridge and more than once. About noon of my first day I began to feel that something was watching me. I spent 5 years in Viet Nam and know that crawling feeling when a body isn't alone. I felt it on that ridge. I know a few tricks myownself so I did a bit of dazzling deception and made it seem that I was where I wasn't. Before too long two little fellows about 3 feet tall come stealing through the woods looking for me. I had a .30 caliber with me and I thought about taking home some trophies, but just as I upped with my rifle, another little fellow just popped up from right beside me and put his hand on the barrell of my gun and pushed it down. In the next three seconds I swallowed my chew and peed all over myself. I'm not a fast man but I got off that ridge about as quickly as anyone could. When I got down to the little town at the bottom of the ridge I did some checking with some of the oldsters in town and found out I wasn't the only fool to see these things on the ridge. They told me the Cherokee name for them but I can't remember it. It meant something like spirit watchers.
I know this is a long post and I don't expect you or anyone else to believe me, but if you go there TAKE A GOOD FRIEND WITH YOU AND KEEP AN EYE IN ALL DIRECTIONS.

Good luck.
grizzly bare

2nd point of congruity in two journals was the tale of finding cave. While on a hunt the dogs followed something into a hole. The men started to try to dig out what they thought was a raccoon. After 10 minutes they had opened a hole into a cave. They made torches out of pine knots and branches and went into the cave. The two journals disagree about who found the meandering tunnel out of the cave but agree that Waterhouse had two of the men go outside and gather either "an armful" or "enough to last all day and night" of torches. The men followed the inside tunnel for approximately 45 minutes before they found the main cavern with the stacks of bars. 9inches by 9inches by 6 feet. for the most part. others were half as long and a few were either shorter or smaller in size. 8 of the smallest were picked up by the 7 men and carried out of the cave as proof that they had found something. Hours later one of the men (journals differ) remembered a legend of gold in the mountains. Mullins pulled his 'copper' bar from his haversack and used his hunting knife to stroke or slice the sheath off and exposed the gold underneath. Strange tale to put in a journal if it isn't true.

9inches by 9inches by 6 feet, lemmie see, that comes to over 3 tons each. How many guys carried that into the cave? If the 'smallest' ones were only a foot long, they would be 670 pounds each. How do you carry that out of a cave?

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