Future feature on metal detectors


Jr. Member
Dec 29, 2004
What do you think is going to be the next new feature the Metal detector has to offer??? Is is going to be enabled with GPS services... a helmet with video and audio and probably night vision... What do you think is next or if their is someone who knows please tell.... and how much is it going to cost is the million dollar question... Thanks I really like this forum and all it has helped me with and all the good people here too, yea even you onionhead.... just kidding i think here recently you have been a real inspiration to all of us old and new.....KEEP IT UP......


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I think that a Klingon cloaking device would be nice. Wouldn't have ta ansewr the same stupid question ( What are you doin? Did you find any treasuer? )over & over again.Spotz

And just think of the looks on the faces when they see plugs of grass just floating around and then putting themselves back in the holes!

I would prefer the Star Trek transporter beam, to transporrt the coin or ring from the ground to my pocket. But I would gladly settle for Inspector Gadget type robot arms that pop out of the detector and dig the target for us!

That works for me. I could have use that attachment today at the river beach. Found another 34 coins & a ton of junk. Nothin special. It is always great to get out though. Spotz

What I WISH is for a detector that , at the very least, could tell you if an object was a round shape. THAT would make me happy. ;D

Maybe someone can help me, I am looking for information on a metal detector made in South America, it is a metal box about 6"x 8" x 4" with a small antenna that looks like a satilite dish on top of it.I believe it swivels on the handle. The one I saw was blue in color but was an old one. I understand the more modern ones are red. It is suppose to be a very good for distance, and discrimiating.and pin pointing . I would like any info anyone has like: Name of manufacturerand how to contact them. pspope

Not sure myself but I would bet you will get a good answer from one of the veterans on this forum. You might want to post this question under the catagory of metal detecting and start a new topic with it, that way more will see your question. Sorry I couldnt help


8) I could see a use for a bracket that would hold my GPS on the MD. You could mark waypoints as you make good finds, down load the waypoints to mapsource and it would tell you were your most productive areas are. It would work better at the beach since there would be better reception. And if things got slow you could check out the local Geocaches.

I would like to see a feature that will absolutly, positivily, every time ignore pull tabs and shards of aluminum ...forever!!! >:( >:( >:(

how about metal detecting shoes, so u can walk and MD at the same time! Or an auto digger that would dig it right out of the ground-then cover up the hole! Or maybe just a metal detecting shovel, so u only have to carry one thing. If they cant do that, then they can at least make good sturdy fold up shovels...

Shoot, every time I put the DD 1400 coil on the detector my arm gets worn out. I couldn't imagine having all these gadgets on a detector. I would only be able to swing the thing for 2 minutes before my arm would fall off.
We'd all look like Popeye, but only one arm would be huge.

piratepete said:
how about metal detecting shoes, so u can walk and MD at the same time!?
It's aready available, I saw it somewhere on the net once.
I remember it being a device you attach to your shoe.

I bought a pair of cheapo Everlast sneakers and they have no metal in them at all... I think I paid like 8 bucks for them at Walmart or K-Mart for them...

A metal detector rover. Yah, you know those automated lawn mower robots? Well, just modify one of those with a metal detector on it, have it record GPS data on exact location for targets, and all other data on the target, and while it's still roving and collecting data, you can be checking a separate handheld device which relays thetarget list. Then, just dig while the rover keeps doing its thing.

Ok, I got one.

I think everyone can relate to this one!
I'd like to see better discrim on them so you can identify the famous PULL TAB exactly everytime without loosing any gold items in the process!

For all I know there are units out there right now that can do this,......if anyone knows of one let me know! I'll get one!


Here you go :)

Along with the discrim upgrade there could be a built in "vaporizer beam" so you could exactly identify the tab, pinpoint it, and then press a button and shoot a laser beam at it and vaporize the little b**tard ;D

It would never be a problem again ;D


Say the person above was looking for a particular machine with a box and pin point? Well was he talking of the Scan Master? Locates treasure from distances away wuith three to choose by.

Also for the future metal detector?
I would like to see holder for our digger on the arm of the detecor..Because It gets hard when you have to bend your arm way back to your back pocket to get your hand digger..!!!!!!
Or like I do duck tape a pocket on your leg so you can put your hand digger on your leg...And that sucks because when it is warm and you get wet from mud and sweat the duck tape puts sticky duck tape crud on your jeans and it is hard to get off!!!
Lets do some James Bond stuff on these so it is easy to get your stuff. Ok folks!!!! I hope I did not poisen myself.I opened up a can of soda and took a sip and OHHHHHHH yuk!!! it was like drinking oil or someting terrible..I dumped it!!!Now my stomack is starting to hurt....If I get sick I am keeping that can so the doctors can do a lab test on it...WOW!!!!!I can see the future...I see MONEY!!!!!!!!!

Hey a man just won a Bounty Humter oevr $745.00 on ......The Price Is Right!!! Good Going Bob Barker...Stand with all of us Sir!

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