funny things people have shouted at you

Plug cutter

Jr. Member
Aug 1, 2012
Nashville TN
Detector(s) used
Garret At Pro, Pro pin pointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
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I'm a small, 70-year old grandma. Was detecting in serene location behind library, sun shining, lovely tall old stone wall on one side of dirt path, grassy strip with orange and yellow wildflowers on the other side, then a slope to a shady creek ravine. Birds singing, sun shining, strolling passersby smiling when they saw me detecting in the sparse grass right next to the path. I was in happy dream state, having dug up my first partial pocket watch and several coins. Suddenly a stout middle-aged man stormed down the path and screamed at me, "What the h*** are you doing?!" I just stared at his flaming red face and then chose to say nothing. Getting no response, he left. Not only did it startle me and raise my blood pressure, it made me mad. After a while, I realized that the guy must be stuck in his miserable inner life! Nobody else has ever yelled at me! HH to all. Andi

Was detecting at a very populated beach. A little boy (about 4 or so) came up and asked what I was doing. Told him I was hunting for bottle caps (that's all I was finding that day). He said okay and left. About 10 minutes later, he comes up to me, pulls on my shirt to get my attention and very shyly opens his hand and said, "I found some for you"...plastic bottle caps. Priceless! (I gave him 25 cents for his help). :happysmiley:


AC1955 said:
Was detecting at a very populated beach. A little boy (about 4 or so) came up and asked what I was doing. Told him I was hunting for bottle caps (that's all I was finding that day). He said okay and left. About 10 minutes later, he comes up to me, pulls on my shirt to get my attention and very shyly opens his hand and said, "I found some for you"...plastic bottle caps. Priceless! (I gave him 25 cents for his help). :happysmiley:


That is the funniest md story I have read :lol:

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AC1955 said:
Was detecting at a very populated beach. A little boy (about 4 or so) came up and asked what I was doing. Told him I was hunting for bottle caps (that's all I was finding that day). He said okay and left. About 10 minutes later, he comes up to me, pulls on my shirt to get my attention and very shyly opens his hand and said, "I found some for you"...plastic bottle caps. Priceless! (I gave him 25 cents for his help). :happysmiley:


What a great story ! I can picture the little boy standing there . Gotta wipe my eyes now laughed till I cried .

I made the mistake and told a little boy i was looking for rocks, well he came back and showed me a handful he had found.

Oh thats a cool Gieger Counter. You can come through my yard with it if you want.

My favorite thing to say when some asks what I'm doing is "Minding my own business why don't you try it".

Been asked many times what I was doing. My favorite reply is, "I lost my mind, but I'm sure I'll find it."

Told some noise old guy that was watching me for an hour when he asked what I was doing I replied trying to ignore u couldn't u tell

I was wading along in knee deep water and a guy asked me wasnt I going to get eletrocuted...I was walking across the beach to get to the water and a guy sitting with three girls said theres a quarter right over there. I said you need to go pick it up and buy yourself something to eat because your looking kinda skinny. He just sat there as I kept walking and never said another word...a woman asked what I was finding and I told her pulltabs and pennies. She said your finding panties? I said no pennies, pennies...we both started laughing like crazy.

Night time, old school. Some traffic going to and fro. Big SUV with some big girls in it stop for red light, I know they are lookin at me. Headphones on, I am ignoring them, my back toward them. One says Hey! I can hear her, but I ignore. She yells Hey You!. I can hear them giggling and laughing they sounded smashed. I ignore, keep tecting. HEY YOU, WITH THE METAL DETECTOR!!!. That was it, I took the phones off, turned around and saw the blonde beasty, and said WHAT! She hollers "YOU WANNA F@#&?" Well they all just burst out laughing, all guffawing in hysterics,which I found hysterical myself so I burst out laughing too, it amused me how they thought they were so funny and clever, but they were just rude trash. Then I gave them the finger and yelled "Go **** YOURSELF!!!!". That pretty much stopped the laughing. For them. I was laughing out loud. The light turned green and I was rolling on the grass laughing my arse off as they gassed it outa there. That was the night I found the McCormick token, a night I will not soon forget.

I was at a coin site near a small village in S. Korea. I was moving some rocks, and had dug a few coins. An old Korean grandma came up the trail, looked at
what I was doing, and thanked me for cleaning up the area.
Another time, I was hiking.....had not found a site yet, but had stopped and was resting. Saw several Korean folks hunting mushrooms and wild ginseng.....
then the man saw me. He stopped.....said something in Korean which I didn't hear, and the 2 females ducked behind some trees. He then came on down
the trail, asked me what I was doing, and I told him. Then I went into my pack and got out a Pepsi...offered it to him. He saw I was harmless and called to the 2 females he had warned. They came on down, and we sat and drank a Pepsi together.....and he showed me a nice mess of wild ginseng that he had in
his "finds" bag. (A foreignor is the last person the hikers are expecting to see way up in the mts.

gleaner1 said:
Night time, old school. Some traffic going to and fro. Big SUV with some big girls in it stop for red light, I know they are lookin at me. Headphones on, I am ignoring them, my back toward them. One says Hey! I can hear her, but I ignore. She yells Hey You!. I can hear them giggling and laughing they sounded smashed. I ignore, keep tecting. HEY YOU, WITH THE METAL DETECTOR!!!. That was it, I took the phones off, turned around and saw the blonde beasty, and said WHAT! She hollers "YOU WANNA F@#&?" Well they all just burst out laughing, all guffawing in hysterics,which I found hysterical myself so I burst out laughing too, it amused me how they thought they were so funny and clever, but they were just rude trash. Then I gave them the finger and yelled "Go **** YOURSELF!!!!". That pretty much stopped the laughing. For them. I was laughing out loud. The light turned green and I was rolling on the grass laughing my arse off as they gassed it outa there. That was the night I found the McCormick token, a night I will not soon forget.

Lmfao!!!! You passed that offer gleaner??? C'mon...tell us the did the night really end??? LMAOOO

My favorite one is one I get pretty often. Its the one where the cop hollers "what are you doing?" and I'm like isn't it obvious? I've been trying my best to come up with a good here's your sign joke to say to them when they ask this but haven't been able to come up with anything as of yet that wouldn't get me a ride down town. Any suggestions?
Just shrug your shoulders and give a goofy look, like you are nuts!

The other night while I was MDing behind a school a young boy dressed in his Tiger Scout uniform came running over to me yelling "Hey Mister what are you doing?" I told him I was looking for buried coins. "Like treasure?" Yep, like treasure. "Cool!" Just then I swept my detector and got a tone. This little guys freaks out - "Treasure!!!!". We dug up a quarter and after I checked that it was clad - I gave it to him. You thought I gave him a million dollars as he ran over to his parents. His mom and dad thanked me and did the little scout.

Night time, old school. Some traffic going to and fro. Big SUV with some big girls in it stop for red light, I know they are lookin at me. Headphones on, I am ignoring them, my back toward them. One says Hey! I can hear her, but I ignore. She yells Hey You!. I can hear them giggling and laughing they sounded smashed. I ignore, keep tecting. HEY YOU, WITH THE METAL DETECTOR!!!. That was it, I took the phones off, turned around and saw the blonde beasty, and said WHAT! She hollers "YOU WANNA F@#&?" Well they all just burst out laughing, all guffawing in hysterics,which I found hysterical myself so I burst out laughing too, it amused me how they thought they were so funny and clever, but they were just rude trash. Then I gave them the finger and yelled "Go **** YOURSELF!!!!". That pretty much stopped the laughing. For them. I was laughing out loud. The light turned green and I was rolling on the grass laughing my arse off as they gassed it outa there. That was the night I found the McCormick token, a night I will not soon forget.


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