🥇 BANNER Fugio,95 liberty cap, connec and some gold


Bronze Member
Jun 10, 2012
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Golden Thread
Western MA
🥇 Banner finds
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Garrett at pro
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All Treasure Hunting
After yesterday's complete bust I figured I would just swing a bit in the backyard. Not expecting to find much because I've been through it many times over the last few years but at least I wouldn't have to travel far. After a bunch of trash I got a strange bounce on the at pro. In the woods it would be a shotgun shell head stamp and I suppose it the parks it would be like a pull tab. Out comes this little 10k ring. I couldn't believe it and hey it's fits. Well it went on but wouldn't come off. Ended up breaking it. Oh well. After that I thought with this kind of luck I should head to my mill site I've been hammering the last few weeks. Set my stuff down and just as quick as I turned the machine on I got a quick little high tone hit. Dug and dug and dug but nothing still in the hole. Kept digging and finally a Fugio pops out. Knew what it was as soon as I saw it. Put the coil over the hole and its still ringing. Turned my cell camera on and dug some more. 1795 liberty cap. Ok wow. Checked the hole. Still hitting. Next 1788 connecticut copper. Checked the hole and another connecticut copper. Checked the hole and that was it. How's that for a spill? I'm still in awe. The rest kinda just came along throughout the next two hours. Happy hunting.

I was having trouble getting the photos to load so we'll see how it goes.


















Upvote 54
Wow! That's great guys thank you very much for getting this find up there. It's always nice to see coppers on the banner. What a thrill it was digging these out and it will be a day ill never forget. Even though I'm not done with the site I will try to get some photos if what I have from there so far and post them later today.

Monte- if the ring hadn't broke I probably would have just called it a day and been satisfied with that.
Henry- the ring was found in my yard and the rest was found at an old mill where i found a pewter usa button and tons of other buttons coins and relics. Basically everything I've posted in the last few weeks has been from there. I do have an old cellar hole in my back yard but I stay clear of it this time a year.

That is amazing! Congrats on such an awesome coin spill and making banner! The Fugio is in amazing shape!
If your going to find a coin spill that's the kind to find!!!!!

I knew there would be banner finds all over the place if I'm off the grid for any length of time. You people are always sneaking up on me like that, and dropping Banner finds all over the place! Congrats!!!!

Fantastic old copper coinage there ! Big congrats on the Banner and a well deserved one it is! Spills that help protect the coins are a rare thing, that Fugio is a real beauty, must be really awe inspiring to find something like that =)

OMG awesome digs . Bet your are floating from that spill dig

Congratulations on your find and making Banner. The votes poured in. Everyone liked the coins including myself. Way to go!

Awesome amazing and incredible! Congrats

220 or so years ago it was probably awful for some poor fella who had to tell his wife he lost a day or so pay.

So amazing!!! What condition! I am so happy for you!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

CONGRATULATIONS on a SUPER hunt! I"m sure old Ben Franklin would be proud of that Fugio!
Way to go! :thumbsup:


Awesome amazing and incredible! Congrats

220 or so years ago it was probably awful for some poor fella who had to tell his wife he lost a day or so pay.

So amazing!!! What condition! I am so happy for you!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

I would imagine he wasn't very happy that day. I wonder what could be bought with this way back then. Bad for him good for me.

Thanks again everyone for the encouraging words.

Congrats buddy. Well deserved Banner. You certainly deserved this one

omg you hit the only coin I want to find

Man, what a spill. I've never found anything like that in my 15 years of hunting in Western Mass. Where abouts are you?

Congratulations on those awesome coppers, banner no-brainer.


Very cool finds, This area has so much history to discover. I consider myself pretty darn lucky to able to search
in the CT. river valley were the oldest settlement in Massachusetts dates back to 1636. Awesome colonial coin
spill, congrads...

Really happy to these finds make the BANNER ! They certainly were deserving of it - I can't wait to see what the future holds for that site.

Amazing condition on those coins man! :occasion14:

Congrats on all your finds and on making the BANNER! :thumbsup:


Fantastic hunt, and a great variety in that coin spill. That'll be hard to beat.

congrats on the banner finds, very happy for you

congratulations,what a spill!That is the stuff dreams are made of.

Sorry I'm so late to the party. (just so hot)

The condition ...well speaks for itself (I didn't read all replies)...AWESOME
Great find.

Sorry I'm so late to the party. (just so hot)

The condition ...well speaks for itself (I didn't read all replies)...AWESOME
Great find.

Thanks Rick. That silver you pulled today was an amazing find. I struggle with Spanish silver so for now that's only in my dreams.

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