🥇 BANNER Fugio,95 liberty cap, connec and some gold


Bronze Member
Jun 10, 2012
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Golden Thread
Western MA
🥇 Banner finds
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Garrett at pro
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All Treasure Hunting
After yesterday's complete bust I figured I would just swing a bit in the backyard. Not expecting to find much because I've been through it many times over the last few years but at least I wouldn't have to travel far. After a bunch of trash I got a strange bounce on the at pro. In the woods it would be a shotgun shell head stamp and I suppose it the parks it would be like a pull tab. Out comes this little 10k ring. I couldn't believe it and hey it's fits. Well it went on but wouldn't come off. Ended up breaking it. Oh well. After that I thought with this kind of luck I should head to my mill site I've been hammering the last few weeks. Set my stuff down and just as quick as I turned the machine on I got a quick little high tone hit. Dug and dug and dug but nothing still in the hole. Kept digging and finally a Fugio pops out. Knew what it was as soon as I saw it. Put the coil over the hole and its still ringing. Turned my cell camera on and dug some more. 1795 liberty cap. Ok wow. Checked the hole. Still hitting. Next 1788 connecticut copper. Checked the hole and another connecticut copper. Checked the hole and that was it. How's that for a spill? I'm still in awe. The rest kinda just came along throughout the next two hours. Happy hunting.

I was having trouble getting the photos to load so we'll see how it goes.


















Upvote 54
Had to vote BANNER! Colonial Coin spill with 2 coins worth $4-500 apiece? Gotta vote banner here!

Thanks again Todd! I'm still pretty pumped about the finds. There is a little but more area there that has to wait till fall. Might have bring my sifter in and see if there's anything in the spots I've done.

Thanks again Todd! I'm still pretty pumped about the finds. There is a little but more area there that has to wait till fall. Might have bring my sifter in and see if there's anything in the spots I've done.
Along with your sifter, howsa bout bringin' me?:occasion14::headbang:

Congratulations on finding an amazing coin spill. My banner vote is in.

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Along with your sifter, howsa bout bringin' me?:occasion14::headbang:

I tried calling you last Sunday but you were already out somewhere. Gotta get together soon.

Wow! Now that's a copper spill. The Fugio is in great shape as is the Liberty Cap :notworthy:

I will toss a Banner vote for that coin spill.

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Excellent finds! What a hunt! Congratulations

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

incredible coin spill ,they are fun :headbang: huge congrats

I had a fugio 15-Y in my coin spill too , what are the odds

Wow! Beautiful coins in beautiful shape! Congratulations on a once in a lifetime find (I hope I'm wrong). My vote is in.

Poor guy was just sitting there, and dropped all that coin out his purse...never the wiser. Awesome stuff.

"cow pasture pool" Hogge ??? say it isn't so :icon_scratch:
Don't get out as much as I used to. I'm about an 11-12 hdcp. Sorry to disappoint you but my baseball, football, and street hockey days are over.:laughing9:

The condition of a ll of the coins is outstanding, but if one had to stand out I'm glad to see it's the Fugio! Congrats on your discovery of a piece of American history! :headbang:

One of the best spills ever. Nice post & pics.


Made it up top before I saw this post!! Guess that makes all those ticks worth while!!:laughing7:

Outstanding finds dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD Bless


What an incredible day. I would have been very happy with any one of those, but to find a coin spill like that, in that condition-AMAZING! Great job on the cleaning too.

Would your day have been different if the ring came off without breaking lol......
Great digs!

It's so wonderful to see old coppers with detail. Congrats yet again to you!

Congrats on the BANNER...and found in your yard!? There can't be many yard banners up there for sure! Congrats again!

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