I go caving every weekend and there are not many dangers at all. caving is a great hobby and the results are very rewarding. I have been in 20 or so different wild caves and there are not many dangers as long as you have at least 4 or so sources of light and and a helmet and all the proper clothing and equipment.
Also i think that this forum is a great idea
I've been caving around 50 years, and belong to the National Speleological Society and a chartered "Grotto" (club) of that national organization.
Caves (can be) dangerous, and due caution should be used when entering them.
Be aware that entrances are the most common place for accidents, primarily falling rock, slipping, etc.
ALWAYS cave with at least one more person, better three or more in the team - so, if a disabling injury happens, one can stay with the injured, the other goes for help.
Take gloves, helmet, good traction ankle-covering boots and (minimum) three sources of light with extra batteries..., food, water, and the kitchen sink!
Oh! And also be sure to bring an extra measure of common sense - never go beyond what the weakest member of your team can do.
Be sure to give someone an idea where you are going to be, and when you expect to return, too.
Leave the cave as you found it.
Take Nothing But Pictures, Leave Nothing But Footprints, Kill Nothing But Time!
Have Fun!