🥇 BANNER FRENCH MILITARY MEDALLION or BUCKLE COVER ??? ......and very cool bottle !!


Bronze Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Nova Scotia
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Made it out for the day after not getting out for 6 or 7 days.... Cousin ED came along also.

Hit the woods to find some foundations ..... found 5 all together so was happy on that part.Cousin ED was finding bottles and some nice coins/pendants...nice old Brittania 1739.

Th bottle with the Fisherman holding the big codfish is awesome...we are fishermen so of course we love it !!!

Any ideas on his PENDANT with the portrait ??? and the LION,S HEAD ??

The foundations were very trashy so I switched over to DISCRIM mode and sure enough I managed to separate out a cool find !!! .......Picked up this very interesting piece.....the tulip in the middle is the same as the one on NovaScotia 1800s pennies.

But the writing is what I assume to be French ??

Any help on some IDs on our finds would be appreciated.

Top 9 pictures are Cousin EDs.

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Upvote 31
Funny i think ColonialDude had the same scenerio with the iron spike in the hole...

I will definitely be returning there very soon .....the site is full of trash and iron...crap load (100s)of rusted tin cans..I found this Plate by putting the F75 in high discrim 15 and lowering the power mode to DEFAULT just to get threw the trash...A big square nail came outta the hole first...and then I hit the Plate when I stood up and swung the detector again to recheck the hole ....was laying in the dirt I had dug out.

Checked one of my buttons from this winter and it is a low number 23..very surprised.

Man that plate is amazing!! I'd love to see something from a reference book for comparison. Hopefully IP will post something.


I,m really quite speechless ......last thing I expected to find at that particular location...I feel the addiction returning !!!

IP was on it like a flea on dog.....great info by him as always.

Wow buddy. If what IP says is true, and I wouldn't dare doubt him, then that is an unbelievable find!

ty joeyfresh

IP posted the proof positive ID in the above link... I,m still sitting here grinning like a kid in a candy store.!!!!!!!

I have only seen these for 71st, and 84th, so am quite sure the plain is going to be 84th Regiment like the book. There very well might be some of the buttons there too... just make sure you're digging all signals, even the very low ones!

Digging all signals, even the very low ones!
That's very sound advice I've passed along a time or two already.... and now you see why

A very outstanding find, that ones going to me hard to beat!

Fantastic find Aqua! You have been finding some incredible relics!

You need to get yourself a copy of Troiani's book because you are sure finding a lot of stuff pictured in it :notworthy:

That get's my Banner vote even if it pushes me closer to the edge!

Wow...that is outstanding...I'm legitimately jealous! LOL! Great find AQUA!!

Remember that book I was telling you about, "Collector's Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Revolution"? That cartridge plate is in there!

Ty romeo-1

I remember now that you meantioned the title again....:tongue3:

Will have to get me a copy !

Ty romeo-1

I remember now that you meantioned the title again....:tongue3:

Will have to get me a copy !

You also want to get a copy of "Insignia of Independence" by Don Troiani and James Kochan. It's the best reference for Rev War buttons and plates.

Wow! Killer find and welcome to the club!! Was just about to share my post and provide the explanation on the lack of a number in the circle. As IP stated the blank version is the 84th and as I said in the post where I found mine it's because the 84th did not have a regimental number at the time and were still a loyalist unit...Royal Highland Emigrants.

Fantastic find! I'll never forget every detail about the discovery of mine. It's still my favourite find thus far...well that or my Kings 8th Neck Stock Clasp that is pictured in Troiani's book.

Congrats! You're digging the good stuff for sure!!

ty ColonialDude !!

Spooky how similar the way we found these plates. Almost exact !!!

If I hadn,t switched to DISCRIM I prolly woulda passed it up. The big square nail was giving a very jumpy signal..the place is infested with iron and junk.

Cousin ED dug a Highlands regiment button this winter on the shore quite some distance from this find.

Digging all signals, even the very low ones!
That's very sound advice I've passed along a time or two already.... and now you see why

A very outstanding find, that ones going to me hard to beat!

TY Ironhorse.....

Damn if I dig every signal I,ll need to hire you and buy a dozen shovels :tongue3:

That place is infested with iron/ tin cans / bottles etc etc.... told myself that I wold pick a spot this summer and clear it...but damn thats a tall order !!!

Fantastic find Aqua! You have been finding some incredible relics!

You need to get yourself a copy of Troiani's book because you are sure finding a lot of stuff pictured in it :notworthy:

That get's my Banner vote even if it pushes me closer to the edge!

TY for the BANNER vote !! muchly appreciated.

Will have to track down a copy of that book .

Just put my Banner vote in buddy and could not be happier for you! What an incredible find with unbelievable historical significance. You have pulled some amazing Rev War items and I knew a real show stopper was coming eventually. I'm SUPER psyched for you brother and love anything from that important era in our history.
BTW can you make reservations for me and you and The Scotia boys? Looks like I will be treating you and the fellas to the beers when I come up for a visit :-)
I repeat buddy I could not be happier for you. INCREDIBLE

Just put my Banner vote in buddy and could not be happier for you! What an incredible find with unbelievable historical significance. You have pulled some amazing Rev War items and I knew a real show stopper was coming eventually. I'm SUPER psyched for you brother and love anything from that important era in our history.
BTW can you make reservations for me and you and The Scotia boys? Looks like I will be treating you and the fellas to the beers when I come up for a visit :-)
I repeat buddy I could not be happier for you. INCREDIBLE

TY Ahab...really appreciate the BANNER vote.!!

You got your work cut out for ya now !!! and looks like I,ll prolly be a lifetime topping this one .

BTW....I love cold beer !!!

TY Ahab...really appreciate the BANNER vote.!! You got your work cut out for ya now !!! and looks like I,ll prolly be a lifetime topping this one . BTW....I love cold beer !!!
I love cold beer too! And traveling :-) so no matter how this all goes down I will be smiling

Wow go out for a couple hours...find nothing worth posting and you got 30 replies in that time.
Great find, honestly not that I would know, but as it has been pointed out already, GREAT FIND !
BTW this time I do think Ed gets honerable mention for the early copper with readable date...be sure to tell him that.
As far as the bottles, well I guess the one is probably for "cod liver oil" and as a kid I could hate anyone for that stuff, cool find, I'm just not a bottle guy, I think they are cool when you find them, but soon afterwards I give them away. I certainly wouldn't invest in glass, drop it once...what you got ?

Wow go out for a couple hours...find nothing worth posting and you got 30 replies in that time.
Great find, honestly not that I would know, but as it has been pointed out already, GREAT FIND !
BTW this time I do think Ed gets honerable mention for the early copper with readable date...be sure to tell him that.
As far as the bottles, well I guess the one is probably for "cod liver oil" and as a kid I could hate anyone for that stuff, cool find, I'm just not a bottle guy, I think they are cool when you find them, but soon afterwards I give them away. I certainly wouldn't invest in glass, drop it once...what you got ?

ty Rick

I will tell Ed ...thought the early date on that copper made it a good 1. I don,t think I,ve had a Brittania anywhere near that early.

Almost didn,t find that plate...was on our way to go to a different place and look for permissioon....then it started raining hard ...so we decided to head towards the back woods..thought maybe we could hunt somewhere in the woods and not get as wet.

Drove by he Cartridge Plate spot ...we looked in and it loooked as tho it had a foundation on the back end in the woods...you could see the type of short bushes that usuaully grow around foundations..but it was still raining so we continued on .Stopped 1 mile down the road at a spot that had the exact same bushes growing on it...sure enough it had a foundation..we hunted that and then decided to back track to the spot we passed up.

So many things ended up deciding that I was to find that today...just never know when or where...but that is what makes us want to go hunting the next day !!

That's a banner find there buddy, and your cod liver oil bottle is quite nice too.
If I were you I would take a little more time off and really hammer that site.

Man oh Man what an AWESOME BANNER FIND that plate is :occasion14:. CONGRATS on the find and my BANNER VOTE is going in right after I post this :thumbsup:.

AQUA, that is a stunning find. That find is all you and Ed! I don't believe in fate, but I do believe in luck and skill!

You have my banner vote, brother.

That's one sweet find right there, and one that is always on my mind when I head out detecting. Awesome!

Once again, looks like somebody had a productive trip out feeding the addiction :P I just recently pulled an 1886 penny out of the ground as well! As for the plate, im sure I'd have spent some time staring at it with eyes wide, asking "whaaats thaaat?" I'll be submitting my vote and get ya one step closer to that banner up there ;)

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