Fraud on a vast scale (EP Times story)

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woof! said:
Arthur and EE need each other, Kentucky.


Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.

---Plato, Greek author & philosopher, Athens (427 BC - 347 BC)​

"The level of sanity or insanity of the subject matter, determines the level of sanity or insanity of the two-way communication attainable in any discussion."

EE THr said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Look at what I posted, and then your response.

Not YOUR game. Yeah, right. Let it end, without ending the LRL board. Please.

I did look at both. There is no logic in your claim, or you certainly would have explained it.

Your "parting shot" insult is no way to bring peace.

Would you like a truce?


No, the explanation is there, and it's clear.

If it's peace you want, you can have it. The only way to make peace is to STOP BAGERING people.
Also, stop the insults, such as calling people fools, slyly putting it in other people's words.

Kentucky Kache said:
No, the explanation is there, and it's clear.

If it's peace you want, you can have it. The only way to make peace is to STOP BAGERING people.

Also, stop the insults, such as calling people fools, slyly putting it in other people's words.

The only explanation of yours that was clear, is that you want to insult people, but not get insulted back. Sorry, but it's all there, in writing.

All I ever did was ask some polite questions. If you consider that badgering, that's your problem.

And your further attempts at "parting shot" insults, aren't very impressive as to your sincerity, either.

I'll ask yet again, would you like a truce, or not?


If anyone doubts what I have been saying, about my not insulting first, just scroll down through the following thread, and see a good example for yourself---

In the above topic, you can see the LRL promoters posting insults, and total nonsense comments in order to spam the thread, merely as a confusion factor.

This is especially evident, seeing as I stipulated "No Insults..." in the topic title!

This is irrefutable, documented proof of my statements in the previous posts.


If anyone doubts what I have been saying, about my not insulting first, just scroll down through the following thread, and see a good example for yourself---
Known Facts About LRLs Only---No Insults or Tall Tales

In the above topic, you can see the LRL promoters posting insults, and total nonsense comments in order to spam the thread, merely as a confusion factor.
This is especially evident, seeing as I stipulated "No Insults..." in the topic title!
This is irrefutable, documented proof of my statements in the previous posts.

I will post more span and try to confuse you some more...You came to a treasure hunting web site. You made a bunch of posts using your personal opinions as a guide as to what and how we could respond to you.
Then you told us we were not treasure hunters because we did not use the proper equipment. You have complained about how we spend our money...then to make things worse you declared that only professionals in Electronics should be allowed to post..
You are not a treasure hunter.
You have never saw a LRL
You have never operated a LRL
You have never done any electronic testing of LRL’s
You have never talk to any of the 100 or so manufacturers about what their theory of operation is
You have made 100’s of claims and have proved none because you are a skeptic and every one knows that they are not required to prove anything because it is our job to prove you are wrong.
I think every one should read your threads to get the real facts about LRL’s as they are explained by real treasure hunters who use these devices to locate and recover treasure.,390641.0.html,409519.0.html,410862.0.html,387205.0.html,411065.0.html,393449.0.html,389594.0.html,394624.0.html,389117.0.html

JudyH said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Posting a picture of someones avatar, with the words "Look at me I fly in circles" is an INSULT.
What I just said is a FACT. That's only one example.

Stop the insulting remark, EE.

EE is not the first to do this...besides EE's lovely caricature of Art, we have Pronghorn's avatar and several other instances. :-\

I was once told by the powers that be here at TNet, that this was a "Bannable Offense".
I have since come to realize, and accept, that it is only a "Bannable Offense" when it is me posting the pic. :dontknow:

C'est La Vie. Who am I to question, eh?

So I'm not the only one. That's good to know.

This hasn't been an LRL discussion board for quite some time, KK.
TNet doesn't have a Narcissist board, as such, so he made his own (as they tend to do).
It's pretty easy to see that all discussion here has been about Him for months now. :wink:

No, it hasn't, and that's why I don't post here much. They have pretty much ruined this board.
It's all about THEM.

Hey KK, I tried to get into a discussion about how to logically discuss these instruments, and I gave all a chance to do so, but they didn't want to do that. In fact, they never answered one question I asked, so I have decided they don't know the answers. That is the most logical conclusion I can come up with, so I have almost quit posting anything myself. It really has taken a turn toward the ridicuous in these threads. Anything said only adds more fuel to the flame. Good Luck. rockhound

rockhound said:
Hey KK, I tried to get into a discussion about how to logically discuss these instruments, and I gave all a chance to do so, but they didn't want to do that. In fact, they never answered one question I asked, so I have decided they don't know the answers. That is the most logical conclusion I can come up with, so I have almost quit posting anything myself. It really has taken a turn toward the ridicuous in these threads. Anything said only adds more fuel to the flame. Good Luck. rockhound

I think it needs to be split into two camps, like the dowsing board use to be. No one would be allowed to post pro LRL remarks on the skeptics forum, and no one would be allowed to post anti LRL remarks on the believers forum. I think that's the only way to keep the peace, and allow treasure hunters of every sort to discuss their chosen way to do it. Marc, can we get this done?

Kentucky Kache said:
rockhound said:
Hey KK, I tried to get into a discussion about how to logically discuss these instruments, and I gave all a chance to do so, but they didn't want to do that. In fact, they never answered one question I asked, so I have decided they don't know the answers. That is the most logical conclusion I can come up with, so I have almost quit posting anything myself. It really has taken a turn toward the ridicuous in these threads. Anything said only adds more fuel to the flame. Good Luck. rockhound

I think it needs to be split into two camps, like the dowsing board use to be. No one would be allowed to post pro LRL remarks on the skeptics forum, and no one would be allowed to post anti LRL remarks on the believers forum. I think that's the only way to keep the peace, and allow treasure hunters of every sort to discuss their chosen way to do it. Marc, can we get this done?

You've got my vote on this. :icon_thumleft:

I think something like that was tried a few years back and proved to be more unmanageable than the present arrangement.

The problem on this forum is not that people disagree, it's that certain individuals clog threads with so much irrelevant material that the forum becomes nearly useless for the purpose of a forum. Right now, two people are creating this problem-- EE and Art. I figure that the way it's going, EE will get himself banned and Art will be left as an example of what happens to people who go down the LRL path.

Seems to me that the problem would get solved if EE and Art were put on probation, terms of probation being that they are allowed only one post in any 24 hour period. That way they can still participate in the forum, and actually contribute something worthwhile if they've got anything. But what they can no longer do is to clog the forum with irrelevant garbage.

And if they violate the terms of their probation, ban 'em for at least a month.


woof! said:
I think something like that was tried a few years back and proved to be more unmanageable than the present arrangement.

The point is, it's not being managed at all the way it is now.

woof! said:
Seems to me that the problem would get solved if EE and Art were put on probation, terms of probation being that they are allowed only one post in any 24 hour period. That way they can still participate in the forum, and actually contribute something worthwhile if they've got anything. But what they can no longer do is to clog the forum with irrelevant garbage.

And if they violate the terms of their probation, ban 'em for at least a month.

Probations are also tried, but still we have these problems. We need someone to watch over this board with the same fairness and attention given to all the other boards. If not, it would be a simple thing to just separate the two groups.

Kentucky Kache said:
I think it needs to be split into two camps, like the dowsing board use to be. No one would be allowed to post pro LRL remarks on the skeptics forum, and no one would be allowed to post anti LRL remarks on the believers forum.

Yup, Ben Thayer and Don Thatt. TNet used to have a Pro-LRL-No-Skeptics-Allowed forum, and an Anti-LRL-No-Proponents-Allowed LRL forum, in addition to a general Everything-Goes-LRL forum. The Pro and Anti forums dried up and died from lack of interest. Seems every single person on both sides is here for the arguments.

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And this is how it goes. Pathetic, ain't it?

JudyH said:
I've been here for quite some time, and I have never seen the LRL forum divided into two sections. Only the Dowsing board.

Well, just goes to prove once again you only see what you want to see.

IT WAS EXACTLY AS CARL DESCRIBED; and as he said it died a horrible death.

The argument IS what everyone is here for (ie. entertainment); not the trading of useful (or useless) information concerning LRLs.

Oh, and BTW...



Well, just goes to prove once again you only see what you want to see.

IT WAS EXACTLY AS CARL DESCRIBED; and as he said it died a horrible death.

The argument IS what everyone is here for (ie. entertainment); not the trading of useful (or useless) information concerning LRLs.

Oh, and BTW...

I have been through 3 Dowsing forums being deleted and all the information was lost. I have been through 2 LRL forums that have been deleted. The last time when they split the Dowsing forum all the information was retained.
The Pro and con posts slowed down for a while..But the con section dried up because of the lack of interest. Now it is a good thread with many people wanting information on treasure hunting...
Yes the skeptic forum died a horrible death as a separation here would....We have tried to exchange information that would be of use to LRL users..That is what people use T-net for..Art

Hmm Carl etc: Speaking of scientific proof ---> snicker

New Discovery Shakes the Foundation of Cancer Research
The Mayo Clinic recently turned the cancer research industry on its head when it found that important research published in 2009 had been -- fabricated. --What's worse, it may wipe out 10 years of their own studies AND it's influenced the cancer care that doctors provide...

-->finds-massive-fraud-in-cancer-research <--.aspx?e_cid=20111015_DNL_art_1

and-->Government panel says 'NO!' to PSA tests

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is now urging a clean and permanent break from the PSA test

Listen to Dr. Richard Ablin instead. Last year, he called the PSA test "a hugely expensive public health disaster" and "hardly more effective than a coin toss."

He should know: He invented the PSA test.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Hmm Carl etc: Speaking of scientific proof ---> snicker

New Discovery Shakes the Foundation of Cancer Research
The Mayo Clinic recently turned the cancer research industry on its head when it found that important research published in 2009 had been fabricated. What's worse, it may wipe out 10 years of their own studies AND it's influenced the cancer care that doctors provide...

-->finds-massive-fraud-in-cancer-research <--.aspx?e_cid=20111015_DNL_art_1

and-->Government panel says 'NO!' to PSA tests

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is now urging a clean and permanent break from the PSA test

Listen to Dr. Richard Ablin instead. Last year, he called the PSA test "a hugely expensive public health disaster" and "hardly more effective than a coin toss."

He should know: He invented the PSA test.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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