found what looks like alot of golden eggs


Jr. Member
Jun 25, 2013
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Golden Thread
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All Treasure Hunting
hi everyone,

im new here, i was recently in morocco hanging out with a very close family friend who found on his property a bunch of these things that look like gold eggs. i am told they are not gold, but they are very old and worth a lot of money. whether or not this is true i have no idea and hope one of you can shed some light on it. they have a word for what they are but i don't know how to spell it. it sounds like this "YAH-HOOOTS"... i will attach a few photos. like i said i don't have to many specifics on them, as far as weight they felt like they weigh a little more than an average mouse. want to get the tested but in morocco it is very hard. if it is found to be worth money everyone will want. here are some photos...please either respond here or email me at



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maybe this picture is a little better


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i didnt want to say this because i thought it sounded like b.s, but supposedly people in morocco rip apart their land and so on to find treasure. they are pretty superstitious including my family there. if they have a dream of a hidden treasure somewhere on a property they rip it apart to find. usually finding nothing, sometimes they do. in morocco when you find things like this you dont tell many people because you can get killed or robbed very quick. only a handful of people know we have these. and the b.s part was what one old old old old old man told us about these being from ancient time, and something to do with salt water and fresh water meeting and this being the result. idk how much i like that story haha, but i do believe there is some worth to them whether small or large. even if its worth one dollar its still an awesome find. especially to find almost 50 and they way they were hidden under concrete dirt and more. someone hide them clearly never could get back to them a house was build above it and they were lost.

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doing a little research , and it does not say for sure where the eggs come from but i find this interesting , Egypt held Eggs sacred and used them as decorations for holidays centuries before Christians did. so maybe these are antique decorations ?

Egyptian History, Happy Easter or Astarte?

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that was an early thought of mine also.

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i never got a chance to get any measurements. i know that would help immensely...they are still with my friend, found them the day before my ticket to come home, had no time to go out and get instruments to get the proper measurements.

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OK My eyesight is changing on them now,
So what looks like they are wrapped in something golden is just reflection
from the Towel, & Cotton, they are laying on .

WOW that really messed with my Mind on what I was seeing in the pics :laughing7:

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and they give a crazy good reflection

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It looks like hematite stone to me; smooth, glossy/glassy and relatively heavy. I believe hematite is an iron oxide and is found in Morocco. I have no clue about the 'pie crust' surrounding it.

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It looks like hematite stone to me; smooth, glossy/glassy and relatively heavy. I believe hematite is an iron oxide and is found in Morocco. I have no clue about the 'pie crust' surrounding it.

Yea I just realized the "pie Crust" look is simply reflection of what they are laying on.

neeks picture in post #22 is the best view


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the color looks gold or yellow brass , but hard to tell my photo alone .
but if they were burried under a concrete floor they could have been there a few years to a very long time.
were they wrapped in anything or just laying in the sand ?
i would think local researchers would know better then some of us Americans .
maybe you can reach out to museums to see if there were any golden eggs ? or they may be able to give you a lead on who to ask.
just give them a false name and say you are a friend of a friend who was talking about these eggs and have no idea where they are or where they were found and your friend is scared to come forward.

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wow google image search of "gold hematite egg" and there are alot that look the same size and shape just not color.

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Just a hunch but around here the local farmers use egg shaped objects and even golf balls to get their chickens to lay their eggs by "tricking" the chickens into laying eggs every couple days or so. Were your "eggs" tarnished green or did you clean them up to make them shine like that?

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yes unfortunately if you Google Golden Eggs you will find some that look identical;600;400

However , unless you feel your friend is playing with your mind , non of these I see
should have been where his were found.

Being there is a Fear over there of Trust, I Realize taking them to any authority
could be the same as walking the streets yelling for opinions on them.

I can only tell you what I personally would do .

I'd find a Way to Cut/break one in Half.

If it is somewhat easy to saw into it with a saw type knife, It is possible
they are a high grade gold. If the knife Just glides across it, It is either stone,
or Brass. once one is destroyed, It's contents can be more closely Viewed,
and fear of taking it to someone and asking what it is he "found on the edge of town"
and is curious what it is, would be / Should be, easier to do :icon_thumright:

add to that, if they get all excited seeing mangled egg bits,
and call an expert,
it's time to be very careful with the rest :laughing7:

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no they were shiny like that from the go. buried in a box. the reflection is....i dont even know how to describe it. so clear and vivid as good as a mirror but just bends everything....i can describe it actually. its awesome. lol

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no they were shiny like that from the go. buried in a box. the reflection is....i dont even know how to describe it. so clear and vivid as good as a mirror but just bends everything....i can describe it actually. its awesome. lol

Yes I can tell in the first pics & how hard they were to photograph properly.

They do look like Highly polished Gold.
But maybe too Much so :dontknow:

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