Found new kind of textured sherd and some other things.....

curious kat

Bronze Member
Nov 10, 2013
New Mexico
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......decided to do the "dirty before & after" thing with these first ones....the new textured one is a reddish color and pattern is different than any other I've found so far.... RSCN7134.JPG RSCN7130.JPG RSCN7101.JPG....:)

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Nice finds pottery queen thanks for sharing ;)

Hey.. You got a piece like what I'm used to.
"Paddle stamped"

.....thanks guys for the answers!

Painter....awwwhhh...pottery :icon_queen:?....just lucky! like some you have? If it was "stamped" maybe it was traded? It seems very worn, unlike most of what we find, so can't tell if stamped or hand done? sure does look like the pictures! Those are great sites, thank you! :icon_thumleft: The curve of this piece is so slight must have been a large pot, hope we find more of it.

Larson.....what can I say...:wink:..:)

Here's what I was thinking for comparison anyway


Those are real nice GatorBoy. From what I can tell from the pics, yours look more "open" in the weave pattern, more "honeycomb" then mine, think it's more like the corrugated as Charl posted...but because of wear, hard to exactly tell. What I didn't mention is that the "color" part of the weave is shiny, but doesn't show up in the picture, are yours?

No there is no glaze to mine at all.

Hey GatorBoy!! Interestingly, I have found multiple shards similar to yours in my yard, in addition to shell mounds!! Over in the White Dirt country!! Hope all is well with you!! GOOD LUCK and GOOD HUNTING!! VERDE!!

Doing great! good to hear from you! I need to come visit you!

GatorBoy I've not found any "glazed" kinds other than this, maybe it's just polished from wear...who knows? But thanks again!

I just assumed that's what you meant when you said shiny.
Nothing shiny about any of the Native American pottery around these parts.
I don't know much about that type you apparently have.. The pottery I'm used to.. when it gets warn down its just worn down... it wouldn't get shiny... it would be like trying to shine dirt.
Maybe a slip was put on it somehow

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Interesting and unusual pottery design! Nice Find! :thumbsup:

Hey Kat where do you hunt to find all those great pottery pieces? Do you dig or surface hunt? I love to see the pieces you and Rock find. Hoping to find a piece of my own someday.

GatorBoy.....yah, I don't know why it has a shine either, not use to seeing that here. Maybe it was a "trade" piece?

old digger....thank you.:)

huntress....most everything is found here on the property. I don't dig, they are pretty near the surface. Hubby did dig some but for other reasons & happen to come across some.....guess we're pretty lucky to be here.

...maybe Neanderthal, they were most likely in the area as well as others. Think this area was pretty popular in the past.

I love SW pottery. So much of their inner world and beliefs were expressed in their designs, and I've always appreciated artifacts that let me into that inner world to some degree. Most of the best wares were traded throughout the region among the various groups living in the SW. Up to this point, this is the best online guide I've found. You can view maps of where the styles were locally made, and numerous examples of each SW type.

Native American Pottery Museum & Gallery

Not suggesting an identification specific to your sherd, just the progression of pages for one pottery "family" in this excellent guide.

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...Charl :) Very nice sites! Thanks for posting them :icon_thumright:

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