Found in trash pit. 1800-1900. Louisiana trading area. Indian, CW, Early settler


Bronze Member
Mar 30, 2006
Deep in the swamps of Louisiana..
Detector(s) used
Ace 250--White's 6000 DI Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
dgjr told me to do this. He wants to know what it is. Its a museum mystery. Found near Red River in an old trade area where Indian artifacts, CW, Early settlers and who know what lived.. From a trash pit dig. The pit was about 4 foot or more around and we have dug to about 10 feet and still uncovering layers.

1. It is brass or an alloy of some type. Most likely brass.
2. 1/2 to 3/4 inches deep in concave part.
3. 5-3/8 inches in diameter. Inside hole is not quite 3/4 inches
4. How long will brass stay in the ground and decompose.
5. Only one other probable piece was found. 1-1/4 inches long with "v" hatch marks. slight curve.
6. Large section has line decoration around concave side.
7. I don't think it is the obvious.

Any other questions. I'm sending in two sections.

dgjr wants to know, and so do I..
Have at it.



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dg39 said:
OK, could it be a hand guard for a rapier of dueling sword? Far out idea? I dont know?
;D ::)
No way too big too deep...I like the squirrel's a fountain for squirrels! Sorry Dgjr. :-*

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hey,my turn to throw a wrench in the spokes....another thought :) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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Iv'e had a heck of a time trying to get wax off of concrete, wood, and metal.

Try putting it over the stove and heating the object a bit and see if you see wax melting.


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I think you have got it buddy!!! Anyone else? Oh yeah, I'm glad to see that you agree with my findings, whatever they were?!? ;D


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dg39 said:
Michelle, thats the first conclusion i came to when i found it, but there is no lip in the bottom for a attachment to fit comfortable. The way the middle cone is shaped there could be no purchase, so to speak. I am not ruling it out though.
Look at it again carefully. It up sweeps to steep on the outside..Just my observation.
The lamp on the left is cobbled together. The one in the back is decorative. The one on the right is true period style. :(
that part could have came loose(THAT'S WHY IT WENT IN THE TRASH)hahaha

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OK peeps, it IS a top cover for a built in house hold Gas lamp that uses mantles. It has a short squat glass similar to a Colman gasoine lantern.

The purpose of the ring in the cover is to keep the glass locked into position.

The gas or propane comes enters from the top

Tropical Tramp

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fleamistress said:
Squirrel protector.
yes,a shield to keep those brass acorms from hitting them"(the small broken off piece is the handle)

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diving doc
Amazingly enough, when given a very plausible answer we all agree readily, don't you think?
I don't, no matter what they say, it isn't a gas lamp, candle holder or a nut cracker.

I think that it is a err, ah, duh, well something different, sides Tropi is generally mistaken, I have caught him wrong soo many times that you wonder how he was pushed out of grammer school, and I have known him for a looong time..

Sorry tropi, but you are wrong, nothing personal you understand?

We sill are friends? After all you are the only real long time buddy that I have

Tropical Tramp

p.s. Doc, was referring only to sleep period, not the subject---------!

p.p.s I have known you to stretch the truth a bit at times Tropi, sooo.

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The center hole is smooth. There has been nothing broken off it.. As I also said earlier it is not threaded. There are no wear rings around the out side circle above or below. There would be if it were the top to a lamp. There would be heat marks and wear marks. There are none. The center cone is below the top rim of the bowl..

Maybe it is a candle holder, but you would have to jam a candle into it. ???

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dg39 said:
The center hole is smooth. There has been nothing broken off it.. As I also said earlier it is not threaded. There are no wear rings around the out side circle above or below. There would be if it were the top to a lamp. There would be heat marks and wear marks. There are none. The center cone is below the top rim of the bowl..

Maybe it is a candle holder, but you would have to jam a candle into it. ???
hey,there would maybe not be this missing piece slid in and locked by a small lip as so it wouldnt move

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