Found in an old graveyard

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Jr. Member
Jun 19, 2013
Is it a marker? A gas tank lid?


I didn't try to dig it up. Just cleared to take a photograph.

Is it a marker? A gas tank lid?

<img src=""/>

I didn't try to dig it up. Just cleared to take a photograph.

Why are you digging in a graveyard?

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Who digs in graveyards? I gotta know, is this common practice for md'ers? I find it more than a little offensive. just sayin… maybe there is something I missed.

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Who digs in graveyards? I gotta know, is this common practice for md'ers? I find it more than a little offensive. just sayin… maybe there is something I missed.

Lot of people think it is a offensive and if it is a big modern graveyard then I would think it is offensive too. A abandoned grave yard is different though imo.. I hunt abandoned graveyards out in the Northern Neck of Virginia that has produced buttons and coins and the graveyard is in ruins and out in the Northern Neck there are plenty of Abandon graveyards most dating too the 18th and 19th century.. I have taken the time too cut the grass and fix the headstones that date back too the late 18th and 19th century. Do I dig up the graves and rob the dead? no.. But i have had permission to do just that from property owners before in un-marked graves..

Any well taken care graveyard or big modern graveyard that a funeral homes- owns should be off-limits too any digging. Everyone has their own opinion and quick too judge..

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I have ancestors there and WAS NOT DIGGING! I saw the marker, wasn't sure what it was, asked my eighty-year-old grandmother who also wasn't sure and posted here.

I find it strange that I have to defend myself about taking and posting a picture...

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It's all good Gentleart... Like I said... People are gonna have their opinion even if they don't know the whole story. They just automatic assume....

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I have ancestors there and WAS NOT DIGGING! I saw the marker, wasn't sure what it was, asked my eighty-year-old grandmother who also wasn't sure and posted here.

I find it strange that I have to defend myself about taking and posting a picture...

Did not say you were digging. I was commenting on folks saying they would/wouldn't hunt there.

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Thank you. I assume if people can string logical words together, they can also read what I posted.

I got the confirmation I was looking for and appreciate it. A marker it is. Lol

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gentleart please I am just curious as to if others also practiced or are practicing going into abandoned graveyards. although i personally find the practice less than appealing i am not judging you or anyone else for their decisions. I am sorry if my post left you feeling you needed to defend your position. I did reread your post and see that you did not dig. my sincere apology for that oversight.

hope you find what you seek

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It's all good Gentleart... Like I said... People are gonna have their opinion even if they don't know the whole story. They just automatic assume....

Since you claim to dig in graveyards, Hut, nobody has to assume anything .. This practice violates the sanctity of beatified, blessed, consecrated, dedicated, holy, honoured, inviolable, revered, sacred, sacrosanct, sanctified, or otherwise hallowed ground that should be left well enough alone except for the preservation of such land.

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This is why grave yard threads get locked. We have had many in the 7 years I have been here, none ended well..

Very controversial topic, please follow the rules. Thread can be locked at any time.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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One of the first books I read back in the 80's about coin shooting mentioned old graveyards as a good place to find older lost coins. The best I ever did was a wheatie. I did pick up plenty of trash and took it with me. I only did a couple little ones out in the sticks and it was back in the late 80's. I figure they have all been detected since the 70's. That is when these machines got popular. I didn't bring the two box machine! I was mainly shooting in the entrance and isle know where one might drop a coin. I didn't turn over grave markers to see if anything under them! I didn't dig up any finger bones with diamond rings on them!
creskol, how do you feel about a detectorist finding an entire solder from the cival war? Do you think the hobbyist should leave the CS buckle and rebury, or should he keep what he found and notify authorities, not keep anything and notify authorities? How about sunk ship salvors? Many times these ships are considered coffins for the men that died in the tragedy. How do you feel about someone searching these areas? How about in SanFransisco? The whole place burned down and many many died. Is it OK to dig in these areas?

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