Found CSA Buckle Today


Silver Member
Feb 10, 2006
🥇 Banner finds
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Vol1266X and I got out this morning and went to one of our favorite hunting sites. We spent about 2 hours there and dug 9 pieces of canister shot. We left the site and drove back to his home town. When we arrived, we ate lunch at a new restaurant in town. While we were eating lunch, I saw a friend of mine that owns several rent houses. I walked over and talked to him and got permission to detect around his rental properties. After lunch I went back to work for about an hour and left to go home. I thought I would give a couple of houses a quick search and I am glad that I did. I found a few odds and ends such as an old button, a brass lock, and a couple of harmonica reeds. About 30 feet from the side of the house, I got a good signal registering silver on my MineLab and dug an eight inch plug. I checked the hole and still got a signal. I dug about 4 more inches out and the signal was still in the hole but it was registering just to the left of silver, so I was hoping for a large cent. So I dug about 4 more inches out of the hole and checked again. I got a strong signal from the dirt I had just pulled out of the hole. I brushed through the dirt and saw an "S" looking up at me. I thought I had just found a US buckle. I picked it up and turned it over and saw 3 hooks and realized it was rectangular and not oval. My hands started shaking and I turned it over, brushed a little more dirt off, and saw the "CSA." That was when I had to find a place to sit down. This is the first CSA buckle I have ever found. Thanks for looking.


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Upvote 7
great find.... great condition..... congrats on banner find,,, you earned it,,,,

WOW, Dman, you are truly the Man.!!! LOL Fantastic find. I think my partner and I are coming to Tenn. LOL

Gary and I are at Diggin in Virginia, Gary has done pretty well, he found two nice Eagle buttons and two 3 ringers.
I have only found one fired 2 ringer, a end of a Springfiled ram rod, a couple of grommets and a really neat
Iron skillet. It's handle is bent so the soldier could hang it on a rod over a fire to cook on. I posted it on the Spot.

Tell Quindy Hi, and again, Congrats on that fine Plate. It don't get any better than that for a Confederate. LOL'

HH, Ringfinder

Woah...Dman's on fire. You must be pumped up finding that at a rental property. Clearly a banner find.
I'm happy for you D. :hello2: Now go find another.


Huge congrat's on the find and the it's rightfull place on the Banner! :hello2: :hello2:
It's in such sweet condition, as it's depth might have help protect it from the nasty elements.

what a great find. i had a feeling you were due a good one as your buddies been getting most of the hot items lately. this might change Quindy on hunting around old houseas.Congrads to you and i am very happy you made such a great recovery. hope maybe some of the other rentel places will pay off for you. you might need to take some nitro with you as finds like that make cause your heart to act up .lol

:hello2: :hello2: :icon_thumleft: W O W !!!!!!! Congradulations!!!!!!!!!!! C S A !!!!!! Every Southerner's dream !!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is one cool buckle find and most deserving of the Banner!!! Congrats. jgas

What a BEAUTIFUL plate! I am SO glad you took the time to post this. A big congratulations on a truly world class find!

Best Wishes,


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