🥇 BANNER Found 1810 Bust Half.... My Dream Coin


Bronze Member
Sep 26, 2014
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Upstate SC
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I recently received permission to hunt a 1800's mill site that has been owned by only 2 families since it was built. Due to the fact that the overgrowth was booming due to all our rain in the last mont and finding ticks on me. I decided to hunt the creek. After getting instruction and encouragement from HomeGuardDan I decided Sunday I would give my Deus its first of many to come swimming lessons. After trying HGD creek technique for a while I finally found a Porsche metal car a screw cap or two and lots of iron.About and hour into my hunt I walked up the shoals toward a dam used to divert water downstream to the waterwheel. I was standing in about 6 inches of water and got a solid 91-92 signal. Confused because I was standing on bedrock I reached under the water and could feel a creavass in the rock. After cleaning out some sand and a few small rocks I could insert my index finger inside and could feel something round. Whatever it was it was wedged so tight it took me 20 minutes to wiggle it out. At last I could get two fingers on it to remove it. Pulling it out I looked at it and started shaking. Finally after all these years My Dream Coin. A Bust Half with a 1810 date. I sat there looking at it about 10 mins before I took out my phone and sent Carolina Tom a shaky blurry pic. Thank you for letting me share my story. And thanks again to HomeGuardDan and Coinmam 123. The first pic is how it came out of water.

IMG_20150510_132114207.webp IMG_20150511_085140120.webpIMG_20150511_075857.webp

Upvote 81
:notworthy:...Im not worthy, im not worthy Oh My What A Coin

Well, I guess Beez is no longer Big Peacock in Carolina! Wtg on not giving up on getting that beauty out of that crack. Stamina and determination...paid off very well for you. I want to make a joke so badly right now but am gonna refrain because of the seriousness of an amazing piece of silver.

Unbelievable recovery tyler- that coin sure cleaned up nicely.

VMI yeah kinda surprised me too. It really had a lot of patina but it also had a rust type spot on each side I want to guess where it was touching bedrock but coinman 123 helped me to resolve cleaning issues. Also didn't have much wear and I figure it wasn't in circulation many years at all. But I would have thought water would have worn it worse. The only real damage came from me trying to remove it and she has a scratch on her face. I did tell her I was sorry however.

That's a find you will have a hard time topping ! I'm guessing you'll be doing some more creek hunting soon .

On it's own that coin in mind bogglingly awesome...and now you have counterstamps to research too! I'm drooling.

Fantastic recovery. Can't wait to hear the significance of the counter stamps.

That's a find you will have a hard time topping ! I'm guessing you'll be doing some more creek hunting soon .

Yeah I talked with owner and showed him my finds and he said " I bet you'll be here all summer" I told him I would guarantee him that it was definitely my summer project.

Great Capped Bust Half Dollar welcome to the club and my Banner Vote is in :thumbsup:

WOW!! That is a great piece of history and what a great save!!! Congratulations on a beautiful coin! :occasion14:

Man that is such a killer find! Congrats man. Have you checked the exonumia site? May find your counterstamp there

Great coin and great story to go along with it. Could be a find of a life time, but hope you find lots more of them.


You never mentioned the counterstamp, that is an awesome find...and I don't say that often.
I do know how rocks / pebbles can jam in together.
It's a great find, it is amazing how excited a person gets when they make a good find.

I'm going to try a mill site or two this year as the spring season here was almost non-existant.

Holy *%&§!!!! Incredible find! Like some have said, the coin itself is insane, but add those countermarks and it's so much more. Why hasn't this reached the banner yet? Vote is going in nOw. Congratulations!!!!!

Amazing, beautiful and incredible find.

I second CT's motion on the banner.

:hello2:Very happy to see this coin on the top! Completely deserves it and it looks great up there!

:hello2:Very happy to see this coin on the top! Completely deserves it and it looks great up there!

Thanks Coinman for your and HomeGuardDan help and everyone's comments and votes. It really does mean a lot for all the help and encouragement from all those here on tnet. Someone asked me one time why I didn't post all of my finds. I said I will when I find something special except when I just want to mess with Carolina Tom and I really almost didn't post the find that I have wanted to dig for over 25 years until CT kept saying if I didn't he would become my official biographer and post it from the pics I sent him. Thanks Tom.

The following is a text i sent to Carolina Tom this morning and i would like to share with all those on here in tnet......Tom I eyeballed a 189O's V nickel the day after my mom passed in October. Just decided to get away from all the crowd and walk one of my favorite eyeball washes to try to reflect and wrap my head around her sudden death. Then on the first Mother's Day without her I found the Bust Half. Now besides my wife and son you are the only person that knows the rest of the story and why it means what it does to me. Thanks brother

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