🥇 BANNER Found 1810 Bust Half.... My Dream Coin


Bronze Member
Sep 26, 2014
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Upstate SC
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I recently received permission to hunt a 1800's mill site that has been owned by only 2 families since it was built. Due to the fact that the overgrowth was booming due to all our rain in the last mont and finding ticks on me. I decided to hunt the creek. After getting instruction and encouragement from HomeGuardDan I decided Sunday I would give my Deus its first of many to come swimming lessons. After trying HGD creek technique for a while I finally found a Porsche metal car a screw cap or two and lots of iron.About and hour into my hunt I walked up the shoals toward a dam used to divert water downstream to the waterwheel. I was standing in about 6 inches of water and got a solid 91-92 signal. Confused because I was standing on bedrock I reached under the water and could feel a creavass in the rock. After cleaning out some sand and a few small rocks I could insert my index finger inside and could feel something round. Whatever it was it was wedged so tight it took me 20 minutes to wiggle it out. At last I could get two fingers on it to remove it. Pulling it out I looked at it and started shaking. Finally after all these years My Dream Coin. A Bust Half with a 1810 date. I sat there looking at it about 10 mins before I took out my phone and sent Carolina Tom a shaky blurry pic. Thank you for letting me share my story. And thanks again to HomeGuardDan and Coinmam 123. The first pic is how it came out of water.

IMG_20150510_132114207.webp IMG_20150511_085140120.webpIMG_20150511_075857.webp

Upvote 81
FANTASTIC FIND !! counterstamped even..what did it ring up at on the deus, if you remember?

Thanks Dan. It rang up solid 91-92 which was pretty good considering it was wedged under about 4 inches of solid bedrock in the shoals.

Beautiful coin! And yes most of us noticed the R.S. stamp as well. Nothing gets by the pros on here(I'm not one of them).

There are ten varieties of that coin. Which one do you think you found?
1810 Half Dollar Varieties

Don't I really don't have a clue. I wasn't aware til your post that that variations of coin existed. Been busy today answering mail and text from people that are concerned for my safety. Many offers to protect me from snakes and other boogers. Oh course this would be accomplished by swinging a pole with a coil attached to the end.

Congratulations on the big silver find! The coin has a lot of nice detail.

Getting the permissions was well worth it! I suppose you will be revisiting the location?

Wow Tyler, that came out better than I expected. Did you soak it in lemon juice, it might remove some staining but give the coin a more unnatural surface. I love the details, I would call it around EF Details, plus the counterstamp makes it way cooler. As I told you before, that is certainly a dream coin!


Wow! banner find for sure in my book! Congrats!!! :hello2:

Killer coin find:headbang:

I wonder if the counterstamp had anything to do with the Planter Society..

Banner vote is in.


What an amazing coin- and a great story. I'm voting banner. Congratulations!

Another banner vote here. Along with a cool story, I love this find! Would love to know how you cleaned it.

Congratulations....awesome find and what a great feeling! :icon_thumleft:

A few weeks ago I dug an 1824 Bust Half in a silver spill with a couple Spanish Reales. I was shaking for the rest of the day.. and then for a week after that I kept thinking it was a dream and would have to go look at them to make sure it really happened. haha

Congrats on your dream find!!!

Fantastic silver and with a counter stamp! Great description of it's recovery too!

What an incredible find. And counter stamped to boot. Wow and congratulations.

Absolutely incredible- couldn't be happier for you!! Once-in-a-lifetime for most of us!

-- Jeff --

Incredible find! Deff BANNER worthy!

Fantastic find, especially considering it was your first water hunt.

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