🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Fossilized Tooth/Horn/Claw? Or Just A Rock?


Jr. Member
Aug 14, 2024
It is very much the shape of one and pretty sharp… seems sandy but it’s definitely hard and it rock like .. going to try wire brushing it tomorrow and we’ll see what happens. A small quarts crystal is also forming on it I'm not sure if that would help identify.

It’s probably just a cool shaped rock😅 but you never know!

It was found in a school yard in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada … Most notable finds there were a few old coins, the oldest of being a Victoria Large Cent from the late 1800’s



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I also think it rock

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As others said, rock not fossil.

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Know why turds are tapered?
We all know why sir.... now your assumption that this is a fossilized turd got my interest. So I did a chemical analysis from the pic. After all afternoon in the ol' woodshop doing tests the OP can rest assured he is NOT holding an ancient turd...! So "itsConnorStade" after careful analysis my tests lean toward a rock also.

Sorry about ol' releventchair jumping to a TURD comment. But just in case my research is wrong you might want to lie it down....? :dontknow:

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We all know why sir.... now your assumption that this is a fossilized turd got my interest. So I did a chemical analysis from the pic. After all afternoon in the ol' woodshop doing tests the OP can rest assured he is NOT holding an ancient turd...! So "itsConnorStade" after careful analysis my tests lean toward a rock also.

Sorry about ol' releventchair jumping to a TURD comment. But just in case my research is wrong you might want to lie it down....? :dontknow:
Look Mr. them ain't tootsie rolls in the cat litter box.

The context of the recovered/uncovered object was that of a schoolyard.
Certainly it may have a hardened clay like consistency. Sugared in/with sand like a fancy doughnut.
We must consider however , the why of it being uniquely in a schoolyard absent any host of similar relics created by schoolkids doing what kids do when they don't want to go back into the school. (Or during recess perhaps when students are/were not allowed to return to do , as/while the poor teachers sighed at the feigned relief of such.) Not to be confused with straining schoolchildren type relief while locked out onto the playground/schoolyard.) (:

Yes kids loose teeth. Heck they even help each other do so at times. But then they clutch them as if valuable for things like evidence of assault , or for redeeming them like some kind of financial leverage with mysterious tooth fairies that prowl about youths pillows carrying coins of varied sorts. Or for the naughty a lump of coal. Oh wait , that's a different entity.

But speaking of lump of something compressed found in the formerly youth trampled ground that has a slightly irregular and unnatural appearance in a school yard.
I suspect a lesson in class not long before lunch , followed by recess, might have mentioned a bear in the buckwheat.
Thusly stimulated and the power of suggestion combined with a restricted range of travel then leading to...

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Look Mr. them ain't tootsie rolls in the cat litter box.

The context of the recovered/uncovered object was that of a schoolyard.
Certainly it may have a hardened clay like consistency. Sugared in/with sand like a fancy doughnut.
We must consider however , the why of it being uniquely in a schoolyard absent any host of similar relics created by schoolkids doing what kids do when they don't want to go back into the school. (Or during recess perhaps when students are/were not allowed to return to do , as/while the poor teachers sighed at the feigned relief of such.) Not to be confused with straining schoolchildren type relief while locked out onto the playground/schoolyard.) (:

Yes kids loose teeth. Heck they even help each other do so at times. But then they clutch them as if valuable for things like evidence of assault , or for redeeming them like some kind of financial leverage with mysterious tooth fairies that prowl about youths pillows carrying coins of varied sorts. Or for the naughty a lump of coal. Oh wait , that's a different entity.

But speaking of lump of something compressed found in the formerly youth trampled ground that has a slightly irregular and unnatural appearance in a school yard.
I suspect a lesson in class not long before lunch , followed by recess, might have mentioned a bear in the buckwheat.
Thusly stimulated and the power of suggestion combined with a restricted range of travel then leading to...
YOU WIN releventchair....! :notworthy:

itsConnorStade.... Lie it down and back away from the turd. I don't know my shittttttttttttt...! Maybe your next inquiry will be something I know about.

But sincerely I don't blame ya for posting or inquiring and PLEASE keep inquiring. I have but sometimes we get a little sidetracked.... kinda..! :laughing7:

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YOU WIN releventchair....! :notworthy:

itsConnorStade.... Lie it down and back away from the turd. I don't know my shittttttttttttt...! Maybe your next inquiry will be something I know about.

But sincerely I don't blame ya for posting or inquiring and PLEASE keep inquiring. I have but sometimes we get a little sidetracked.... kinda..! :laughing7:
Ya know.
It has a kind of a pecked pattern on it in the closeup picture. Kind of like Harry Potters scar on his forehead..
Looks like a fork was used to carefully decorate it with mild pricking. (Yes? No?) A stitching wheel guage could have been rolled upon it too but I'm leaning towards fork... A lunchtime type fork.

Decoration appears more fancy than just " hey! I have an idea , let's poke it with a stick " kind of alteration(s).

Don't you have some worked /decorated clay pattern pics too?
The relic featured here by the O.P. is from far North of you.
But folks and art travel...

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