In search of "Where the warm waters halt" in the realm of the mind.
During the first weeks after the Fenn treasure hunt game was called to my attention, by a potential search team member, in late April or early May, 2013, I accepted the task of bringing together some background data on Fenn from information available on the internet. In keeping with the trust but verify axiom, of course. As Tennessee Williams said, " We have to distrust one another, it is our only defense against betrayal."
Listed below are some of the benchmarks that caught my attention at the time.
1988 Fenn sells his art gallery and concentrates on indian artifacts.
Nedra Matteucci Galleries (Fenn sold gallery to Richard and Nedra Matteucci in 1988) 1075 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
~1988 Fenn buys the 57 acres?, site of the ancient Pueblo habitat ruin outside Santa Fe.
~1989 BLM files suit against Fenn over his handling of the dig at the ancient Publo site Fenn owned. Fenn counter sues the BLM and case is settled thru the AG's office.
1996 The Clovis point arrowhead artifact/or Woody Blackwell reproduction exposure.
~1996 Finn says he was given 3 years to live because of cancer and had treatment.
2006 The BLM and FBI take stronger yet interest in the stealing/selling/buying of artifacts from indian/gvt land and being sold on the black market.
2007 undercover sting operations by Feds. (BLM and FBI)
2009 Feds start arresting SOME for the targets. June 10, 2009, 24 individuals indicted.
2009-2010 Three suicides (1 INFORMANT 2 TARGETS of investigation). March 3 2010 and June 20, 2009, and June 2009.
2009 Tuesday, June 16: Fenn reaches out to sell his personal arrowhead collection,
2,900 flint pieces. Says " I will not hold out for top price. Instead I’ll sell for 30 cents on the dollar. I guarantee that all are ancient and you have a 14 day return policy to a buyer of the entire 2,900 peice arrowhead collection.
2010 (Release date: October 25, 2010 ) FF has his self-published Thrill printed and for sale in Santa Fe book store.
2013 February FF begins blitz self promotion of his Thrill almost two years after initial release date of his Thrill.
Collected Works, an independent bookstore in Santa Fe, N.M., had been selling about 25 copies of “Thrill of the Chase” a MONTH since its 2010 release. Within minutes after Fenn appeared on TODAY 2/2013, the store started selling 25 books a minute, estimated the store’s co-owner, Mary Wolf. As of the middle of Feb, 2013, the store had about 4,000 books on backorder.
Fenn originally had printed about 5,000 copies of the book. He had since ordered another 15,000 from his printer as of March, 2013.
Fenn says in an interview that it took him 26 weeks to write the book.
So, I estimated that he worked on the book project from AT LEAST April 2010 until late october 2010.
Two suicides of targets of the Fed. investigation had taken place in June, 2009, and the FBI informant ( Gardiner) took is own life March 3 2010. The release date of the Thrill was October, 2010. At the time, I viewed the Gardiner Island mention in the TTOTC as possibly being a "joker" for Fenn. Like a little inside joke tossed out in his Thrill to give himself a thrill. After all, the informant Gardiner was from Santa Fe and he was was likely pretty much on his own "Gardiner island" emotionally when he took his own life. Reports say Gardiner had been getting death threats and was seriously upset with the FBI agent in charge in regard to the way the FBI handled the news conference announcing the indictments of 24 targets arrested in June 2009. Fenn was a target of the investigation, however, Fenn was not among those arrested or indicted in the BLM, FBI operation in 2009.