Forrest Fenn s treasure

steve33gar..... please tell me why you wouldn't go get it yourself and keep it all? PM me if you like

call me if your interested in its location i get half i can answer any question u have about the poem its translation and the location of the box by clues and a map steve 443 602 4893 this is time stamped and so is my cell phone

Just tried to call but I guess you couldn't hear me. As I've said in the past, I have a plane and can travel to any airport. If convinced, I'm willing to go on my own nickel and split what ever is found. Why wouldn't you go on your own?

Forrest Fenn treasure

Why make accusations and name calling about someone you know little about.Forrest was a decorated war hero, a successful business owner and a generous man (all the profit from his book goes to charity) and a very good person.Forrest was trying to create an adventure that those of us on this site should appreciate, he wasn't looking for fame or gain, he already has that.Do some research on Forrest, it makes for some interesting read,

Why make accusations and name calling about someone you know little about.Forrest was a decorated war hero, a successful business owner and a generous man (all the profit from his book goes to charity) and a very good person.Forrest was trying to create an adventure that those of us on this site should appreciate, he wasn't looking for fame or gain, he already has that.Do some research on Forrest, it makes for some interesting read,

Amen Ken/Co... Some people just have to find the negative within themselves...

Your translation of the poem is way off k…i know what warm water halts i know the home of brown i know where place of meek is i know where drawing nigh is i know where the creek is where we wont use a paddle i know where heavy loads and water high means and its location i know why we got to get cold to get the box i know what forrest fenn blaze looks like and i knlow where in the wood is… serious i need a frontman to join with me 50 50 all except the item forrest wants returned to him that i think we should just give to him not make him pay…..i am completely serious my answers match up with clues and markings on a map 100 percent my name is steve call me 443 602 4893 this is time stamped and so is my cell in case u ttry to screw me out of my half im not lying i know ehere it is….

The picture from the treasure location was sent to Fenn on June17 by Whiterock7. I saw the email and the pic. 100% solved
Ask him [Fenn].

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The picture from the treasure location was sent to Fenn on June17 by Whiterock7. I saw the email and the pic. 100% solved
Ask him [Fenn].

So if the treasure has been found, why doesn't Fenn come forward to confirm it. So all the people spending their life savings can spend it on ice cream....

You say from the treasure location, but you didnt say what was in the pic. Can you post it

You say from the treasure location, but you didnt say what was in the pic. Can you post it

I cannot do that at this point.
Whiterock7 has given Fenn a chance to remove the soul from the box - he did not want to destroy it. So he is waiting for Fenn to "Man Up", and to do the right thing.
Personally, I do not think he is strong enough, or possibly cannot even do that. This treasure is about stealing human souls by those whose souls were already taken over by evil entities.
I keep trying to warn you guys, that you will expose yourselves to grave danger if you pursue it, just by going through certain area that leads to the treasure - even if the treasure is no longer there. I wish you would heed my warnings. This hunt is really about much, much more than you can even imagine. It involves some VIP's, all working together under one head. If you want to know the truth, you guys need to ask him the right questions, and demand specific answers. Only then you might get a glimpse into what is really going on in the world = hint of treasures new and old!

Once the situation is resolved, I will post all pictures and exact interpretations

I cannot do that at this point.
Whiterock7 has given Fenn a chance to remove the soul from the box - he did not want to destroy it. So he is waiting for Fenn to "Man Up", and to do the right thing.
Personally, I do not think he is strong enough, or possibly cannot even do that. This treasure is about stealing human souls by those whose souls were already taken over by evil entities.
I keep trying to warn you guys, that you will expose yourselves to grave danger if you pursue it, just by going through certain area that leads to the treasure - even if the treasure is no longer there. I wish you would heed my warnings. This hunt is really about much, much more than you can even imagine. It involves some VIP's, all working together under one head. If you want to know the truth, you guys need to ask him the right questions, and demand specific answers. Only then you might get a glimpse into what is really going on in the world = hint of treasures new and old!

Once the situation is resolved, I will post all pictures and exact interpretations

Heck if they bring the box to me I will anoint it for them. I have done people, house's, motorcycles, etc. Surely I can handle a box.....

Actually, whiterock7 sent him a picture of the location on May 17, not June. Fenn has been silent since, in the media he missed several dates for a new clue on Today's show.
"TheMarked" my have the answer why! And it is not because he is writing books - books write themselves, as you will surely hear Fenn say in the future.

You guys see what happens when you answer these types. Um well I dont know,umm not yet,umm cant show yet, etc..... They are wacko or they think if they say this type of BS people will stop looking for the gold so they have less competition. DUH!

come on FF, is just an older guy, that thought chit, WTH i want to leave something behind,hey
how about a Tbox, sure the hunt is prob a little egotistical, and a small tax write off, but ill
never think he is some super biblical type of being with an alternative motive
i think the KISS rule applies here, a poem, fig the 9 clues in it, and follow them and find the Tbox
look at what he has said

‘There have been some who have been within 500 feet because they have told me
where they have been. Others have figured the first two clues and went right
past the treasure and didn’t know it.’
“All of this cyberspace verbiage is conspicuous by the absence of talk about where
warm waters halt. Several months ago some folks correctly mentioned the first
two clues to me in an email and then they went right past the other seven, not
knowing that they had been so close

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You guys see what happens when you answer these types. Um well I dont know,umm not yet,umm cant show yet, etc..... They are wacko or they think if they say this type of BS people will stop looking for the gold so they have less competition. DUH!

All i can tell you, is that you will have to eat your words. I hope you will be man enough, to come back and admitt it, after you see the proof later. Nothing is free in this world. At least consider what I have said before. Should you decifer the clues correctly and get to the location, you will remember what I said and will know instantly that I was correct - I guarantee it! Then I ask you to come back here, and tell everyone what you have encountered - and you will still not know even a small fraction of the whole story behind this chase.

the curse of the elusive box will expose yourselves to grave danger if you pursue it

You may be on to something here Jay. I don't know if your "grave danger" remark was an intentional pun or it just worked out that way. But since Fenn made much of his "fortune" from digging up graves and carting off the clothing and ceremonial grave goods to sale for profit (and throwing the bones back in the hole?), there just may be some bad voodoo associated with the box (if there is one at all).

Until the grave goods are collected and reunited with the remains and properly reburied (in the tribe's ceremonial fashion), there could be a lot of angry spirits roaming about.

Something to think about anyway.


All i can tell you, is that you will have to eat your words. I hope you will be man enough, to come back and admitt it, after you see the proof later. Nothing is free in this world. At least consider what I have said before. Should you decifer the clues correctly and get to the location, you will remember what I said and will know instantly that I was correct - I guarantee it! Then I ask you to come back here, and tell everyone what you have encountered - and you will still not know even a small fraction of the whole story behind this chase.

BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! Listen nut boy..... so do tell us all why you feel the need to be our savior? Why is the Fenn treasure cursed to take your soul?? Why did you show up here spouting your bs years after he hid the treasure? HUH?????


Ooops, Fenn already said it, I never read the book or this comment:

"The bulk of the book was written in six weeks and phrases that I had never thought of before, suddenly appeared on my computer screen. I said in the forward that the book wrote itself. I had written seven books before this one, and it seemed that none of the lines crossed where they were supposed to, metaphorically speaking."

Typical, same as others like Williams, Stadther....they all say the same thing, makes you wonder why

I now have over 6 note books and 497 pages of clues, and and have narrowed it down to 0nly 2 places. your kinda right about the hiding of it.But it's not in a cave which is a excellent choice,because that was my second choice and place but my #1 place is by/near a canyon that Shelters an Old (Ruin). the Home of brown is not what anyone thinks it is, and neither is the Blaze. I had my trip all planned but my son came down with (type b Influenza) and then a week later got RSV and was in the hospital for 5 days so i had to cancel.I will be leaving Michigan on the 19th finally to go look for it. Good luck to all searching. Have fun,be safe, and enjoy the outdoors.

I now have over 6 note books and 497 pages of clues, and and have narrowed it down to 0nly 2 places. your kinda right about the hiding of it.But it's not in a cave which is a excellent choice,because that was my second choice and place but my #1 place is by/near a canyon that Shelters an Old (Ruin). the Home of brown is not what anyone thinks it is, and neither is the Blaze. I had my trip all planned but my son came down with (type b Influenza) and then a week later got RSV and was in the hospital for 5 days so i had to cancel.I will be leaving Michigan on the 19th finally to go look for it. Good luck to all searching. Have fun,be safe, and enjoy the outdoors.

Good luck... Happy Hunting....

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