Forrest Fenn s treasure

Well, apparently Fenn never answered those. According to white rock, both emails were listed on his sites, possibly one was from Dal's site - that is as of 5/17/13. He never received undeliverable notice back, meaning they were delivered.
Since you all seem to have such prompt communication with him, then ask him those questions already. Aren't you at all curious if there is some truth to it? Post your emails and his responses here.

That's already been done.

What happened to this thread? Now we have someone who is seeking a little misplaced glory trying to make it seem like he is the maan who outsmarted us all. Simply put, I haven't read anything yet to convince me anyone even knows where the route starts.
Of course I am like hundreds of others and am convinced I too know the way, but I am not going to say I found it. I do though have to say, I know the crypted thought process Forest is using. Well good luck to all anywho... (0:
(Think "magician"....I say "southern Pennsylvania" as the obvious....a distraction... When I really mean "SPA".)
Does this make sense to anyone?

I am still trying to figure out how this area NOT north of Santa Fe, at an elevation higher than the river you jave been going DOWN, can possibly contain a real marker. Also, I doubt any conservation-minded person would put a copper nail or anything made of copper around trees.... That is how some folk would kill trees they didn't want around. Now how do you suppose a tree would stand up for a thousand years as a marker? Hhhhhmmmmm.

My intention was to read the whole blog before speaking up, but Chris.....something can be yellow without being a banana.
If I remember correctly Mr Fenn stated ON TELEVISION that the clues were so easy his grandchildren could figure it out. That to me means STOP OVERTHINKING things.

This is my way of thinking of things WITHOUT overthinking.

Begin it where warm waters halt ( Where the Little Colorado and the Colorado Rivers meet. Little Colorado is 75 degrees in daytime and the Colorado is frigid)
And take it in the canyon down, (The Grand Canyon of course)
Not far, but too far to walk, ( approximately 40-50 miles as a bird flies)
Put in ( your boat) below the home of Brown ( the point at which Frank M Brown drown and his body was never found. Making it his permanent resting place or "home")

From there it’s no place for the meek, ( 25 mile rapids, 29 mile rapids, many people have died on these rapids. etc)
The end is ever drawing nigh; ( many people have died on these rapids)
There’ll be no paddle up your creek, ( once the rapids get ahold of you there is no way out, you cannot paddle upstream or out of the flow of water.You are at the mercy of the flow of the water good or bad.)
Just heavy loads and water high. ( white water)

If you’ve been wise and found the blaze, (N 36° 12.851 W 112° 03.615 (NAD 83) , RM2 for ANGEL The blaze and copper washer & nail. From Geocaching > Benchmark Hunting > Benchmark Details 3/4's of the way down the page.

Is this the Blaze he is talking about? Well If you have done your research the box weighs 40 lbs. He his the box and "walked back to his car" YES there are MANY Blazes but the Blaze that I speak of is within 1/8th OF A MILE OF A ROAD, 2 MILES OF A RESORT. He has stated, supposedly that "over 50 people have been within feet of it" Maybe thats because beyond the resort is a community that is spread quite widely that TAKES CARE OF THE RESORT. The Resort for vacationers is limited. The resort for WORKERS is VERY VERY LARGE. And in that land IS THE BLAZE at N 36° 12.851 W 112° 03.615, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RESORT. Land in which it is LEGAL to search.

Go on believeing I am wrong. You may not find it but give me 12 months I will.

memory....use it when considering how far.

OK, Many have said that they have deciphered some of the clues, but to have any meaning you must put them in a location. No one has nailed down the area to be searched ! Fenn has said it was north of his place, but if you go far enough north, you will wind up south of his place. People are looking as far away as yellowstone park. So without a beginning, there can be no end. Frank...

View attachment 809424

Well Frankendoubter, either you know jack about Ole Forrest, or have a very selective and purposeful memory. Maybe others need a refresher too.

So we do the flashback thing.....
Back to a younger Fenn and dad,
Dying he was,
The elder had it bad.

Drive and drive they did,
As far as it would be days,
So the eldest could see the last,
Of where his son first sowed the blaze.

It hOlds no Weight,
To be measured on a scale,
That it too much work for you,
For Fenn It's a short sail.

The blaze sits now steady and fast,
In a place of heart and soul,
Where father and son took the last,
Fish together they will ever know.

POINT IS.......HOW FAR IS TOO FAR? HOW FAR IS TOO FAR WHEN IT IS IN YOUR HEART TO DO SOMETHING. You "quipped" about people searching way up in Yellow.. but when the eldest was dying it was just a short trip which two men wished didn't have to end....but had to.

Do tell.... Who or what exactly would you drive 1500 miles one way to be with?

Boy oh boy....does this screen name sound familiar?
Wasn't there some younger gent on the earlier posts with
a name of A***33gar that only had $500 and was looking for a handout?

Heck if they bring the box to me I will anoint it for them. I have done people, house's, motorcycles, etc. Surely I can handle a box.....

Don't worry gentlefolk....Jay and Whiterock are gonna go drink some koolaide together under a golden silk shroud, because the mother ship is comming.

Actually, whiterock7 sent him a picture of the location on May 17, not June. Fenn has been silent since, in the media he missed several dates for a new clue on Today's show.
"TheMarked" my have the answer why! And it is not because he is writing books - books write themselves, as you will surely hear Fenn say in the future.

Here is a big clue to Jay's and Whitrrock's BS: (remember guys, logic is logical, and you two are not.)

Sooooo, if all these evil beings are so dangerous that even being in the same area will cause you and your soul harm, then ehy was whiterock even looking and how did he get close enough to get pics without having his soul vanquished by evil?


Originally Posted by au-artifax
And STILL, we have not answered how one person can be near the cursed treasure taking pics of it's location, and in the same argument say to keep yourself and especially your kids away. Obviously this is a fabrication of either a very selfish or delusional mind.

no fear here im just going to get something like this stuff, maybe some of the searchers, had some of the banishing items,and
didnt know,but worked for them unknowingly, cool cool,LOL
Free Banishing Spells That Work

people that think like jayackman, and whiterock7 , is kind of scary keep your eyes open while searching, in truth
folks do just disappear sometimes, though i think it is a wicked sick minded person, that makes the disappearing
happen,not an evil soul stealing entity of some sort, as always JMO

Why is everyone intent on making this thread about themselves and not the topic? Please keep the post on the original topic and stop bickering or you wont be posting at all. Thank you.

Au-Artifact read our rules....stop the insults and attacks on members or you will not be able to post.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Last edited:
Au-Artifact read our rules....stop the insults and attacks on members or you will not be able to post.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Very glad to see one step up and monitor this blog.... This should be nothing more than FF ideas and treasure ideas and leads.... good job.....

Well you, jayackman, and whiterock7 refer to each others' posts, like each others' comments, so again you are caught in a bold-faced lie.
As far as belittling people, I don't belittle people for truly not understanding, but I hold no punches and have no mercy for those who don't
understand out of convenience and ignore truths that go against your warped focus on reality.

And STILL, we have not answered how one person can be near the cursed treasure taking pics of it's location, and in the same argument say to keep yourself and especially your kids away. Obviously this is a fabrication of either a very selfish or delusional mind.

You speak of truth, but you do not seek it. You might not be able to handle the truth, so you decide to call it "warped sense of reality". There is much more to this than the gold and much more to this world, than what You can see or hear.

Contrary to popular belief, that which you do not know or understand, CAN hurt you. Ignorance can have serious consequences.

That's already been done.

I asked you guys to ask him some specific questions, I have yet to see those be asked or answered. Apparently Fenn is quite selective on what mails he answers - I do not think for a second that it was the wrong e-mail address.
This is what I wrote before and still waiting to see answers to:
"The problem is, that nobody is asking him straight questions. If you guys do not believe me, then ask him straight "if he has parted part part of his soul (or some other soul) into the treasure box" - and do not let him say that many people say many things and it is all nonsense. He needs to answer only that specific question!
Someone also needs to ask him "if search for the treasure could endanger seekers' soul ( and/or his body)" - again straight question, requires straight answer. Contact NBC reporters and demand that they ask those questions. Soon he will stop providing new clues, unless he already stopped."

I added the wording in parentheses
Let me know when he answers those - I am quite curious what he has to say to that.

Ok, so I would like to contribute, but it took a little bit to phish around, push some buttons and see who I should be talking to.

So general thoughts go here, and details go PM only.
But I have to say "sorry F', but I'm gonna help make your trove go bye bye".

Big concept: has anyone considered that the place you have be in to "find" the trove is not the same place you would go to retrieve it?
To foreshadow some of what needs to be discussed.... The first stanza is not just a lead in.... It is an admission that sets the framework for how to USE the poem. There's lots more. No sales, no scheme or hidden agenda, just time to make the bronze chest go bye bye.

AU... Good luck on your quest.

Maybe Mr. Fenn has died and that is why no one has seen or heard from him. It could be his family just keeping his legacy alive......

Threads have been deleted.
I do not think Mr. Fenn is going to respond to thousands of e-mails from strangers wanting more information than he has given.

Please read our rules if you are a new first time poster.

And last but not least...remember

Your distractions may become an infraction and lock you out of the den we call Forrest Fenn.

You speak of truth, but you do not seek it. You might not be able to handle the truth, so you decide to call it "warped sense of reality". There is much more to this than the gold and much more to this world, than what You can see or hear.

Contrary to popular belief, that which you do not know or understand, CAN hurt you. Ignorance can have serious consequences.

There is nothing supernatural about this treasure. No souls are in danger. You are welcomed to your own beliefs no matter where they might stem from but bombarding FF w/ emails about nonsensical things only ruins it for the rest of us. Please stop.

I was serious about my suggestion earlier. I have new insight to offer about how to find the treasure. Seriously, it has been said by F that he could walk right to the treasure, but if you can only find it or actually discover it from a different vantage point, wouldn't that effect how you would look for the treasure? I have some new new New ideas. That make nsense and may surprise you

There is nothing supernatural about this treasure. No souls are in danger. You are welcomed to your own beliefs no matter where they might stem from but bombarding FF w/ emails about nonsensical things only ruins it for the rest of us. Please stop.

So now that you have confirmed that there is no evil spirits/ voodoo attached to the treasure. Then I would challenge.......
Whiterock 7 to put up or shut up...

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