Forrest Fenn s treasure

franky franky franky..... have you not listened to anything I have tried to teach you? C'mon think about it. The TAX MAN COMETH if you flap your yap about having the treasure!! Not to mention the Forrest Service,BLM, and god knows who else will come forth to say it was on my land! GIMMEEEE! You would be lucky to come out of court without being so far in lawyer debt that the treasure wouldn't even cover costs. Agree? I sure hope you can see the logic in that, if not, well I tried. The state the treasure is in is quite easy to conclude. An observant individual can see it just from the book. Don't hints just drive you batty! I know it would be so much easier if someone would just say it outright but what fun is that? Keep phishing franky you may get lucky!!

franky franky franky..... have you not listened to anything I have tried to teach you? C'mon think about it. The TAX MAN COMETH if you flap your yap about having the treasure!! Not to mention the Forrest Service,BLM, and god knows who else will come forth to say it was on my land! GIMMEEEE! You would be lucky to come out of court without being so far in lawyer debt that the treasure wouldn't even cover costs. Agree? I sure hope you can see the logic in that, if not, well I tried. The state the treasure is in is quite easy to conclude. An observant individual can see it just from the book. Don't hints just drive you batty! I know it would be so much easier if someone would just say it outright but what fun is that? Keep phishing franky you may get lucky!!

I know you have a good view from the tower, But if everyone jest came out and said it, It would just be more confusing with all those different answers. lol
five star.webp

Nvradar, post by our rules....stop the insults and mocking...

Start asking correct questions if you want to know where it is.

i just dont get it

jayackam, why do you want us to ask FF again, went
over that b4
see links

you asking
ask fenn again.webp

Jun 28, 2013, 08:57 PM
Quote Originally Posted by jayackam View Post
The picture from the treasure location was sent to Fenn on June17 by Whiterock7. I saw the email and the pic. 100% solved
Ask him [Fenn].

Jul 01, 2013, 08:15 PM
then another post that says another date 5/17/13

Jun 30, 2013, 01:55 PM
and the email from FF saying no email from Whiterock7

you say you have an img of the treasure, how about post it,no
need to say where just the img of the found FF treasure

you say you have pics
jayackam sent img.webp

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I have explained here before why I cannot show you the picture - it is too revealing, even if I posted a close up only.
I am really interested primarily in Fenn answering the first question, that is for the benefit of all seekers. An answer to the Second question would free me to post the picture of the treasure.

I have explained here before why I cannot show you the picture - it is too revealing, even if I posted a close up only.
I am really interested primarily in Fenn answering the first question, that is for the benefit of all seekers. An answer to the Second question would free me to post the picture of the treasure.

If your theory for the reason the chest was hidden is correct than this should clear the air of any deceit and ease your concerns. Volume Two August 25, 2003 Pages 23-25.

The Volumes - Direction For Our Times

If your theory for the reason the chest was hidden is correct than this should clear the air of any deceit and ease your concerns. Volume Two August 25, 2003 Pages 23-25.

The Volumes - Direction For Our Times

Thanks for the link. The comment referred to in the linked article is a personal interpretation and understanding by the archbishop, not necessarily stated by the person he his commenting about. It is not necessarily an accurate understanding = "Do not believe that you will come back to earth again for another chance. It is this life you are living that will determine your eternity. "

Jesus was asked by the apostles " who do people say I am" and "who do you think I am"? don't you think he would have rebuke them and never even entertained the question?
But I do not want to discuss the religion here.

So no, it does not alleviate my concerns at all. I too have had some profound experiences, more profound than stated in the articles, and the knowledge and the guidance is from that very source. I take no credit for it. I stand behind my claims

I was revisiting the chapter from 'The Thrill of the Chase' called "Gold and More." In it Fenn describes several items he included in the treasure chest. This includes a "small glass jar" with a 20,000 word autobiography. It is printed in such small letters that the eventual finder will need a magnifying glass to read it.
Now, keep in mind that the chest itself is only "10x"10X"5. That is roughly the size of a 40-count cigar box. Meaning that this small glass jar sealed with wax to prevent moisture takes up a sizable portion of the already small box. To give an equivalent example that's like a brief case filled with stacks of $100 bills that also includes a New York City sized phone book!
Why didn't he just double-laminate the pages & put them at the bottom of the chest? Is he trying to imply that his life story is a valuable treasure on its own? Even though some folks already have paid $50+ each for the 'The Thrill of the Chase' & 'Too Far To Walk'?
OR has he hidden the chest so well that he expects someone to stumble on it 1,000 years from now by accident? I guess I shouldn't quibble considering that there's "more than 20 troy pounds of gold" in there. You be the judge....

I am now checking every day (anxiously :) ) lest the chest has been found .... as I feel it is not that difficult to locate it if one observes the poem without any preconceived ideas of a 'treasure hunt'...I believe that is the hindrance for Americans (as it was for me initially) because of the way popular culture (in books and movies) portrays hidden treasures. Let me give you a hint guys, challenge this prevalent mental impression about hidden treasures ,for me this impression was altered after i went somewhere by chance in unrelated case and then what I saw in that travel altered my mental model about hidden treasures and I understood the poem in a very different light afterwards.Then,adding some bits and pieces, things became crystal clear. Fenn is really smart. You may ask why then I dont find the chest ,simply because I couldn't come to the USA-atleast not now. I am now thinking of how to get it from my remote sofa ...friends and relations in USA would think i am crazy but I am thinking about it and other ways...

tintin treasure

Two words for FF treasure; Big Joke

I am now checking every day (anxiously :) ) lest the chest has been found .... as I feel it is not that difficult to locate it if one observes the poem without any preconceived ideas of a 'treasure hunt'...I believe that is the hindrance for Americans (as it was for me initially) because of the way popular culture (in books and movies) portrays hidden treasures. Let me give you a hint guys, challenge this prevalent mental impression about hidden treasures ,for me this impression was altered after i went somewhere by chance in unrelated case and then what I saw in that travel altered my mental model about hidden treasures and I understood the poem in a very different light afterwards.Then,adding some bits and pieces, things became crystal clear. Fenn is really smart. You may ask why then I dont find the chest ,simply because I couldn't come to the USA-atleast not now. I am now thinking of how to get it from my remote sofa ...friends and relations in USA would think i am crazy but I am thinking about it and other ways...

tintin treasure
I agree tintin
folks get way to deep and carried away with codes and goblins. When FF says don't mess with my poem I have to listen. Seems to me it's straight forward but you do have to think like he does if that possible. I do wonder if my solve is to simple. I can only interpret the clues in one way,if I try to stretch the clues to fit it goes nowhere. My starting point was quite simple to figure so everything else just fell into place and does make perfect sense. The blaze is the ONE thing I haven't found...yet.

You have to think like Fenn, but you have to visualize the site like Fenn, and that is something you can't do unless you have been to that exact spot. That's the only way you can eliminate all other spots that also match the 'clues'. A starting point would have enabled you to fill in the clues.
Frank...-five star.webp

in a 166 word poem what is the probability that 2 hidden messages point to the same area?

("same area" being a loose term when we are talking the Rocky Mountains over 4 states)

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Well thats a pretty loose area. But hey everyone has their hunches and ideas. Just have to get your boots on the ground and find out.

I don't know where the chest is so I would not go look until I had a spot to check.

The person who finds the chest will have analyzed the poem and moved with confidence right?

Yes.... but what does that mean to you, "move with confidence". You know where,you move without fear,easily traversed etc... so many ways to interpret. ONE is the correct way.

Move with confidence to me means you already know where the chest is located before you head out to get it.

Not sure if this has been posted on here before but the line

"from there it's no place for the meek"

anagrams exactly to

"meeteetse pitchfork realm of horn'

you look up meeteetse and tell me how that can be a accident.

Hey Fellas,
Been busy traveling and such, not much treasure hunting though :-( but do check back now and then on these Fenn sites. I took a look at today (Fenn's birthday - BTW), and there have been some updates/changes. The audio is different, as are those four boxes. Definitely some Fenn related stuff in the audio. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is no more. What do you think?

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