Forrest Fenn s treasure

whatever. A little high strung are we. Pretty sure that has been much worse said with no word from you.

Consider yourself luckey! I didn't expect to see you posting for a while. TH was right! Think about it. Frank...-
hand print-2_edited-7.webp

Consider yourself luckey! I didn't expect to see you posting for a while. TH was right! Think about it. Frank...- <img src=""/>
no, consider yourself lucky.

...I can name the "2 search parties" and "location" they were in when they were within 500 feet of the treasure.

...I haven't encountered a single person looking anywhere near my spot...

But alas,... we both have been on that same "football field". I think we both now know who the two people are.

And I have been at the other end-zone. :hello:

-American Gold Whisperer-

You are all using the SWAG method of deduction! That is because there is no starting point.
You are wondering thru the woods without a trail, hoping to find a cashe that most likely only exise in the mine of Fenn.

Well In the realm of my thinking, SWAG stands for SCIENTIFIC WILD ASS GUESSING. When there is no real starting point or direction given as in the poem, you just start guessing to fill in the blanks based on places you have been or read about. The poem means different things to different people. There mental picture pertains to them alone.
In a REAL set of clues, the meaning is based on the location of the target, but without a starting point all is lost.
The starting point is in effect, the KEY that opens the rest of the clues.

example: where warm waters stop could be a point on the gulf stream somewhere off the Atlantic coast or it could be the hot water faucet in Fenn's bathroom. The poem, without a starting point is actually meaningless!
111-2 de Vinci.webp

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You are all using the SWAG method of deduction! That is because there is no starting point.
You are wondering thru the woods without a trail, hoping to find a cashe that most likely only exise in the mine of Fenn.

Well In the realm of my thinking, SWAG stands for SCIENTIFIC WILD ASS GUESSING. When there is no real starting point or direction given as in the poem, you just start guessing to fill in the blanks based on places you have been or read about. The poem means different things to different people. There mental picture pertains to them alone.
In a REAL set of clues, the meaning is based on the location of the target, but without a starting point all is lost.
The starting point is in effect, the KEY that opens the rest of the clues.

example: where warm waters stop could be a point on the gulf stream somewhere off the Atlantic coast or it could be the hot water faucet in Fenn's bathroom. The poem, without a starting point is actually meaningless!


Don't you think that "Scientific Wild Ass Guess" is a oxymoron Frankn? Just asking for your
SWAG. Take no offence to what I say, it is not aimed as an insult to any serious reader or poster here or elsewhere.

BTDT, frankn has been phishing for someone to TELL him where to start from his first post. He just can't figure it out! LOL!!! Maybe he should buy FF's book and it "should" be glaringly obvious to him, eh probly not. Frankn thats your "FREE" starting point ok. Now get to it!

You are all using the SWAG method of deduction! That is because there is no starting point.
You are wondering thru the woods without a trail, hoping to find a cashe that most likely only exise in the mine of Fenn.

Well In the realm of my thinking, SWAG stands for SCIENTIFIC WILD ASS GUESSING. When there is no real starting point or direction given as in the poem, you just start guessing to fill in the blanks based on places you have been or read about. The poem means different things to different people. There mental picture pertains to them alone.
In a REAL set of clues, the meaning is based on the location of the target, but without a starting point all is lost.
The starting point is in effect, the KEY that opens the rest of the clues.

example: where warm waters stop could be a point on the gulf stream somewhere off the Atlantic coast or it could be the hot water faucet in Fenn's bathroom. The poem, without a starting point is actually meaningless!

Don't you think that "Scientific Wild Ass Guess" is a oxymoron Frankn? Just asking for your
SWAG. Take no offence to what I say, it is not aimed as an insult to any serious reader or poster here or elsewhere.

SURE! Just like the poem is a clue. See the similarity? A perfect match, lol. No offense taken.
five star.webp

BTDT, frankn has been phishing for someone to TELL him where to start from his first post. He just can't figure it out! LOL!!! Maybe he should buy FF's book and it "should" be glaringly obvious to him, eh probly not. Frankn thats your "FREE" starting point ok. Now get to it!

I just might be the only one here that has figured it out! THERE IS NO STARTING POINT!
You didn't really name a starting point because you have none, and neither does any one else.
five star.webp

Buy FF's book and READ! If you are smart you can figure it out.... otherwise keep phising!

Buy FF's book and READ! If you are smart you can figure it out.... otherwise keep phising!

You keep pushing the book. If it is in the book, why hasn't any one found it? In the book he tells you that you only need the poem. I'm not fishing. The bate didn't look to realistic to me, but apparently you got hooked.
five star.webp

Not pushing the book but you keep stating there is no starting point. I'm telling you to read the book and you will have your non existent starting point. If you truly believe this is a hoax why in the world would you spend so much time here as a naysayer? Doesn't make a bit of sense to me.We don't need you to tell us if it's real or not ok. Just your opinion as we have ours. Your statement of " he tells you in the book all you need is the poem" is completely false. . He has stated in many interviews "all you need is the poem". If you are going to be a real treasure hunter franky you really must get the FACTS correct.

Can you tell me if the treasure has or has not been found? NO you can't. If I have it NOBODY will ever know. If you have it would you flap it to the public? That answers that question right.

IF it is a complete ruse, why get mad and all vaclempt about it? I for one would still shake the man's hand for his imagination and business savvy. It's AMERICA and we are capitalists!!! AMEN BROTHER!!!

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With all the sophistication you have I dont see how you Americans still could not figure out the poem and treasure. I am not a smart fellow,but with just some weeks study of the poem I can say I have a strong case where to look at.I may be wrong but compared to the arguments I saw so far I would definitely say mine is a strong one. Unfortunately I am in overseas and could not come to USA in the near future...that is my problem.Teaming up with someone with some kind of agreement for my information is a possibility but it is difficult to work it out...In any case lets wait and see how events unfold.

tintin treasure

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What a mess this thread has turned out to be! This is "cache hunting", not I've got a secret. Everyone is suppose to contribute something. All I am seeing is, I know the clues, but I won't tell. It's hard to believe that so many are so insecure that they hang on to what they believe is the answer to the poem. Perhaps it is greed that drives them.

When I post a cache thread, I lay the basic ground work and then add info as I find it. Most members respect this. Oh yes there was one "claim jumper" that cost me the pirate treasure, but he didn't get it either.
OK members, get a little pride in yourself and contribute. That's the only way you will ever find out if it really exists.

There was once a golden horse treasure hidden. The clues were so vague that it lasted the one year time limit without being found. The originators went back out and reclaimed it. It was buried in the middle of a desert area with nothing around to give a positive id on the location.

It appears that some caches weren't meant to be found or never existed except on paper in a book.
five star.webp

Ok franky.... what is it that you have contributed besides "no starting point" and It's a hoax"???? And now phishing with a guilt trip??? C'mon franky you are better than that.

I am serious Frank. I wish I was able to come to usa for the search(I am not american by the way).I am not suggesting a general location for search,but if my interpretation of the clever poem is correct I have pinned down actually the exact location.Particularly I have cracked the word 'blaze' and 'put in below the home of brown' which I believe are the most elusive words of the legendary poem.Probably american popular culture on hidden treasures and treasure related movies which have shaped the mental models of Americans on hidden treasures might be a major hindrance for the discovery of Fenn's treasure....Making a deal with my info with an american searcher is an option but difficult to implement because of different factors.. Also I probably know who Fenn was referring to when he said two people were 150m near the location...

P.s. Frank,if I write all my analysis it would be a total give away of the location,that is why

tintin treasure

Of course tintin none are foolish enough to post their knowledge of where they believe the chest is hidden. Some don't understand this. To find someone to check your spot and be honest would be tough IMO.

Ok franky.... what is it that you have contributed besides "no starting point" and It's a hoax"???? And now phishing with a guilt trip??? C'mon franky you are better than that.

Well it looks like I have contributed the only FACTS so far. The rest is,"I got a secret".
Hay, the I Got A Secret group can't even agree on a state much less a location. Think about it!
five star.webp

I am serious Frank. I wish I was able to come to usa for the search(I am not american by the way).I am not suggesting a general location for search,but if my interpretation of the clever poem is correct I have pinned down actually the exact location.Particularly I have cracked the word 'blaze' and 'put in below the home of brown' which I believe are the most elusive words of the legendary poem.Probably american popular culture on hidden treasures and treasure related movies which have shaped the mental models of Americans on hidden treasures might be a major hindrance for the discovery of Fenn's treasure....Making a deal with my info with an american searcher is an option but difficult to implement because of different factors.. Also I probably know who Fenn was referring to when he said two people were 150m near the location...

P.s. Frank,if I write all my analysis it would be a total give away of the location,that is why

tintin treasure

I think every one on here dreams they have solved the puzzle presented by Fenn, but no one has actually gotten off there ass and gone out and picked it up. They only give excuses like, to far away,I can't get off work, I have other obligations. Isn't it strange these block actually going out and picking up a million or so. Just maybe it is because they have no faith in there conclusion!
OH, perhaps the truth. It seems far easier to say, I got a secret, doesn't it.
111-2 de Vinci.webp

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