Forrest Fenn s treasure

Lol, just kidding. As of a week ago, I too, have figured it out. Reading the poem over 300 times, and his books at least 50 times each, I went to bed thinking about it and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I stayed up all night! I tried to hint on another blog of my solves, and immediately got shot down. Most people there feel your opinion is wrong. I think it is because they like your idea and may use it or realize you are right and they don't want that happening! How can one person say your opinion is wrong when they don't have the chest either?! Then, of course there are the ones that "know" ff personally and will shoot at you if you so much as put a word in the wrong order when quoting him. They are the ff God's and their knowledge is all supreme. So, I will no longer post my solves, clues, until I have the treasure. Then will give them a line by line solve, listen to them tell me I'm wrong, then post the picture of the chest with a current paper. HA! Love to be a fly on their wall! Oh, the tears that will fall! I may be wrong, too. I realize that. But I can dream, can't I? ¥Peace¥ and good luck !

Tried being nice, peaceful and neighborly, but these searchers are out for blood! It is a shame.

Tried being nice, peaceful and neighborly, but these searchers are out for blood! It is a shame.

Well Donna, why not just tell us about your solve, or at least direct us to you posts that were
rejected by the cult of personality apparent members?

I know the feeling and other blog as well. I would have warned you of the naysayers hear as well but if you have read some on hear you know already. I have had the OMG! moment as well. Some really do go nuts if you say you have deciphered the poem and usually they DEMAND to know something you have toiled over and figured it out for yourself. HA!!! I KNOW NOTHINK I SEE NOTHINK!!! you are the ONLY one who needs to prove it to yourself. Good luck in your search.

If I found the treasure, I would not tell anyone so as to avoid unwanted publicity and unwanted folks from the gubermint snooping around looking for thier handout. I suspect there are quite a few lookers out there who feel the same way.
So, it begs the question- how do we know the treasure has not been found already? I strongly suspect it has been found, or if not, when it is found we probably won't hear about it if the finder is smart!, I ask myself, "Self," I says, "If I just figured it out, in my opinion, taking years to do I, why would I throw it away to make a point?". Not going to happen. If I fail, I'll let others know so they don't make the same mistake, but if I find it, that is all the proof you need! I will give you ONE clue...ready? It's somewhere North of Sante Fe in the Rockie Mountains! Now go get it! He he- sorry ;)

Geez, FF said it is still out there. I suspect he has some type of gps tracker on it. He can just pull up his personal site and verify it. He would stop the chase when it is found. Just last week, he told a blogger it was still hid, when someone on a site claimed they had it. So...get your hiking boots ready, spring is around the corner!

Ever wonder if Forrest was seen hiding this chest? Maybe the chest was gone the very first day!! Makes ya think as to how he would hide something seemingly close to peoples travels without being seen. Unless you are seriously in the sticks there is a good chance someone is watching you.... ya think?

Perhaps the finder simply left the tracking GPS unit (if there was one) intact and at the site when they removed the chest?
So- old FF has to go out and physically check the site weekly or therebouts to see if it is still there? Unlikely, since he is being watched by folks who want to follow him to the site. So how would he know if it is actually still there? He would have to physically check it out. Very hard to do for all the reasons that come to mind.
I posit that it well could be gone by now and all the arguments and posturing by the various contributers to the forum threads have been in vain perhaps? Just sayin' . . . .

Merry=go=Round, I ask myself, "Self," I says, "If I just figured it out, in my opinion, taking years to do I, why would I throw it away to make a point?". Not going to happen. If I fail, I'll let others know so they don't make the same mistake, but if I find it, that is all the proof you need! I will give you ONE clue...ready? It's somewhere North of Sante Fe in the Rockie Mountains! Now go get it! He he- sorry ;)

Seems as if you and NVRA are on the same "trip". Ever think about ride sharing Donnadoo?

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Geezerdb yep it could have happened just that way. Someone could be selling it as we speak. The ancient gold leaves me wondering..... would someone melt that down so as not to be detected, at a large loss of money? I believe those items being sold would draw attention, thus alerting FF to the finding. I am certain he would never return to the site for that very reason.

No X needed. Yes, I feel WY is right. I got WWWH and canyon down, HOB, but meek and rest throws me so far. Unless it refers to crossing to the other side, which is what I think.

you sound brilliant. You also sound like youre in my spot! :boxing:

@desertpile, please ask admin on the ChaseChat to open my log in. Let's do not be afraid o the truth.

Chasechat sucks....Sorry they were jerking you around. Dont worry all we will do is talk shXX and beat yo down :occasion14: This is the original blog of the chase!

Some of the best things in life r free. Everything else is just spare change. I would keep looking 4 it but I need 2, find a new job and I'm hungry 4, some doughnuts anyway. Peace out peeps ..

Chill out warpigs its all goooood. dangggg!

Chasechat sucks....Sorry they were jerking you around. Dont worry all we will do is talk shXX and beat yo down :occasion14: This is the original blog of the chase!

THey cannot jerk me around😌. They are just running in the circles. Chasing their tails! They went full circle few times already, and now they are another one. Ultimately they will have to admit to that, which they do not want to.
What I do resent however, is that they accuse me of being abusive or insulting, while they are the ones, spewing insults one after another. Just like @deserpile above! Anyone can see that for themselves - their comments are there, black on white. And none of them were banned. I simply stated my solved, which they might not liked - but hey, that is my solve! I did not and do not want anything from anyone, I simply wanted to warn you all. If I have insulted anyone on any of the boards, I do appologize.

what is the name of the book?


THey cannot jerk me around. They are just running in the circles. Chasing their tails! They went full circle few times already, and now they are another one. Ultimately they will have to admit to that, which they do not want to.
What I do resent however, is that they accuse me of being abusive or insulting, while they are the ones, spewing insults one after another. Just like @deserpile above! Anyone can see that for themselves - their comments are there, black on white. And none of them were banned. I simply stated my solved, which they might not liked - but hey, that is my solve! I did not and do not want anything from anyone, I simply wanted to warn you all. If I have insulted anyone on any of the boards, I do appologize.
hope springs eternal.webp

Hope springs eternal Jay.​

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