Forrest Fenn s treasure

fairhope AL w fence.webp
Fairhope Alabama. NICE

Seems fitting I should post this here as well...

The treasure chest is no longer below the home of Brown, though it has not been claimed. The treasure and the treasures inside the chest are all with Jerry Zacuto & Family but they are waiting for me to claim the treasure chest. So let it be known now to all, that I take claim of the treasure chest. Thank you Jerry Zacuto & Family in Florida. I'm out here in CA. Maybe I will move out to Florida sometime, so I can be an 'Easterner' too.

Sometimes in life we all have to go through some insanity but in the end it's worth it to reach your 'fantasy'

I don't always Claim a treasure chest but when I do, I claim Jerry's
Keep searching my friends:-)

Now that this word game is finally done, I can use my real name.

Best wishes...


Thank you Forrest for the treasure. Weather permitting, I will leave this Thursday night Feb 27th after a dentist appointment. Maybe we can make a cash value deal so you can keep the treasure and rehide it for somebody else? Only thing I would like is maybe just the chest itself, unless you like it, you can keep that too. I have your phone number already but misplaced your home address in Sante Fe. I will give you a call when I get to Santa Fe. Thanks for the 'thrill of the chase'. Your buddy Chet...

PS can we keep this whole thing on the 'lowkey' side?? I don't want the media to swamp my parents house, me or any of my relatives. Thanks Forrest..


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Oh !!! well!!! dang!! well the ttotc is over... Chad & chet have proven they beat me to it.:sadsmiley:

Man overboard


Oh dear me. Have you heard on the news that a man by the name of NVRA fell overboad from the deck of a fishing boat off the coast of Fairhope, Alabama? Something about searching for treasure was said.
I do hope he has a speedy recovery. The reporter said NVRA was mumbling something about no place for the meek or something like that as he was pulled from the water by the Coast Guard.

NOW THAT!!! is the best pic yet!!!

Seems fitting I should post this here as well...

The treasure chest is no longer below the home of Brown, though it has not been claimed. The treasure and the treasures inside the chest are all with Jerry Zacuto & Family but they are waiting for me to claim the treasure chest. So let it be known now to all, that I take claim of the treasure chest. Thank you Jerry Zacuto & Family in Florida. I'm out here in CA. Maybe I will move out to Florida sometime, so I can be an 'Easterner' too.

Sometimes in life we all have to go through some insanity but in the end it's worth it to reach your 'fantasy'

I don't always Claim a treasure chest but when I do, I claim Jerry's
Keep searching my friends:-)

Now that this word game is finally done, I can use my real name.

Best wishes...


Thank you Forrest for the treasure but I don't have time to drive to your house to "claim it" and pick it up because I have much bigger project going on at the moment. Please feel free to keep the bracelet, the chest and all the goodies inside the chest. Also I would like to see you donate as much as you want to the Smithsonian. Or you could re-hide it if you want. Thanks for the thrill of the chase, it was quite fun.
"Seems fitting I should post this here as well..."
Super Bowl XLVIII victory is the first 43-8 final score in NFL history.

How about those Ospreys! They sure took the Drovers to school in the Super Hype Bowl.
"Sometimes in life we all have to go through some insanity but in the end it's worth it to reach your 'fantasy'"

haven't seen a thread on this.... Anyone interested in it? I've done some cursory research and would like to share. The distance precludes me from searching, but would like to help. :icon_pirat:

I am holding a Fennboree in May for people who are actively seeking the Fenn treasure. The web site is The Forrest Fenn Treasure Seeker's Jamboree: Fennboree!

I was thinking of adding the treasure location to my Google Map of the Fennboree camp site, but that would be.... silly.

Hotel California


Was out crusing the great broadband highway in the sky, doing a little reconnoitering.
Just when I thought this thrill chase game could not get any more squrrley. Seems that Fenn is
indicating to some of his trusted deciples that he (Fenn) received an email from a man with the poem "solve". Sounds good. But now interpret this if you will.

Exerpted from a posting by The Wolf at Chase Chat 2/2014 (A Fenn supported site):

"Here is the problem: I sent FF my first solution in Dec and I said I thought he could do better and
I hinted to the second which I have since solved and passed on in Jan. So you are probably wondering why I don't just go out and search? Well that is a very good question. Think of it this way. I have a gun and one bullet and a very angry bear is charging at me. Do I shoot now and risk missing and then life is over forever or do I wait until I see the whites of his eyes and shoot? The second option is what I have chosen ... it takes tremendous guts but the probability of success is much higher. I really do not want life to end - lol."

"So is FF trying to light a fire under my butt through this latest press release? Perhaps, but it
does not change anything other than confirm that I am on the right track. FF says I will move with
conviction; so as long as I have 2 and searching for the illusive third location, I will sit tight.
If I do move, I will not be coming back empty handed. One bullet - one chance - make it count!"

The Wolf
Now this from same site by same poster in June of 2013.

"Rick,To me the mystical connection is how close Forrest's life, experiences and motivations are
similar to mine. To me it is the thrill of the chase not the quarry (although that would be a nice
bonus) that motivates me. To be the one to actually solve the poem is a very satisfying feeling and
to know you are the only one to accomplish this feat amongst so many talented searchers (such as yourself) is a great feeling. To then retrieve the trove and end the mystery would be anticlimactic, unless there is a way to keep the fun going..."

The Wolf
Now my observations (BTDT2)
Channeling "Hotel California" by The Eagles

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "

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Hello All,
Wow, we've heard some whoppers on this long thread from all over the globe about solutions, sites, interpretations, Fenn's motivation etc. etc.... I just wanted to inform everyone that the elusive "home of Brown" will be located in the back of my boxer shorts when somebody finally posts confirmed photos of the treasure chest and its contents.

Was out crusing the great broadband highway in the sky, doing a little reconnoitering.
Just when I thought this thrill chase game could not get any more squrrley. Seems that Fenn is
indicating to some of his trusted deciples that he (Fenn) received an email from a man with the poem "solve". Sounds good. But now interpret this if you will.

Exerpted from a posting by The Wolf at Chase Chat 2/2014 (A Fenn supported site):

"Here is the problem: I sent FF my first solution in Dec and I said I thought he could do better and
I hinted to the second which I have since solved and passed on in Jan. So you are probably wondering why I don't just go out and search? Well that is a very good question. Think of it this way. I have a gun and one bullet and a very angry bear is charging at me. Do I shoot now and risk missing and then life is over forever or do I wait until I see the whites of his eyes and shoot? The second option is what I have chosen ... it takes tremendous guts but the probability of success is much higher. I really do not want life to end - lol."

"So is FF trying to light a fire under my butt through this latest press release? Perhaps, but it
does not change anything other than confirm that I am on the right track. FF says I will move with
conviction; so as long as I have 2 and searching for the illusive third location, I will sit tight.
If I do move, I will not be coming back empty handed. One bullet - one chance - make it count!"

The Wolf
Now this from same site by same poster in June of 2013.

"Rick,To me the mystical connection is how close Forrest's life, experiences and motivations are
similar to mine. To me it is the thrill of the chase not the quarry (although that would be a nice
bonus) that motivates me. To be the one to actually solve the poem is a very satisfying feeling and
to know you are the only one to accomplish this feat amongst so many talented searchers (such as yourself) is a great feeling. To then retrieve the trove and end the mystery would be anticlimactic, unless there is a way to keep the fun going..."

The Wolf
Now my observations (BTDT2)
Channeling "Hotel California" by The Eagles

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "

Well channeled , now go here and see how well!

(Link removed by mod)

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Some of my solutions were deleted on chase chat, I'll post it here later, I cannot add pics here from the iPad it seems

@desertpile, please ask admin on the ChaseChat to open my log in. Let's do not be afraid o the truth.


Some of my solutions were deleted on chase chat, I'll post it here later, I cannot add pics here from the iPad it seems

Oh NO!! Please Jay, don't ! I don't think that I can take, cuz it took to long to bake it,
And I'll never have that receipt again. Oh NO! Oh No! Oh No!


  • oh-no-oh-no-oh-no.webp
    36.8 KB · Views: 175
Where is it radar? Long time no talk. How you doing? Just letting you know I will have the chest soon! :thumbsup:

I'm waiting for the sweet spring time and all the cold to go away. I have come to the point that deciphering the poem is no longer warranted. IT'S BLISS I TELL YA!!! I read some on blogs and it really is fun to see how far folks stretch to make the poem fit what they want it to. Yes , I will let you hold it (empty of course) but only til your tears stop.:laughing7:

is it a clue?
the perspective of a 12 yr old looking at the poem, he noticed theres no X then writes this down
WxY wyoming, then said he would look at it some more, that was 2 months ago LOL

Desertphile, your party sounds like fun wish i could make it, but may is way to busy this yr

No X needed. Yes, I feel WY is right. I got WWWH and canyon down, HOB, but meek and rest throws me so far. Unless it refers to crossing to the other side, which is what I think.

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