Themarked, once again is showing, that he knows more about the treasure than you people think!
He has just released a major clue here - known only to a person privy to knowledge of the treasures location and a method of its concealment. Only the person who has solved the poem, and knows where the treasure is and how it is hidden would know that information. Otherwise only Fenn would have that info. However Fenn never said he was doing that alone. On the contrary, he said he has tested the box with several of his friends for the reaction. He only said that he has placed the box there alone! That does not mean that he did not share the info with his shills.
Try civil discourse ? - you do not know the meaning of the word Mr. You are the one that is getting testy here. Running my mouth? - I have not said a word !
Btw - I never demanded any clues here. I was shown all of the clues, and I know them well. I was demanding the truth. I believe Fenn has created public safety hazard! I want him to answer to that - and say it straight that it is not so. And I want to hear it from the horse's mouth!
So remember, the treasure is not just out there for anyone to find as you have believed! YOU could be cut off from the source ? You mean shut out - ha !!!
I am glad you have revealed that THEMARKED - ....
So all of you here, I hope you are starting to see the light.....start asking the relevant questions!
I will release all solutions, and beyond, with all pictures when Fenn declares the treassure found, possibly earlier if Whiterock gives me OK.