Forrest Fenn s treasure

Another thing I am wondering now,

1. If Whiterock7 found the treasure, does that mean he is possessed now by evil spirits? and 2. Why of all the people in the world would Whiterock7 choose to contact Jayackam.? Is the now possessed Whiterock7 trying to possess jayackam's soul?

Stay tuned... Same time... Same channel, for the ongoing Ssaaagggaaa of "Deamon deamon.. who's the deamon"


Jayackam........ Do you realize you just subjectively referenced a statement that was directed to Puzzlesolver!

HaHaHa..... You ARE Puzzlesolver..... OMG!!!!

Actually, I have no clue who Puzzlesolver is, never met him or know anything about him/ her
Nor do I care

I have addressed that in an earlier post. I had the location wrong, Whiterock solved the poem correctly, and not only knows the same regarding the soul, but reinforced it an expanded on it.
How he addressed it - ask Fenn himself, he can tell you.


Jayackam........ Do you realize you just subjectively referenced a statement that was directed to Puzzlesolver!

HaHaHa..... You ARE Puzzlesolver..... OMG!!!!

I recommend that you carefully retread the post #1163

Themarked, once again is showing, that he knows more about the treasure than you people think!
He has just released a major clue here - known only to a person privy to knowledge of the treasures location and a method of its concealment. Only the person who has solved the poem, and knows where the treasure is and how it is hidden would know that information. Otherwise only Fenn would have that info. However Fenn never said he was doing that alone. On the contrary, he said he has tested the box with several of his friends for the reaction. He only said that he has placed the box there alone! That does not mean that he did not share the info with his shills.
Try civil discourse ? - you do not know the meaning of the word Mr. You are the one that is getting testy here. Running my mouth? - I have not said a word !

Btw - I never demanded any clues here. I was shown all of the clues, and I know them well. I was demanding the truth. I believe Fenn has created public safety hazard! I want him to answer to that - and say it straight that it is not so. And I want to hear it from the horse's mouth!

So remember, the treasure is not just out there for anyone to find as you have believed! YOU could be cut off from the source ? You mean shut out - ha !!!
I am glad you have revealed that THEMARKED - ....
So all of you here, I hope you are starting to see the light.....start asking the relevant questions!

I will release all solutions, and beyond, with all pictures when Fenn declares the treassure found, possibly earlier if Whiterock gives me OK.
What in sam hell are you talking about? Im out. Im not looking for it. Whiterock found it anyway,right? Seems the speculating and craziness can be over.

What in sam hell are you talking about? Im out. Im not looking for it. Whiterock found it anyway,right? Seems the speculating and craziness can be over.

Good point. Let's go home. Oh...and one afterthought... Why oh why are you here jayackam if the treasure was found by Whiterock7.
Do you need a home to go back to? But either way, your existence on this forum is a contradiction. No need for you to be here if what you have been saying is true.

This is called "logic", and the concept of mutually exclusive realities come into play. You are making some claims that cannot all exist at the same time.

I recommend that you carefully retread the post #1163

I must say out of fairness that I was mistaken regarding who the "civil discourse" was directed to; it was directed at jayackam, not Puzzlesolver. My apologies. But also in the sense of fairness, I have to agree with themarkd; do try the "civil discourse", I hear it is delicious.

And I have a constructive idea for you jayackam and whiterock7....really it is. You can take the treasure and spend the money towards reaching out to the people that need to be protected and want to be protected. Think of how many souls you can reach out to with that kinda money. Makes sense to me.

And I have a constructive idea for you jayackam and whiterock7....really it is. You can take the treasure and spend the money towards reaching out to the people that need to be protected and want to be protected. Think of how many souls you can reach out to with that kinda money. Makes sense to me.

Do not be so self absorbed, I am speaking here to the rest of the 150,052 people who read this post. You can do what you want, nobody is holding your hand. We were granted free will, but I'll do all I can for the innocent to see the truth, so that they are not deceived. I think I have made my points here.

Do not be so self absorbed, I am speaking here to the rest of the 150,052 people who read this post. You can do what you want, nobody is holding your hand. We were granted free will, but I'll do all I can for the innocent to see the truth, so that they are not deceived. I think I have made my points here.

Please do not embellish. TreasureNet has exactly as of now 63,117 members. The exact number of views for this thread which counts each view separately (if I view this thread a hundred times, that is counted as a hundred views), is 145,096.

So please do try to get your facts straight if you are trying to pass yourself off as some kind of messiah. I myself would want my savior to at least know the correct facts. So now you have them. You can go about your preaching now.

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How did none of you notice that? I was just sitting back. I knew it was his Ass! Just didnt wan2 say anything.

Actually, I have no clue who Puzzlesolver is, never met him or know anything about him/ her
Nor do I care

Surely you have posted here numerous times....Which means surely you know of puzzle. I dont post much, I just read and I could tell you were 2 of a kind in the same pot without a window to throw it out of!
How do you not know who puzzle is????? truth just revealed :icon_farao:

And now for some real safety advice. Please, if you are in any position where you may end up in rough waters, use a PFD. It is a good idea anyways when you do ankind of watersports, treasure hunt, or fish "in the wood". Play it safe and have fun.

And for those going to the area in my PMs, this I beg of you... Be safe!

Surely you have posted here numerous times....Which means surely you know of puzzle. I dont post much, I just read and I could tell you were 2 of a kind in the same pot without a window to throw it out of!
How do you not know who puzzle is????? truth just revealed :icon_farao:

Like I always say... Logic is a wonderful path to the truth. Let somebody talk long enough and they start tripping all over themselves with inconsistencies.

And I have no idea who forest fenn is... I swear... I...I..was just looking at this web page and accidentally pushed enter and my e-mail to mom went all kafllooei. And I posted on this thread by mistake....ooh I am soo sorry...


Well I for one am grateful. Without your info, I might be in danger of thinking about a puzzle and reading a poem. Whew, that was a close one.

Just to get this out and on the table, for anyone who thinks they may be slowing down the search effort by creating havoc and dischord on the thread, there are plenty of behind the scenes search efforts going on. In fact there are quite a few who are in the area of the blaze searching as we speak. Instead of always stirring the pot to see what's in it , maybe you should ASK the cook what is in the soup, like the others.

Now excuse me while I go pray to my dead voodoo chicken I keep at the alter.

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I wish there were something like this in Tennessee, I'd go crazy lol. It seems to me that put in below home of brown would maybe refer to a canoe or something to float? no paddle up your creek, just heavy loads and water high might mean a small tributary from the mountains that you can't paddle up? Maybe big rocks and a waterfall for the heavy loads and water high?

I dunno I just think it is interesting.

You know, this thread is starting to remind me of the George Zimmerman trial. Everybody wants to weigh in and throw their 2 cents. I'm going to turn it off now. Somebody please PM me when the loot is found.

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