Forrest Fenn s treasure

Originally Posted by au-artifax
"One more note, am I the only one that noticed that the one who began this thread has not been around? Did Dal find the treasure? Dunh duhn duhn!"

I think Dal broke the rank with Fenn. Why? - I think he asked Fenn the questions I was demanding, which you guys have failed to, and he demanded the straight answer. He realized that he was being played, such as was Marked and Stephenie.
Whiterock sent a pic to Fenn, which I posted here but had to partially obstruct, with an object tha is within 12" of the Fenn's blaze. I can 100% wouch for that. I saw the solution - definitely correct interpretation. Whitrock had the solution few weeks before he actually contacted Fenn.
So if Themarked had guts and demanded answers, he would have confirmed what I was saying. Actually him being out of it might be just that! A confirmation that he knows more than he is saying or can say! He might know the truth what this is about, although I think he still might know only small part of it. This is about much more than any of you here can imagine .

Forrest doesn't owe anybody answers. Demanding them will get you cut off from the source. The source that you may need someday. I'm out because I don't happen to think its findable. Instead of running your mouth, you may want to try civil discourse and asking questions politely.

It's difficult to be civil and respectful to one who insults me. Then again, I don't want to be banned.

in that case, IF someone insults you hit Report to Moderator .
If We agree we will take care of It.

Do Not call members Names,
Do not call members Liars,
Do Not swear, Even with Initials

IF you can follow these requests

You won't be Banned.

I'm on pins and needles.

How about giving the Firehole River area one last shot. I'll be there Wed or Thurs giving Fenn one last chance at revealing some clue about the Blaze. Then I'll publish the location and reason. If it makes sense to others, they are welcomed to join me.

Not sure why one has to be "wise" to find it, or why someone has to look "quickly down" (as if a person might just miss the treasure).

Warm waters IS the Firehole River. The clue that escapes people,, apparently, is the place that is no place for the meek. I'm sure I have it.

Forrest doesn't owe anybody answers. Demanding them will get you cut off from the source. The source that you may need someday. I'm out because I don't happen to think its findable. Instead of running your mouth, you may want to try civil discourse and asking questions politely.

Well, he set this game up and with a million dollar (plus) treasure at stake he should have anticipated the response.

He does owe us factual representations or he is defrauding anyone who purchased his book. He stated that searchers have a "reasonable chance" to find the chest. I don't believe that's true, because I do not believe the Blaze is discoverable by clues. I think it is a guessing game and with so many possible answers a person may have a slim or slight chance of guessing correctly, but not a reasonable one.

WOW! I wish I could demand a clue and get one. Puzzlesolver your name belies you. F has stated all you need is the poem, the book has some hints to help understand the POEM. F will NOT hold anybodies hand here. We are all on the same level,same clues. The difference here is individual smarts. I will tell you this, my location fits better than yours from what you have said here. Sorry. I wish everyone the best.

WOW! I wish I could demand a clue and get one. Puzzlesolver your name belies you. F has stated all you need is the poem, the book has some hints to help understand the POEM. F will NOT hold anybodies hand here. We are all on the same level,same clues. The difference here is individual smarts. I will tell you this, my location fits better than yours from what you have said here. Sorry. I wish everyone the best.

So, are your waters warmer than mine? Is your canyon farther "down" than mine? Is your "home of Brown" more of a home of Brown than mine? Is your location farther than mine, or not as far, or is it obviously too far to walk (just how far is too far anyway)? Is you place much more "no place for the meek" than mine (even though you have no idea why my place is no place for the meek). I guess your "heavy loads" are what, heavier than mine (pack mule trail).

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WOW! I wish I could demand a clue and get one. Puzzlesolver your name belies you. F has stated all you need is the poem, the book has some hints to help understand the POEM. F will NOT hold anybodies hand here. We are all on the same level,same clues. The difference here is individual smarts. I will tell you this, my location fits better than yours from what you have said here. Sorry. I wish everyone the best.

Oh, and by the way, it's "anybody's" -- not "anybodies." uneducated AND lacks intelligence. Scary combo.

OH NO he is the grammar police as well. I won't post my location and how I solved the clues but I WILL go look for myself and not ask for scores of searchers to do it for me. The "heavy loads" pack mule thing is a HUGE reach to make a clue fit. THAT alone is how I KNOW you are COMPLETELY WRONG. But hey it's your story tell it how you like.

Alright timeouts will be issued, this thread will follow the rules or I will lock it down tight and still issue timeouts

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Puzzlesolver ignored Jeff's warning and earned time out. Please follow our rules..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

GREATLY appreciated sir! you strictly operate in your area? What is the farthest you have gone on your search for F''s treasure? You don't have to be specific. I just wanna get an idea of who is actually puting in the legwork, and who is not.

And because the blaze is receiving some negative reviews, the blaze itself in the context of the poem is not a clue "in the context of the poem". But, when one happens upon the blaze by following the poem's directions, then serves as a verification that you have been wise.
F'uses a certain "speak" (lingo....language)

For everyone, without regards to the starting point, "take it in the canyon down" does not mean take it down in the canyon. The very word "down" is almost like an adjective here. The "down" of the canyon or river means downstream. So in river lingo..."take it in the canyon down" means go downstream of the canyon(s) to continue the journey. Whole different place..
The poem is actually a pretty simple set of directions leading to where you can see the blaze.

At least now I don't have to worry about being verbally abused, so let us continue.

au-artifax I have been out 3 times and yes from nevada each time empty handed,BUT each time it made me sit down and think what am I missing and I have come up with a different way of understanding the meanings and I believe I am very close now, as ALL 9 clues fit very very well without reaching for them to fit like pack mule train. I know I have the WWWH correct and from there like you say learned some lingo that helped me out.... not river lingo a different type.

Your welcome for relieving us from the verbal abuse.:laughing7: you strictly operate in your area? What is the farthest you have gone on your search for F''s treasure? You don't have to be specific. I just wanna get an idea of who is actually puting in the legwork, and who is not.

And because the blaze is receiving some negative reviews, the blaze itself in the context of the poem is not a clue "in the context of the poem". But, when one happens upon the blaze by following the poem's directions, then serves as a verification that you have been wise.
F'uses a certain "speak" (lingo....language)

For everyone, without regards to the starting point, "take it in the canyon down" does not mean take it down in the canyon. The very word "down" is almost like an adjective here. The "down" of the canyon or river means downstream. So in river lingo..."take it in the canyon down" means go downstream of the canyon(s) to continue the journey. Whole different place..
The poem is actually a pretty simple set of directions leading to where you can see the blaze.

At least now I don't have to worry about being verbally abused, so let us continue.
I read those clues the same way. If youve followed the clues then you have been "wise" and, at that point, should be able to see the "blaze". And "canyon down" is most likely "downstream".

Hey NV. Not sure where your WWWH is. Let me know if it doesn't pan out. In that case I will PM what I know has been documented for the region. If I could I would forward copies of my PM's to the other two members, but they are for all intensive purposes private. I want everyone to know that I will not pass on private conversation material without the other party's consent. In contrast though, anything I passed on to others I can pass on to you..Thnx.

Forrest doesn't owe anybody answers. Demanding them will get you cut off from the source. The source that you may need someday. I'm out because I don't happen to think its findable. Instead of running your mouth, you may want to try civil discourse and asking questions politely.

Themarked, once again is showing, that he knows more about the treasure than you people think!
He has just released a major clue here - known only to a person privy to knowledge of the treasures location and a method of its concealment. Only the person who has solved the poem, and knows where the treasure is and how it is hidden would know that information. Otherwise only Fenn would have that info. However Fenn never said he was doing that alone. On the contrary, he said he has tested the box with several of his friends for the reaction. He only said that he has placed the box there alone! That does not mean that he did not share the info with his shills.
Try civil discourse ? - you do not know the meaning of the word Mr. You are the one that is getting testy here. Running my mouth? - I have not said a word !

Btw - I never demanded any clues here. I was shown all of the clues, and I know them well. I was demanding the truth. I believe Fenn has created public safety hazard! I want him to answer to that - and say it straight that it is not so. And I want to hear it from the horse's mouth!

So remember, the treasure is not just out there for anyone to find as you have believed! YOU could be cut off from the source ? You mean shut out - ha !!!
I am glad you have revealed that THEMARKED - ....
So all of you here, I hope you are starting to see the light.....start asking the relevant questions!

I will release all solutions, and beyond, with all pictures when Fenn declares the treassure found, possibly earlier if Whiterock gives me OK.


Like sand in the lotion..... whenever you get rid of one grain...there's always some left behind.

On another note, just a word for the wise, if you are familiar with shooting guns are archery, or anythjng where you make an object go from point A to point B without touching it.
The closer to the beginning (point A) you make an error, the farther off you are at point B. The other thing that is true, mistakes are more forgiving when made at the end of the trajectory.

Well, either Themarked is Fenn himself, or Themarked has asked the question regarding the soul in the box, and has been shutout of the "chase" like Dal - hence the testiness

Themarked, once again is showing, that he knows more about the treasure than you people think!
He has just released a major clue here - known only to a person privy to knowledge of the treasures location and a method of its concealment. Only the person who has solved the poem, and knows where the treasure is and how it is hidden would know that information. Otherwise only Fenn would have that info. However Fenn never said he was doing that alone. On the contrary, he said he has tested the box with several of his friends for the reaction. He only said that he has placed the box there alone! That does not mean that he did not share the info with his shills.
Try civil discourse ? - you do not know the meaning of the word Mr. You are the one that is getting testy here. Running my mouth? - I have not said a word !

Btw - I never demanded any clues here. I was shown all of the clues, and I know them well. I was demanding the truth. I believe Fenn has created public safety hazard! I want him to answer to that - and say it straight that it is not so. And I want to hear it from the horse's mouth!

So remember, the treasure is not just out there for anyone to find as you have believed! YOU could be cut off from the source ? You mean shut out - ha !!!
I am glad you have revealed that THEMARKED - ....
So all of you here, I hope you are starting to see the light.....start asking the relevant questions!

I will release all solutions, and beyond, with all pictures when Fenn declares the treassure found, possibly earlier if Whiterock gives me OK.

The rest of us are still trying to find out why there was no treasure where you told the TV, newspapers, and police it was. Funny that you chose to show up again after Puzzlesolver was timed out from the thread. I mentioned the similarities earlier between the two (or one) of you
Now shooo! GO AWAY!

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