Forrest Fenn s treasure

There is no place that is too far to walk. The clue just means you don't have to walk. You can't talk a boat or horse or plane because most peopldon't carry those things. But most people have cars. So driving it must be.

I suspect you are trying to find clues based on where you think the treasure is (bias), instead of finding the treasure based on the clues..

Too far to walk from where warm waters halt is a clue. It's just noone has figured it out yet.

Where did THAT come from?

Might as well say"tarry scant the Brown canyon halted".

There is no place that is too far to walk. The clue just means you don't have to walk. You can't talk a boat or horse or plane because most people don't carry those things. But most people have cars. So driving it must be.

Well around here at least, I see a hundred vehicles a day with kayaks innertubes and other inflatables on them.. especially around the lakes and rivers. Also, F' never addressed the issue of specialty equipment... Oh but yeah he did... In the poem.

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F' is wrong about one thing...

The treasure is now indeed buried. It is buried by insurmountable pride. I bet if F' came right out and pinpointed the treasure on national TV, almost everyone would say "no F'... You are wrong..
And there it would sit for the estimated 2000 years, along with a pile F'.

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Begin it where warm waters halt and take it in the canyon down.
What is it? A road or trail or stream or maybe your trip. Begin it where warm waters halt is your starting point and the treasure is located too far to walk from there.


That is what is called taking things out of context. If I were to give you a complex set of directions, and the direction was "get in your car," and the next to last direction was "take a right", .... is that all you would do? You are missing the clues in between.

Try reading back a few pages. You will find the true starting point in there.

Too far to walk from where warm waters halt is a clue. It's just noone has figured it out yet.

A clue YOU haven't figured out yet. Don't say 'no one.' I just told you.

There is no place that is too far to walk. The clue just means you don't have to walk. You can't talk a boat or horse or plane because most people don't carry those things. But most people have cars. So driving it must be.

I think you and au-artifax are both right. The clues point to a boat trip, no doubt. But at the end he says "I've done it tired, and now I'm weak"
Note he does not say:
- it made me tired
- it was tiring
- now I'm tired

He says "I've done it TIRED" which means he did it by car (via tires). The "it" throughout refers to the journey. The early clues outline a boat trip but the finale or pickup is by car.

If you have it figured out, go get the box don't let me keep you from it.

I'll give you the answer just one more time: drive down Firehole Canyon Drive and soon you will come to that place that is no place for the meek.

Begin your search where warm waters halt (Madison Junction) and take the search into the canyon down...(that is) too far to walk (Firehole Canyon Drive), put in below a bear management area, home to the Grizzly (Brown) bear. Just way too coincidental. The next few clues area solved by finding the place that is no place for the meek.

Begin your search where warm waters halt (Madison Junction) and take the search into the canyon down...(that is) too far to walk (Firehole Canyon Drive), put in below a bear management area, home to the Grizzly (Brown) bear. Just way too coincidental. The next few clues area solved by finding the place that is no place for the meek.


There are no coincidences in regards to the clues. They are all "as they say in some circles", "dead nuts", meaning bull'seye.... No room for error.

You have to speak the lingo!

Let's see how close you come with "take it in the canyon down". Go for it.

Home of Brown.... "dead nuts" as well. Gotta hand it to F' though... He is tricky with the heavy loads and water high. Two of the words are fillers.

I'm working up to the blaze real soon which I have a picture of, but it has a double meaning.... Blaze also refers to the trail. The trail he made, route he took, was also his blaze. Kinda creepy it worked out that way.

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One more note, am I the only one that noticed that the one who began this thread has not been around? Did Dal find the treasure? Dunh duhn duhn!

If you have it figured out, go get the box don't let me keep you from it.

I have no clue as to what the blaze is. Fenn pulled a fast one by giving no clues to the ID of the blaze. Area is too big for one person to search. I am looking for volunteers.

I don't know how people can rule out an area if they have no idea what the blaze is.

Look: the second stanza puts you in YNP. The next stanza gets you to the place that is no place for the meek. That place is not some rapids or a cliff or a wild animal zone. It's a specific place with a specific reason and there is only one place that fits the TRUE definition of meek.

So why is YOUR area no place for the meek?

Look: the second stanza puts you in YNP. The next stanza gets you to the place that is no place for the meek. That place is not some rapids or a cliff or a wild animal zone. It's a specific place with a specific reason and there is only one place that fits the TRUE definition of meek.

So why is YOUR area no place for the meek?

You are still off on the begining, off on the home of Brown, and would probably not accept the treasure being anywhere else even if you tripped and fell over it.
The second stanza had three clues.

Well Puzzlesolver. .. I see you fish too... Or is it "phish".

You can always spot someone with a hidden agenda, or someone phishing for info. They will never tell you their info, maybe even offer you a little smackle of disinformation, then try to ruffle your feathers enough where you give them the correct information out of frustration.

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