Forrest Fenn s treasure

Why does everyone assume he drove to bury it? he is a pilot."not far but too far to walk"... do any of your areas have a nearby airport? The spot I have researched has a small airpot near it with rental cars nearby, plus many hints match up, BUT FF did say how there are 9 clues in the poem...He started reading at "where warm..." I think there is a decipher to do before knowing what exact clues to use in the search. I have tried three ways of deciphering and nothing has panned out yet... anyone know old navajo code from vietnam? he was a fighter pilot in vietnam shot down twice. Does anyone know if he was still flying when he hid the treasure? and every letter of the alphabet is in the poem except for "X"....

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I think you may have something here. I'm a pilot and own a plane, although not quite as nice as the Mirage Mr. Fenn is pictured in. If his plane is/was the jet prop version that I believe it is, the plane travels at roughly 275 knots, meaning he could travel pretty far in a short period of time. The plane is also capable of landing on most small airfields. However, I believe I read somewhere that he was not flying anymore. As for filing with the FAA to fly, although it not required for VFR flight, it would be unlikely that someone flying this complex of plane would not at least request flight following.

As I mentioned, I'm a pilot, own a plane and would love to team up with anyone who needs a lift to go hunting!

I'm up in the icy wastes of northern Wisconsin. I'm working on some intriguing possibilities. I might could use a partner with a plane soon...

New by here...

I think you may have something here. I'm a pilot and own a plane, although not quite as nice as the Mirage Mr. Fenn is pictured in. If his plane is/was the jet prop version that I believe it is, the plane travels at roughly 275 knots, meaning he could travel pretty far in a short period of time. The plane is also capable of landing on most small airfields. However, I believe I read somewhere that he was not flying anymore. As for filing with the FAA to fly, although it not required for VFR flight, it would be unlikely that someone flying this complex of plane would not at least request flight following.

As I mentioned, I'm a pilot, own a plane and would love to team up with anyone who needs a lift to go hunting!

yeah... I agree... I'm only marking spots out that have an airport nearby, within 25-50 miles at least. I going flying with pilot buddies and it is not that hard to fly a plane, just a lot to remember and do. when you fly, you fly by tail number, he could have even rented a plane, and if he was a pilot in Vietnam and loved the outdoors then he for surely flew that treasure somewhere. I can almost guarantee the treasure is not in NM.

I agree that the "find", be it treasure or some additional poem, key, piece of the puzzle.. is not in NM. I could be very wrong.. but that is the fun part of trying to figure this out. Bunch of different camps, but it's even nice to be in several of these and searching for that elusive piece. Living in the south, I'm hoping to leave shortly, maybe even twice this year to search out spots that are pointed out in the poem. Hangtown, I think a matrix could have some real potential. I think FF is very math oriented and adding things up is part of it. Argus, I think you could be on to something, too. So is Adam the Adventure. Adam I hope you and I have come to some of the same conclusions. Based on some of your information, it points to the blaze being the key. The blaze gives you a wider view of the poem. Other pieces seems to fall in place, really make sense once you have that piece. But.......I'm just like other treasure finders, seeing thru my eyes. If I don't find and someone does, it will still be nice to see how close our own logic was in solving the puzzle. How many pieces did we pull together to get close.

Code in poem...

Take each line of the poem and anytime you see a letter that only appears twice in the line, you use that letter. For example, the first line would provide " I,H,O,and N. Do this for the whole poem. When you have all of those letters, you arrange them to make the following series of words;
"The treasure is hid in the big canyon north-west of the Brown Ranch. Dig, quick, devils frost shard ford." with "OHRWDHMHPDDW" remaining.

Your welcome. ; )~

Take each line of the poem and anytime you see a letter that only appears twice in the line, you use that letter. For example, the first line would provide " I,H,O,and N. Do this for the whole poem. When you have all of those letters, you arrange them to make the following series of words;
"The treasure is hid in the big canyon north-west of the Brown Ranch. Dig, quick, devils frost shard ford." with "OHRWDHMHPDDW" remaining.

Your welcome. ; )~

If you go back to my old posts, I figured it was the Brown Ranch a while back. Just makes sense. I also said it would be near the Dry Cimarron River (no paddle up your creek), which is also where the Brown Ranch is. Just a shame I can't make it out there. I have an amazing spot in mind.

@fetcher: I have looked that area over with Google earth pretty well... There are a few clues that line up.

@Argus: Very nice and a super complex anagram...

If you go back to my old posts, I figured it was the Brown Ranch a while back. Just makes sense. I also said it would be near the Dry Cimarron River (no paddle up your creek), which is also where the Brown Ranch is. Just a shame I can't make it out there. I have an amazing spot in mind.

There Is a brown ranch in Wyoming and Colorado as well. Both for sale. And NW to them is Yellowstone and Dinosaur national park.

According to Google... The Colorado River is the warmest river in the Rockies?

Take each line of the poem and anytime you see a letter that only appears twice in the line, you use that letter. For example, the first line would provide " I,H,O,and N. Do this for the whole poem. When you have all of those letters, you arrange them to make the following series of words;
"The treasure is hid in the big canyon north-west of the Brown Ranch. Dig, quick, devils frost shard ford." with "OHRWDHMHPDDW" remaining.

Your welcome. ; )~

I dont think it's that much much difficulty.

Take each line of the poem and anytime you see a letter that only appears twice in the line, you use that letter. For example, the first line would provide " I,H,O,and N. Do this for the whole poem. When you have all of those letters, you arrange them to make the following series of words;
"The treasure is hid in the big canyon north-west of the Brown Ranch. Dig, quick, devils frost shard ford." with "OHRWDHMHPDDW" remaining.

Your welcome. ; )~

The Issue with this is that true anagramming is perfect, meaning it uses EVERY letter, I've been on this awhile and I don't think that Forrest would do anything less then perfect. I have anagrammed this poem a ton and have found many locations in it.......letters are easily twisted into words we want them to be.

1st figure out the home of Brown, and then 'reverse engineer' the rest! And when you find it, please cut me in just one nice nugget for the 'Big Clue'!:laughing7:

The Issue with this is that true anagramming is perfect, meaning it uses EVERY letter, I've been on this awhile and I don't think that Forrest would do anything less then perfect. I have anagrammed this poem a ton and have found many locations in it.......letters are easily twisted into words we want them to be.

I agree. What I was able to extract from that huge number of letters was just one of countless possibilities. I don't believe that what I found was valid at all. I posted it in the hopes that it would get people thinking in a different direction...

If you go back to my old posts, I figured it was the Brown Ranch a while back. Just makes sense. I also said it would be near the Dry Cimarron River (no paddle up your creek), which is also where the Brown Ranch is. Just a shame I can't make it out there. I have an amazing spot in mind.

I just took a trip out southwest of the brown ranch, about 15 min west of Folsom. I searched an entire area maybe the same one you have in mind. If you would like, PM and i can let you know where that was and what i found... no treasure but landmarks and such.

I would like to clear some things up, because many are under the assumption that the treasure is North of Santa Fe New Mexico; It may be, but I have not seen any clue from Forrest himself.
I have never heard or read anywhere coming from Forrest himself say the words North of Santa Fe New Mexico. He has always said “the treasure is hidden north of Santa Fe” meaning he could be referring to a number of things known as Santa Fe.
If someone knows where Forrest has written or verbally said in any interview that he is speaking of the City of Santa Fe New Mexico, please slap me down so I can get that out of my head. As far as I’m concerned most people are acquiring their clues from hearsay.

I would like to clear some things up, because many are under the assumption that the treasure is North of Santa Fe New Mexico; It may be, but I have not seen any clue from Forrest himself.
I have never heard or read anywhere coming from Forrest himself say the words North of Santa Fe New Mexico. He has always said “the treasure is hidden north of Santa Fe” meaning he could be referring to a number of things known as Santa Fe.
If someone knows where Forrest has written or verbally said in any interview that he is speaking of the City of Santa Fe New Mexico, please slap me down so I can get that out of my head. As far as I’m concerned most people are acquiring their clues from hearsay.

I think it may be referenced in Dal's blog which can be accessed via Forrest's site. Plus, we know it's in the Rockies.

I would like to clear some things up, because many are under the assumption that the treasure is North of Santa Fe New Mexico; It may be, but I have not seen any clue from Forrest himself.
I have never heard or read anywhere coming from Forrest himself say the words North of Santa Fe New Mexico. He has always said “the treasure is hidden north of Santa Fe” meaning he could be referring to a number of things known as Santa Fe.
If someone knows where Forrest has written or verbally said in any interview that he is speaking of the City of Santa Fe New Mexico, please slap me down so I can get that out of my head. As far as I’m concerned most people are acquiring their clues from hearsay.

It's in the book, take a look

I especially don’t trust all that comes from Dal. He keeps saying its North of Santa Fe NM, Dal is not Forrest. Again someone please slap me down with some evidence.
Please direct to a video, an audio interview, somewhere written.
Dal does have some things correct but I dont agree with everything.

Which page does he say its North of Santa Fe NM?

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