Forrest Fenn s treasure

DISCLAIMER: Vor will probably respond to this post in a weird trippy, "give me attention", kind of way because its bugs the crap out of him that I am enjoying my life.

ok so when I said form a team. I meant you have to at least post something on the thread in order to even be a candidate. Sniperville.

Fetcher, I hear ya, I am in Northern Cali. Going to try to get two-week long trips in this summer, search my spots, plus do some killer fishing. There are a couple good minded people on this site that actually do not snipe information. I do know that creating a team does require some contracts and other things, (treasure makes people crazy, just look at Vor). Trust and respect go a long way in making an efficient team. I am totally down in eventually forming a team up but its a headache when it come to the treasure, honest good loving people are'nt the ones to worry about when forming a team, its the nasty sniper style, "stab ya in the back imma go hide my treasure in the bank" type person that I worry about, But I love sharing ideas, its going to take a lot more than just knowing what state or park it's in to find it.

I truly believe that it is north of Colorado. Yellowstone, Teton? places pan out on the stanzas in the poem. I think he did drive or fly it somewhere. All places north of SF are very valid locations that "could" be assumed a good spot. So thats why I think the true clues are in a cipher in this damn poem, every hike you go on take the poem with you to ponder and read while fishing and hunting. I have gone through two different decode methods and no luck yet, going to Lake Tahoe this weekend, so I have time to ponder my thoughts and read the poem on natures time.

REMINDER: Please look out for each other on the trails, bring adequate supplies and plan your hikes.
Train in a gym, explore in the woods.

I'm not sure what Forrest's religious views are but I know a lot of atheist or agnostic folks don't believe in an afterlife. I'd personally have no qualms separating a skeleton from its treasures.

hangtown, good ideas ,, especially the be prepared ones,, i seen on the news last weekend a lady was lost in the mountains for a couple days..
have fun but be prepared ...

Hi, new to the hunt here, just signed up so I could join in on the conversation. I'm just coming up to speed and haven't made it through everyone's blogs on all the sites out there. I like the idea of a cipher within the poem. Here's the first things I notice:

There has to be something to the single line that does not ryhme like the others. What's the deal there?

Maybe you are supposed to change one of the words to a synonym that does ryhme? and the new word will have some significance?

tried a couple different ways with that and nothing seems not to pan out with the rhyming part, I think he wanted it not to rhyme in certain spots to throw people off. he spent a lot of time writing this poem with the spot in mind, there are nine clues in a 5 stanza structure with 4 lines each stanza (9). Capitalized in certain areas and the grammar is shot to hell. it has every letter of the alphabet but the letter "X", it also carries 29 capitalized letters with "I" being part of 7 of them but include 2 "if's", "I" being the ninth letter of the alphabet, that makes nine times "I" is capitalized. I is used vaugley with KGC code being a divided of three. three threes make nine.and so on....three is also the sign of "god".
Hi, new to the hunt here, just signed up so I could join in on the conversation. I'm just coming up to speed and haven't made it through everyone's blogs on all the sites out there. I like the idea of a cipher within the poem. Here's the first things I notice:

There has to be something to the single line that does not ryhme like the others. What's the deal there?

Maybe you are supposed to change one of the words to a synonym that does ryhme? and the new word will have some significance?

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tried a couple different ways with that and nothing seems not to pan out with the rhyming part, I think he wanted it not to rhyme in certain spots to throw people off. he spent a lot of time writing this poem with the spot in mind, there are nine clues in a 5 stanza structure with 4 lines each stanza (9). Capitalized in certain areas and the grammar is shot to hell. it has every letter of the alphabet but the letter "X", it also carries 29 capitalized letters with "I" being part of 7 of them but include 2 "if's", "I" being the ninth letter of the alphabet, that makes nine times "I" is capitalized. I is used vaugley with KGC code being a divided of three. three threes make nine.and so on....three is also the sign of "god".

Mr. Bigglesworth; I also noticed what you said about the two stanzas that do not rhyme. I gave it some thought and decided that "halt" could be replaced with the word "talk" and then it would rhyme! AND there is a ranch in NM called...TALKING WATERS!!!

Interesting stuff...

It seems like people are splitting into 2 camps... those who think there are hidden clues imbedded within the poem and those who are hitting trail taking it more literally. I wonder who will get there first???

About the 9's... that is a good observation, and pretty cool! I think it would be tough to come up with too elaborate of a cipher and imbed it into a poem and still have it sound 'fairly' normal. That's why I'm thinking maybe just switch a few words around here and there... but who knows. I'll poke around with those ideas a bit and see if I can come up with anything to add.

Cool about the Talking Waters... I was trying to find psynonyms, but putting talk in there does kind of seem to fit the attitude of the poem. Any of the other clues fit in with it?

I have a few more ideas that I'm working on with decoding the poem, will let you know if I come up with anything promising.

I live in Southern Colorado, so may be somewhat close to the action if I do come up with any good ideas.

Not finding a Talking Waters Ranch in New Mexico... there is one in Wyoming. It's not the picturesque part of Wy though, more out on the plains side, so doubtful a mountain stream fisherman and lover of Yellowstone would want to die in that area.

Oh right. Wyoming. My bad. But yeah, that would be a bit of a stretch anyway. Mr. Fenn has said that everything one needs to find the treasure is in the poem. Since I'm way up in northern Wisconsin and can't really afford to travel just yet, I sort of HAVE to focus my efforts on the poem. I sure wish I could be out there just hiking and searching and enjoying that area. I just love that whole area and I've never even been to Yellowstone. But rest assured, if I DO find a code in this poem and break it, leaving no doubt to it's validity, I will get to wherever it leads in no time using whatever means necessary! I don't think anyone has knowingly found the location of the treasure... There is just way too much ambiguity in the clues if the poem is to be taken at face value. SEVERAL places seem to fit the overt clues as such. Mr. Fenn said that it would be very clear to the finder of his treasure. So far, all I have heard of are people who are stretching the clues to make them fit some place that only fits well with one or two of the clues. The poem is the key. The answer is within it in a very UNambiguous way. Either that, or Mr. Fenn is a very cruel man! (but I doubt that)

Here are some synonyms of "HALT" that can also be used when dealing with water.

- Break off (waterfall), cutoff (dry river bed), standstill (lake)

I think we can eliminate "standstill," because of the later verse "no paddle up your creek."

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There is a guy who shows up on this thread sometimes who actually knows Fenn, and has been working on it for years. I have a feeling he is ahead of all of us.

Several of us know him. ;)

None of us have found it and have NO idea if we're close or not. Thats the best part. EVERYONE has an exact equal shot.

Just pondering the morning on Lake Tahoe fishing at the break of dawn. Thought I would share the beauty of a site.


Just pondering the morning on Lake Tahoe fishing at the break of dawn. Thought I would share the beauty of a site.

<img src=""/>

That picture is precisely Forrest's point.

Suckers!!!! You would likely pass treasure looking for the "Lost Conman's" mine, oops,,, Fenn's magic box I mean. Good luck to ya.

Just got through this thread and wanted to drop a quick note.
This definitely has me intrigued and I'm hooked!
Going to start doing my own research and plan to use this as an excuse to get out and play in the mountains :)

guys , what we have to keep in mind is this is a open forum , and anyone can post with in reason what they want about the topic.
Vor is not the only person that feels this man is a grave robber, from what i have read there are alot of people think that way.
What makes this hard to judge is from the picture and comments he made about this chest there may be some gold idols which some feel are stolen from tombs in south america , but also coins and nuggets that he could have got legit .
this topic of disturbing graves has come up in other topics also and is a touchy subject , but it is like every thing else in life ,, there are going to be alot of different opinions .
As long as there is no name calling or harassment anyone can and should post there thoughts ,, imagine if we all seen things the same way all the time what a boring world it would be.
Well said. I totally agree with openly discussing ideas as long as they are logical and realistic. Just because you want to believe something doesn't mean you blindly accept it as gospel. That being said, I want and hope there is something out there to be found. I'll never make it out there due to family, work and everyday responsibilities. But if it is out there, and the FennMan is not yanking our chains, I will try to contribute something that may help if I can.
But Vor has a point...

i think its true FF isnt making $$ off the sales,the only thing i could think of as a profit for
him would be a tax credit,but that still couldnt be a lot of $$
i think he just wanted to leave a legend and help cancer patients, my mother is a cancer
survivor, she isnt wealthy,but she does volunteer her time,and she is 80,mom told me
surviving cancer is like joining a brotherhood,you never intended on joining
believe it or not there are still folks with good intentions and hearts

Book containing treasure-hunt clues sells out - Good News -
Publisher of treasure hunt book prints more copies |


Okay! I'm trying not to get too excited here, but I have found a code in the poem that I am working out right now! The first two words are, " The treasure"!!!

Now if this pans out, I will look for someone who could exchange transportation and partnership for what I've got. This is not B.S.. I am one hundred percent on the level here.

I now have; "the face of..."!!!

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