Silver Member
wow more crazy confusion im not sure what att #3 even means
wow more crazy confusion im not sure what att #3 even means
Ok. Pretty sure I know where it was now.
I shared this solve under the name DocWho in Aug 2018 but wasn't able to search it myself at the time since I had moved east.
Look at Google Street maps. The Fenn's put a 1011 number in front of their 1021 Old santa Fe trail home. I have been there before, there is no 1011 Old Santa Fe trail. Bunch of frauds...the whole family. They never owned the dude and Roundup motels and the sign doesn't and has never spun. The whole thing was an elaborate scam. It's fraud and the Fenn estate should be sued to oblivion.
I just dont understand the conspiracy stuff, so all the real estate co. are in on the conspiracy
1011 built 1963
1021 built 1989
and somewhere there are articles in newspapers from the 60s about the hotels
says 1021 on the box
Who are you really?
WHERE...? !!!He's the Man Who Met Andy Griffith...
WHERE...? !!!
Be nice to a stranger.
Feel like a stranger....![]()
The whole point was kindness and being nice to a stranger and that is the title to the gold. Look how many books he sold because he was kind. Look how successful his art dealership was because he was kind. The treasure is gone but you can still make money, if that is what you want by being kind to people. Be nice to a stranger. Do you have any idea how many people met him because he was kind? He went back to where he began which was being kind. Kindness, kindness, kindness. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be nice to a stranger. Karma is real.
so does this mean these cases are done an over
Seems Erskine is looking not to pay/or reduce the fees