Forrest Fenn s treasure

wow more crazy confusion im not sure what att #3 even means

People, this is a perfect example of why individuals--especially individuals who are not attorneys, should never represent themselves in a legal proceeding outside of Small Claims Court. Erskine sounds like a nut. From my reading of Attachment #3, it sounds like Erskine is claiming breach of contract--the Poem being the contract, because his "correct" solve placed the treasure in Colorado, but Fenn hid the box in Wyoming. Then in an effort to deny Erskine the fruits of his correct solve, Fenn sent a lackey to fetch the box out of Wyoming and short circuit the whole thing. All of his filings sound like convoluted nonsense. It's as if he found "clues" in legal documents and applied his method for finding Fenn's treasure to constructing his lawsuit. Nut. But on the bright side, Erskine was dumb enough to include his e-mail address in his filings to go along with his address and phone number. So I'm guessing he's getting his share of derision, and will for the foreseeable future.

And who, other than LinkedIn, starts a legal letter with "Dear Justice Professional:"?

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"I wonder how this will alter the perceptions of those who thought it was a hoax"

I didn't find OBVIOUSLY the entire thing was a hoax. LOL

Ok. Pretty sure I know where it was now.

In this day and age that means you can file a lawsuit and try to collect your millions...

I shared this solve under the name DocWho in Aug 2018 but wasn't able to search it myself at the time since I had moved east.

Although sharing the solve will probably work against you...

You mean this post here: #3278

Look at Google Street maps. The Fenn's put a 1011 number in front of their 1021 Old santa Fe trail home. I have been there before, there is no 1011 Old Santa Fe trail. Bunch of frauds...the whole family. They never owned the dude and Roundup motels and the sign doesn't and has never spun. The whole thing was an elaborate scam. It's fraud and the Fenn estate should be sued to oblivion.

I just dont understand the conspiracy stuff, so all the real estate co. are in on the conspiracy

1011 built 1963
1021 built 1989

and somewhere there are articles in newspapers from the 60s about the hotels

says 1021 on the box

The whole point was kindness and being nice to a stranger and that is the title to the gold. Look how many books he sold because he was kind. Look how successful his art dealership was because he was kind. The treasure is gone but you can still make money, if that is what you want by being kind to people. Be nice to a stranger. Do you have any idea how many people met him because he was kind? He went back to where he began which was being kind. Kindness, kindness, kindness. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be nice to a stranger. Karma is real.

The whole point was kindness and being nice to a stranger and that is the title to the gold. Look how many books he sold because he was kind. Look how successful his art dealership was because he was kind. The treasure is gone but you can still make money, if that is what you want by being kind to people. Be nice to a stranger. Do you have any idea how many people met him because he was kind? He went back to where he began which was being kind. Kindness, kindness, kindness. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be nice to a stranger. Karma is real.

I have no reason to doubt any of that. But if you read through the Fenn threads here you'll see that the opinions range from what you said, to Fenn being a con artist, a thief and even a Satanist in league with Vatican devil worshipers who were planning on sacrificing whoever found the treasure. That's an incredibly wide spectrum of opinion. But I'm all for being kind to strangers, even if I don't make a cent from it--as long as they aren't serial killer strangers. That's where I draw the line.

Maybe we'll never know. It's America and everyone is free to draw their own conclusions. People obviously died looking for it but somebody has it now. Was he mean for allowing people to die? Was he kind for letting a stranger have it? Who knows. I sure don't.

Erskine is done and over. When something is "dismissed with prejudice" they can't refile. All he can do is appeal. And any new lawsuit he attempts will have to be significantly different than the one that was tossed.

Andersen is slightly different. She asked for voluntary dismissal with the right to refile after she can make a pilgrimage to New Mexico, and that motion was granted without prejudice. Not sure what she can do if she goes to "her area" and doesn't find the treasure. Will she think that she was wrong all along, or that the unknown defendant got there first? My guess is that she sees the writing on the wall. The guy's name is now known, so if she refiles she would probably have to name him. Sticking with "unknown defendant" implies that Jack Struef didn't really find the treasure, and some varmint is still out there with her loot.

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He's using the Covid defense to get his fees reduced? What a doofus! If you read the filings by Fenn's daughter you can see she had several attorneys working her side of the case. It doesn't seem unreasonable that she racked up attorney fees above $10,000, given how many filings there were in this case. Basically, Erskine rolled the dice on a payday, and then sevened out. Now he's asking for his bet back, or at least part of it. Again, what a doofus! This is what happens when you aren't an attorney and try to play an attorney. One other thing that really irks me about this guy is that he is using the "carrot and stick" thing all wrong. He's using it as being analogous to reward and punishment, i.e. don't appeal and pay lower attorney fees. In reality, the carrot and stick is about the unattainable reward. The story was about a guy who had a horse or mule that wouldn't pull the cart because it was stubborn. The man tied a string to a stick, tied the stick over the horse's/mule's head and hung a carrot from the string in front of the animal's face. The horse/mule then walked forward to eat the carrot, but the carrot moved forward because of the stick. The horse/mule kept walking forward in the hopes of getting the carrot, and the man got his work done. No one knows if the horse/mule got the eat the carrot at the end of the day. Good grief! Do a Google Image search for "carrot and stick" and there are pictures all over the place. Once again, what a doofus! I hope he gets jammed for $12,000 in attorney fees.

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