Forrest Fenn s treasure

Forrest michael_aquino.webp Eddie Munster from the "Church of Satan" on Oprah Winfrey....that's right Forrest was on Oprah and she plays the part and he is the parcel.

Forrest and Peggy.webp Doesn't Peggy look good in black?

I think that this is soooo fitting soooo close to Thanksgiving

I've done it tired.....


I was supposed to be the first victim.....but we all know that he failed.

I was intercepted by one of his associates while making a search in Colorado.....let's say he works with only 'senior' types in the most dangerous game he plays......
And the victims next of kin of the search have been informed, the local police in Santa Fe as well as the FBI are informed...
and earn the title to the gold..
....just call Eldorado and the rewards for the "chest" of information will be yours......I have already tried and am still waiting to hear back from these goons about their operations....

The NSA 'Treasure Map' is this guy's pipe dream.......he was high level DOD/NSA/CIA asset for years after Vietnam.....admittedly flying 'Air America' routes in LAOS
His real name is Simpson.....
??? WHAT?! :icon_scratch:

"The first clue in the poem is begin it where warm waters halt. That's the first clue. If you don't, if you can't figure that clue out you don't have anything."
[New Zealand Radio, April 3, 2013]

"If you don’t know where it is, go back to the first clue.f"
[MW (Jenny Kile, January 6, 2017]

“Many have given serious thought to the clues in the poem but only a few are in tight focus with a word that is key.”
[HoD; The Key Word… sub-header ff quote]

Spent about an hour today reading all the posts of The Key Word… at HoD. I already had what I considered to be the "key" word in mind before I started reading.

Not one of the posters brought up the word I think is "key." A few did mention it, but only in passing while alluding to some other point they were trying to stress.

For me, the word that is 'key' is: Begin.

Compared to today's Begin, tomorrow's Begin is infinitesimally further displaced.

As water — oftentimes halting water, oftentimes warm water, and sometimes halting warm water — keeps doing what water at the beginning of a "canyon down" does, well, you have to find where this specific beginning-point currently is.

Not every 'canyon down' path aligns with the ever-changing beginning of a canyon. But some do.

So look for a canyon where the trail atop the canyon, before it begins its descent at all, essentially leads right up to the beginning-point of the canyon, and hence, where the canyon begins. By this definition, the canyon must be a box canyon. (It cannot be a major river.)

The canyon has to begin with intermittent water, and trail down into the canyon cannot begin from the side of the canyon. (because then you would not be in tight focus with Begin)

Most likely, the beginning of the canyon will be a boring place. But Forrest hid the treasure where the canyon is exciting to view. But to get there, to the exciting section, you begin where things are unexciting. The treasure is probably below a popular scenic overlook where there is no way immediately down, and where there may be a little carve-out mere tens of feet below the flat terrain above, and where the above terrain involves a road that gets you to the scenic overlook.

Those who took-in the view at the scenic overlook unfortunately went right by the "boring" beginning of the canyon, and when they were admiring the view they had no idea how close they actually were to the treasure below them.

After a long break of trying to think like Forrest, i'm starting to get the itch again, not getting any younger. Gonna half to read a lot of posts to catch up i guess. johnnysau

I'm kind of surprised that someone hasn't kidnapped one of Fenns family members or threatened Fenn himself for the location of the treasure.

Is there anyone on this thread that is from Sante Fe, NM? Or possibly close to it? I have a location to share and all I ask is a small acknowledgment of solving and 10 percent. The answer is simple and I do not live close...Think about it...

I'm up the road in Las Vegas. Where you want me to look?

If treasures are not in Connecticut, then, I am not interesting in searching. Good hunting and good luck.

I have not been following the progress on this Forrest Fenn search and the little research that I have done was very early on, but an acquaintance of mine has. I have seen some weird theories though. With that said, I will make a prediction that if the box has not been found yet, it will be this Spring or Summer. According to some info that I was sent, I believe that the "cat was let out of the bag" last week for the correct solve. Sadly, there is someone else that now also has most of the information. So what I'm saying is if you think you know where it is you better go look quick. Don't ask me what I got because I'm not giving it out.

I feel very confident that I have the correct solve (I know, so does everybody else). Now I just have to wait for my "block leave" this June to go and see if I'm correct.

I heard about fenns treasure a while ago, and have deliberately avoided reading anybody else's solutions so my thought process wouldn't be influenced. The other night I had a chance to sit down and look at the poem. I used the poem, Google earth, Google, and kept it simple and got a spot narrowed down. After I had my solution, I went and reviewed ALL of what Fenn had said and it matches up perfectly. So I guess we will see. Unless it's uncovered by then.

ECS is an avid critic of anything that Eldo writes......every time that Eldo writes....ECS will follow


So after the 6th death on the chase, nobody reads a single post about the guy behind the face of Forrest Fenn?

Go ask Linda Bilyeu on FB who I am if you don't believe me......she knows everything that I do....

They were going to try to make me the first one on the hit list, sending someone to intercept me and case the area that I was searching behind me, nearly 5 minutes after I pulled in, 60 miles from the nearest town in the outback of Colorado

I have not been following the progress on this Forrest Fenn search and the little research that I have done was very early on, but an acquaintance of mine has. I have seen some weird theories though. With that said, I will make a prediction that if the box has not been found yet, it will be this Spring or Summer. According to some info that I was sent, I believe that the "cat was let out of the bag" last week for the correct solve. Sadly, there is someone else that now also has most of the information. So what I'm saying is if you think you know where it is you better go look quick. Don't ask me what I got because I'm not giving it out.
You might not want to give it, but what makes you believe it to be credible? If I had inside knowledge about the location, I would have departed to go get it that same day. It's been a couple days since you posted that. I'm curious as to what this information is, sure. But I'm more curious as to why you believe as legitimate and vital information towards the treasure.

I'm kind of surprised that someone hasn't kidnapped one of Fenns family members or threatened Fenn himself for the location of the treasure.
A total of 5 people have threatened Forrest. He now has private security at his house after one man showed up to his house unannounced and threatened to kill him. After Fenn called the cops, the man even assaulted a police officer. People are effing nuts!

Folks it's not a treasure hunt at all. It's called covert bullying and he has bullied 4 people to death. That's why he said he put his memoir in an olive jar, and said in one of his stories his childhood bully made him smell olives. I know he has fought bullies and explained how he did that covertly in his books and now he is covertly bullying everyone who looks for the treasure. He's doing it for attention and control and it stems from being weak which he now says he is. Google covert bullying and maybe you'll see what I mean. He's acting like he victim but he is the perpetrator here. He wants your attention and sympathy and your money but that should be reserved for his victims.

"covert bullies want to maintain an image of innocence, they avoid any behavior that threatens that image. When executing bullying tactics, if the behavior is overtly bullying in nature, the covert bully avoids witnesses"

"covert bully favors subtle manipulation, deceit, and trickery. Consequently, the target might actually experience a desire to please the covert bully"

You all have been received and used.

Well... that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

You might not want to give it, but what makes you believe it to be credible? If I had inside knowledge about the location, I would have departed to go get it that same day. It's been a couple days since you posted that. I'm curious as to what this information is, sure. But I'm more curious as to why you believe as legitimate and vital information towards the treasure.

Those are fair questions. The source of the information in which I received has been relentlessly researching this every day since it started and is, what I would call, a fanatical researcher and expert in decoding things like this. I think this persons information is very credible but I'm not ready to say 100% correct yet. Like I said, I have not been looking into this very deeply myself like a lot of you have, but I'm reviewing the information I have and am trying to basically "reverse engineer" or back track from the location in relationship to the poem to see if it all jives on my end. Why wouldn't I just go there and find out right now? A couple reasons, first off I don't work that way. I'm a fanatical planner, not the type that ends up dead looking for something in the wrong spot, or ill prepared. Secondly, it's the wrong time of the year, and most importantly, going on over publicized "treasure hunts" while basically being a pawn in someone's game while in competition with amateur and professional treasure hunters at the same time ain't my normal gig and believe it or not is downright dangerous. It's a fun little riddle until you get out there and if I go, I won't be going alone.

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I found the interview where FORREST says he has a hunch that it may be found this summer, but he also has a way of trying to light a fire under people's a**es to get the scrambling and hurrying. I think the solve is extremely simple, and In an area not dangerous at all. Well, I guess Any thing COULD be dangerous, but not likely. I think just like Forrest says, everybody over-complicates the hell out of his poem. 2 people have been close out of the 350,000 searching for it. That means everybody else is over complicating it, running around frantically in the wilderness by themselves in dangerous areas, and wasting time in the wrong locations.

I feel very confident that I know where it is located but I have to wait until June when the Army decides to give me a vacation period. Everything matches up, and I came up with my solution before having read anybody else's so my thoughts wouldn't be influenced.

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