Forrest Fenn s treasure

Folks, you will never find it because the guy is a con man. He and his friends and family make money off this treasure hunt by selling over priced books. It's also advertising and people with money contact them and then get conned out of money. They take fake artifacts and paintings and sell them for top dollar. There are clues to this all throughout the books. Osborne Russell did this too, artificially inflated the price of coffee and other things and lied and lied in his book too (there are no osborne russell caves near where warm waters halt). The author of the thrill of he chase and too far to walk just wrote books of half truths, aka mountain yarns, to make money. He isn't even allowed to collect money for charitable purposes because he is not registered with the state or federal gov (i have checked). In too far to walk he claims he owned the dude motel in west yellowstone. Well he didn't and you can easily verify that and there is no room number 4. They pretended toast with jam was pie and that's what they are doing with the fakes they sell, pretend they are real. Another clue is the reference to catcher in the rye where he said he realized he was holden caulfield. Well, holden says he is the best liar there ever was. People will believe anything they read in books. We were all fooled, the media included. He is taking advantage of good natured people like yourselves that are good trusting people and is making money from it. The police and feds know what he is up to but don't want to prosecute him because of his military record and his military buddies are in on this too. For your own good, stop looking for it.

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Folks, you will never find it because the guy is a con man. He and his friends and family make money off this treasure hunt by selling over priced books. It's also advertising and people with money contact them and then get conned out of money. They take fake artifacts and paintings and sell them for top dollar. There are clues to this all throughout the books. Osborne Russell did this too, artificially inflated the price of coffee and other things and lied and lied in his book too (there are no osborne russell caves near where warm waters halt). The author of the thrill of he chase and too far to walk just wrote books of half truths, aka mountain yarns, to make money. He isn't even allowed to collect money for charitable purposes because he is not registered with the state or federal gov (i have checked). In too far to walk he claims he owned the dude motel in west yellowstone. Well he didn't and you can easily verify that and there is no room number 4. They pretended toast with jam was pie and that's what they are doing with the fakes they sell, pretend they are real. Another clue is the reference to catcher in the rye where he said he realized he was holden caulfield. Well, holden says he is the best liar there ever was. People will believe anything they read in books. We were all fooled, the media included. He is taking advantage of good natured people like yourselves that are good trusting people and is making money from it. The police and feds know what he is up to but don't want to prosecute him because of his military record and his military buddies are in on this too. For your own good, stop looking for it.

I disagree. I believe He did what He said. If you'd like to see what I've discovered about the Poem and Map. Click link below.

I made an updated video concerning this Hunt.

You are a kind person so I will share with you as well. If it exists, I think it either has to do with artifacts at the 4 corners region or Osborne Russell. If it is Osborne Russell, it would be where his camp and Fenn's overlapped. The most likely place would be at yellowstone lake. Osborne supposedly camped there by the lake beside pelican creek. Fenn camped at the fishing bridge campground as a child which used to be closer to the lake than it is now near pelican creek. If you look at old topos you will see where it used to be and you can see the traces of the old campground in modern aerial photos too.

It's fraud. Google F for Fake by Orson Welles. It explains a lot of it. His family isn't looking for it because they know his secret. The thrill of the chase is about the thrill of the adrenaline rush from telling lies and selling fakes and being chased by the law. He was a fighter pilot and they are adrenaline junkies and become addicted to it. When they can't fly jets anymore they turn to other things to satisfy their cravings. Some turn to climbing or marathons or flying test planes to fulfill their adrenaline addiction and others turn to crime. That's thrill seeking. He's nice because that build confidence otherwise the confidence trick won't work. Watch white collar or the catch me if you can movie about frank abagnale. Liars are often the nicest of people, that's how they don't get caught. Do you think Bernie Madoff got rich from being mean and clthen swindling them? No, he was nice and it was a shock to everyone when his kids revealed that nice old Bernie Madoff was a fraudster.

It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they've been fooled. -Mark Twain

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I'm going to show you the Chests Location before the end of this week on my YouTube Channel if you want to see it.
(which can be found by the links below).

~stay tuned

I've given Fariello's "solve" a very thorough going over, and, more than any other "solve" I've considered, his is the closest.

If you were to scan the area in general, you would see Brown Mountain off to the east. Then you'd stay on the area a little more because it deserves attention.

Look what else comes up, a creek that flows down to Ouray. What's the name of the creek? Canyon Creek!

Then a little tidbit can be found online of an old dairy called Brown's Dairy. It was right there at the bottom of Canyon Creek.

And then the box canyon is right there, just below Brown's Dairy.

It has "heavy loads and water high" at times. That's what box canyons are notorious for.

But Forrest would never hide the treasure there.

However, this area in general needs a thorough going over.

This part of Colorado is gorgeous!

For example, Telluride is like a mecca of sorts with the vistas it presents, and it is just over the pass on the other side of Camp Bird Road.

I could see Forrest wanting to drop his bones somewhere in the area because it is so beautiful.

For my money, if you want to look at things logically, Ouray rings the bell very loud.

But Fariello may have interpreted the poem too literally, whereas it may need a different take.

It is where I'm going to focus!



Has anyone looked at NM. "warm water" fishing regs. they stop where trout fishing regs begin.

Folks, you will never find it because the guy is a con man. He and his friends and family make money off this treasure hunt by selling over priced books. It's also advertising and people with money contact them and then get conned out of money. They take fake artifacts and paintings and sell them for top dollar. There are clues to this all throughout the books. Osborne Russell did this too, artificially inflated the price of coffee and other things and lied and lied in his book too (there are no osborne russell caves near where warm waters halt). The author of the thrill of he chase and too far to walk just wrote books of half truths, aka mountain yarns, to make money. He isn't even allowed to collect money for charitable purposes because he is not registered with the state or federal gov (i have checked). In too far to walk he claims he owned the dude motel in west yellowstone. Well he didn't and you can easily verify that and there is no room number 4. They pretended toast with jam was pie and that's what they are doing with the fakes they sell, pretend they are real. Another clue is the reference to catcher in the rye where he said he realized he was holden caulfield. Well, holden says he is the best liar there ever was. People will believe anything they read in books. We were all fooled, the media included. He is taking advantage of good natured people like yourselves that are good trusting people and is making money from it. The police and feds know what he is up to but don't want to prosecute him because of his military record and his military buddies are in on this too. For your own good, stop looking for it.

You nailed it. Plus, no one is going to hide a $2 million treasure on Federal, State or Private land. He has no love for Government agencies -- documented from past FBI dealings. Good luck ever getting your money back as the courts and IRS investigators will tie-up the claim for years. And, those "artifacts" that are in the box, yikes! My friend who is a Federal Agent for the BLM would love to see them. You might also have Native American or eventually, Fenn estate lawyers involved. The reason I say this is that Fenn is a very smart guy, not a dummy. He's been collecting artifacts for years and knows how the game is played. If there is a treasure, ITS NOT IN THE FOREST. Oh crap, did I just give away some clues. Like everyone else, I have my own theories and they are totally out of the box. Maybe some day if Fenn is forced to swear under oath that there is a treasure, I'll take a peak.

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ADKS and F4Fake..
You two wouldn't Know a genuine person if you fell over him. Both of your 1st posts as a new member here on T Net are to solely Bash and Slander. Crawl back into your Troll holes..MinerGirl out...

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Do you think Forrest would have done recon missions?

He has said that when he came up with the hiding-a-treasure idea, "I decided, I knew where I was going to hide the treasure chest." Then, later in the Moby Dickens talk, he added, "that treasure chest, I've said, is in a very special place to me, and if I get another disease…"

So, these thoughts of knowing "where" and that it was very special to him would have been 15 years before he actually hid it. Before he would put pen to paper, he would need to look the area over, make sure it was still special to him, get his bearings anew on what could be used as clues, what stood out, to enable him to craft a careful poem. These features of the area would have to be near-timeless. No rockslides, forest fires, floods, land development easements, could ruin his eventual poem clues.

Although the poem is supposedly complete enough to take you to the treasure chest, it would seem reasonable that he would drive and hike to the location he intended to place it, and make sure that the lay of the land was as he remembered it. He would have to feel confident that he could get himself to the location, at his age, be able to navigate the terrain, get a feel for how "alone in there" the location was just so that there would be no unexpected surprises at the last second. If you're going into a place that is "no place for the meek," then you don't want to risk finding someone there who would be "brave," just by coincidence.

What I'm getting at is the logistics of placing the treasure have to be reasonable to him. Since the placing of the treasure and chest was done in two trips, in one afternoon, the first trip would be the treasure because he wouldn't want to leave the gold in his car unattended. But more than this, the "where" location has to be such that when he leaves it there to go get the chest, he doesn't want to come back and find the treasure gone. So, everything has to be carefully considered by him, hence recon missions. Also, the outcome cannot be that after he drops the gold off, when he then gets to his car he is too weak to make the second trip. He doesn't want to check into a hotel overnight because that is a possible giveaway to a few at the hotel when he announces the treasure hunt. (Unless he would pay in cash and use a false name when signing in. Hotels might look at you suspiciously if you don't offer a credit card when checking in.)

YNP would be difficult in logistics in this regard, since he was then living in Santa Fe, and it would not lend itself easily to recon missions. And he doesn't want to come across a wild animal with a knapsack of gold, or a person who might want to strike up a conversation, considering the crowds that flock there.

The thought of a rental car does enter into the picture, however, when he avoids answering the question of his age when he actually hid the treasure. Two years, when he was 79 or 80, so that no one could investigate when he may have rented a car if placed up in YNP.

But still, logistics dictate that he would like to do a practice run or two, to help him decide what the "blaze" would be when he would enter that into his poem. When he decided on the wording of "blaze," if it is an actual "something" at the site, then he must convince himself that it would still be around next weekend, 100 years, or 1000 years later.

Necessary logistics, with all of this in mind, place it in New Mexico or Colorado. Otherwise, he's bitten off more than he can chew.

When the big day would come for hiding his treasure, just for Southern Colorado, he would need to rise at 4:00am, say he's going fishing to his family the night before, then shower, breakfast, and head on out. He could get up to Southern Colorado by noon, and he would be "tired." Then, after placing it in a place he had decided upon, he could then get well out of the area, and if he needed a hotel for the night, he would be sufficiently far away to not worry about hotel records, or credit card receipts. A long day like that, and he'd be "weak" when he went to sleep for the night.

I'm still wondering what would be a very special place to him? Hope that can be derived from the book, since the poem makes no reference to what would be very special.

Starting to think that Begin it where warm waters halt is equivalent to Ain't it funny how it feels when you're finding out it's real.

Anyone else see this?

If you can get the multiple layers of understanding to line up with bravado for every line, so that the sum of the total is greater than the sum of the parts, so that no paddle up your creek makes complete sense, too…then you can move with confidence.

15 years of trial and error writing, successively settling on portions, rewriting, getting a multilevel understanding, accepting it, taking it further, making it stand alone as best you can but relying on the rest of the book to fill in the gaps… this is why you have to understand the man, and not just the words.

Take your time to fathom the poem. Find the multi-dimensions that allow the poem to impart much, much more information to the where.

And when you start to think this way, you go alone in there, too.

Here is a crude, high-level overview of Forrest's poem, to sort of capture an alternative of the literal interpretation of his poem. Maybe it will help.

In TTOTC, the only color photograph in the book is of his wife, Peggy Jean. And he writes a poem about her, too.

The very last photograph in the book, a full page photograph, is of his father as a boy. It is the best photograph in the entire book.

But the most heartfelt chapter in the book is The Long Ride Home. This chapter is the one where Forrest encounters his first significant "halt" in life, perhaps his lowest of lows that he discusses as a youth. I suppose it could be argued that this is where his WWWH exists. He mentions that he had to bribe a couple of Mexican officials to get Skippy "home."

Could this chapter be the first two clues solved?

How you would then tie the literal meaning of the poem into this starting point is up to you. And please realize that I didn't have 15 years to creatively try to paraphrase Forrest's wonderful poem, but you can see how there may be a gist to this way of considering things.



As I have gone alone in there. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Within the private space of my mind
And with my treasures bold,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And with the richness of the life I’ve led,
I can keep my secret where,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I alone am left to bear witness to all of this,
And hint of riches new and old.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To tell the story of these memories of mine.

Begin it where warm waters halt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . It began when I was first on my own,
And take it in the canyon down,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .When life’s wild-adventure had barely begun,
Not far, but too far to walk.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .But just before walking in socks on a paved road
Put in below the home of Brown.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .And a distant hill between Shoshoni and Casper.

From there it’s no place for the meek,. . . . . . . . . . Life is for the living, so grab every banana.
The end is ever drawing nigh;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yesterday was once today, and all our days are few;
There’ll be no paddle up your creek,. . . . . . . . . . . You’ll have to rely on yourself, there’s no free ride:
Just heavy loads and water high.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Expect hard work and against-all-odds adversity.

If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,. . . . . . . . If you’ve made your own luck, carved your niche in life,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,. . . . . . . . .Realize that life is fleeting, and then you’re gone forever,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,. . . . . . . . . . . . . So don’t waste time admiring your achievements,
Just take the chest and go in peace.. . . . . . . . . . . Keep what you earn and smooth the grass before you leave.

So why is it that I must go. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Why do I feel the need to tell you all of this, create this hunt
And leave my trove for all to seek?. . . . . . . . . . . . And leave the world to chase my hidden, timeless treasure?
The answers I already know,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It’s my legacy to humankind, a someday, one-day ancient hope,
I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak.. . . . . . . . . . .That I’ve toiled tirelessly over, for so long, and now I’m old.

So hear me all and listen good,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Take note, everyone, of what I’m saying here,
Your effort will be worth the cold.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Challenge life, too; your hardship will have worth.
If you are brave and in the wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Live your life, and make your mark on the world
I give you title to the gold.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .And your rewards will be like mine: richly deserved.

Although I don't have a solve, per se, if I were those of you putting BOTG, I would give some serious thought to Castle Gardens.

There is a Canyon Creek nearby that extends up and "down" on all maps, there are numerous "draws" all over the place, it is between Shoshoni and Casper, a special place to Forrest where he came to terms with his stubbornness, his comeuppance moment in life. In terms of latitude it is "below" Fort Washakie, and the place has "blaze" written all over it; they're "ancient" blazes. Literally!

It's been seven years now with no one finding it. Still, someone may have looked there, just for the hell of it, and then blew off the hunch. Headed on over to YNP, or the Woods River area in Shoshone National Forest, to follow the crowd, so to speak.

He could have gone into the area with an obvious camera ruse, make himself look like a photojournalist, snapping shots from distant rises and hills, and picked whichever one he considered worthy of throwing his "bones" atop. Perhaps a hill far enough away so as never to be visited by anyone… yet.

The area is so far away from anywhere that Forrest didn't "think they even had coyotes out there." If you were to hide a multimillion-dollar treasure wouldn't you want to hide it in the last place someone would look? Get out there and check every hill and dale nearby. Earn it.

Maybe BLM law governs. Could be perfect…



I do all of my posting about the Fenn Treasure at this site, here. I just find Dal's blog to be a little too cumbersome to figure out, and limited in presentation.

But, I keep both sites open to make it easy to go back and forth. I'm sure many of the posters over there check out this site here. (hello to all of you)

Just now I went over there: Searcher's Discussions >> Architecture of the Poem…

There are about 120 posts there on this subject, several dated as late as Jul 12, 2017, so I quickly browsed all of them.

You would think that they would home in on poetry techniques, but they've mostly gotten bogged down on "architecture," "architect," "engineer," "layers," "double entendre," stuff like this. The discussions circle around back on things over and over, and really bog down with respect to linear progress. Ofttimes, the posts seem to not be listed chronologically.

I found one or two mentions of "metaphor," and I think zero for "simile."

Forrest wrote a poem; educate yourselves on poetry.

In Forrest's TToTC, he specifically teaches the reader, by example, the technique he likes the most, and even thanks the writer by name, for the example he cites.

Page 101 of TToTC offers the technique clue. The thank you follows on page 103.

Wikipedia likes it, too.

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