Forrest Fenn s treasure

See if any of you can get a direct answer from cw0909... ask cw0909 if he loves lucifer or worships him and see what he says.
They like to dance around the question but they don't like answering it.

Why don't you ask him yourself? He's here and just responded to your accusation.

The group of people, that I've mentioned believe lucifer to be the light bearer. They worship this monster, the "father of all lies".

See if any of you can get a direct answer from cw0909... ask cw0909 if he loves lucifer or worships him and see what he says.
They like to dance around the question but they don't like answering it.

I know many of you think that none of this has nothing to do with it...but you're so wrong.

Bloodline..... aka, ylaqnyr
ask cw0909 if he loves lucifer or worships him
no i dont

The CHEST is not far from his home; on a hiking trail going upwards. To the left of this trail is a rock ledge/overhang; you gotta get off the trail, and go down to the Rock ledge/overhang... buried THERE. ALL the other "adventures" were when he was YOUNGER... heh.

I come to this site now and again to see if there is any serious attempts to find FF treasure. I have some ideas and it would be nice to have some people who are half way sane to knock them around with. Has anyone even tried to sort out what the nine clues in the poem are? Some my not be the obvious ones. BUT so far just a lot of loony ramblings by nutters who just want to vent their own agendas. Too bad. I guess Treasurenet is no longer the place for people interested in treasure hunting. I best try someplace else.

Why ? You delete them anyway . Bye
Post by our rules or don't post.

Bloodline, keep any and all issues from any other forum off TreasureNet, end the insults and attacks

_________________________Tapatalk Signature_________________________


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I will do as you say, but everything I said, that you deleted is part of this Hunt's Topic.

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I come to this site now and again to see if there is any serious attempts to find FF treasure. I have some ideas and it would be nice to have some people who are half way sane to knock them around with. Has anyone even tried to sort out what the nine clues in the poem are? Some my not be the obvious ones. BUT so far just a lot of loony ramblings by nutters who just want to vent their own agendas. Too bad. I guess Treasurenet is no longer the place for people interested in treasure hunting. I best try someplace else.

dont run off,id like to hear your ideas
i was thinking some more about fenn statement of
the clues need to be done/followed in sequential order
was wondering if that was a clue to a
numerical or alphabetical order in the poem we are not seeing
or did he just mean a logical order

looked it up

Something that is sequential often follows a numerical or alphabetical order, but it can
also describe things that aren't numbered but still need to take place in a logical order,
such as the sequential steps you follow for running a program on your computer.

I come to this site now and again to see if there is any serious attempts to find FF treasure. I have some ideas and it would be nice to have some people who are half way sane to knock them around with. Has anyone even tried to sort out what the nine clues in the poem are? Some my not be the obvious ones. BUT so far just a lot of loony ramblings by nutters who just want to vent their own agendas. Too bad. I guess Treasurenet is no longer the place for people interested in treasure hunting. I best try someplace else.

I'm new here too - been reading for about a month.....stick around, maybe we can get back on topics that relate to the chase?

The CHEST is not far from his home; on a hiking trail going upwards. To the left of this trail is a rock ledge/overhang; you gotta get off the trail, and go down to the Rock ledge/overhang... buried THERE. ALL the other "adventures" were when he was YOUNGER... heh.

That's been my thesis. I don't think he would miss a front row seat to his treasure hunt.

His "front-row seat" is his home, looking out his window, with binoculars or telescope... heh.

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OK I have been looking at his poem and have even been out and looked for the box to no avail. So I went back to the poem as FF has said its all there. the first clue that I think he mentions is in the first verse. And dream of riches new and old. I think that refers to New Mexico as opposed to Old Mexico. The second clue Begin it where warm waters halt. FF is a proud Vietnam Vet, he has to have been to the Vietnam Vets memorial and it is at the bottom of a mountain called Agua Fria which means in Spanish Cold Water. This area is in the Morino Valley, Morino is Spanish for Brown. There is a Ranch called Morino Ranch 18 miles north of the Vietnam memorial. I have found what I think is the whole 9 clues, But has anyone any other ideas.???

ALL from his earlier adventures in life...

Did he make the clues first and then found the location or did he know of the location and then made the clues?

Another thing also, First I believe I know where warm waters hault. That being said. To try and offer a little help before I start my own topic, I'd like to make a suggestion to everyone .. call it a prelude to what I'll tell you later in my topic. A help if you will before hand.

... "where warm waters hault"..

What is "warm" water? It's hot and cold water.

Now ask yourselves, where is hot and cold water? They are separated. One is HOT and One is COLD. Now ask yourselves again, WHERE IS THAT?

Make a list of all the possibilities and I'll bet it will be in your list. (now what will you do with your list)

Did he make the clues first and then found the location or did he know of the location and then made the clues?

Another thing also, First I believe I know where warm waters hault. That being said. To try and offer a little help before I start my own topic, I'd like to make a suggestion to everyone .. call it a prelude to what I'll tell you later in my topic. A help if you will before hand.

... "where warm waters hault"..

What is "warm" water? It's hot and cold water.

Now ask yourselves, where is hot and cold water? They are separated. One is HOT and One is COLD. Now ask yourselves again, WHERE IS THAT?

Make a list of all the possibilities and I'll bet it will be in your list. (now what will you do with your list)

Last hint.

If you do come up with the answer in your list of possibilities, know this. The answer to "where warm waters hault" can be in more than 1 location. There are several places, that it can be. To know which one you need more information.

So you have "HOT" and you have "COLD" and what about the word "hault" - it means STOP.

So ask yourselves 1 more time. Where do HOT and COLD water STOP?

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