Forrest Fenn s treasure

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Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages!!! I found the Treasure of Forest Fenn! My parents gave me this bottle of cognac the day I graduated and I have been saving it for a very special day. This is but a sample of what was inside of it. For obvious reasons, I can't show all that I have found. Thanks for all your help. Reading this thread was invaluable and would not have been able to find it without it. I admit, I was hot on the trail and tried to throw people off in case I was being followed. Forest Fenn is a saint. I hope he buries another one.

Ps. The cork disintegrated on opening. >25years old.

Almost believable. Well, if there was a photograph of actual known contents instead of somebodies coin collection.

I know better lol.

Almost believable. Well, if there was a photograph of actual known contents instead of somebodies coin collection.

I know better lol.

I have to agree...the photo really doesn't look like the known Forrest Fenn treasure contents. And it does look like somebody's coin collection instead. Maybe a picture of the box (that was not copied from other pictures of the box) might help. Also, I am not sure how an 80 year old man could scuba dive (twice) to hide the treasure. Other folks have stated before that they had found the treasure (for some reason), and we know that multiple people could not have found the same treasure at different times, so maybe this is yet another occurrence.

That dosen't even look like any kind of a treasure, I sure wouldn't spend much time looking for that.

Yeah, Fenn said this was in the treasure box... gold nuggets (hundreds, some as large as a chicken egg), 265 gold coins (mostly American eagles and double eagles), rare coins, pre-Columbian gold animal figures, jewelry (including a Spanish 17th century gold-and-emerald ring and a bracelet with turquoise beads excavated in 1898 from Mesa Verde which Fenn says he would like back if the treasure is found while he is still alive), and gemstones – hundreds of rubies, diamonds, emeralds, and two Ceylon sapphires. Oh, and a 20,000 word autobiography sealed in a glass jar.

So I don't know why it is obvious that more could not be showed to prove the find was really Fenn's treasure.

Well, I've taken about as much abuse as I care to take around here. I talked to the Smithsonian and they don't want the treasure. They said it is not historic and would promote the purposes of an entrepreneur. I have no desire to declare it on my taxes and lose 50% of it so I'll slowly piece it out and melt it down over the years. Forrest Fenn said, "Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead." He's a lot older then I am, so as father time ticks on I case the secret will be mine. First of all, he grossly exaggerated what is in that chest. We are looking at 500K tops, tops! So here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to have one of the private investigators I hired go back out there and put the bronze chest back where he found it. There will not be any gold in it, but there will be a note from me in there.

Thus, everybody is happy. You guys go back to deciphering the clues, Forrest can claim I don't have it, and I get to piece out melted gold to my children and grandchildren as heirlooms. Except for the few American coins in there, that is against the law. Forrest continues to be worshiped and have every aspect of his life analyzed and memorized like some cult following and if it anybody else every finds it they will see a little note from me. Crispin...with a smiley face. :)

Peace out gentlemen, if anybody wants to be nice I might help them with a few hints but so far I am very uninspired.

Hold out for close to spot prices on that precolumbian gold!

So, the Fenn treasure has been found again...? That thing has created more overnight millionaires since 2010 than APPLE stock!
I nominate Crispin's find for a BANNER........

Well at least, maybe he will be gone from here. It was good entertainment for a while, he was a good t all tale teller, not very credible, my 7 yr. old grandson wouldn't believe him.

I am pretty easy. Show us a pic of something we know is in there. The gold frog. The jade carvings. Hell just the box would have been good.

But not a small pile of random coinage next to some booze your mom gave you.

can we see the little jug or miniature book, are you going to return the bracelet

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Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages!!! I found the Treasure of Forest Fenn! My parents gave me this bottle of cognac the day I graduated and I have been saving it for a very special day. This is but a sample of what was inside of it. For obvious reasons, I can't show all that I have found. Thanks for all your help. Reading this thread was invaluable and would not have been able to find it without it. I admit, I was hot on the trail and tried to throw people off in case I was being followed. Forest Fenn is a saint. I hope he buries another one.

Ps. The cork disintegrated on opening. >25years old.

Crispin thanks for the laughs!! I thought I had you for a second.....

Start at FF's house.

He's watching from there. Spotter scope or telescope. (it's how he knows people have been close)

Look northward. Just a bit over 2 miles.

You will see the house of Brown. (It's a sewage treatment plant where the warm waters halt) Kinda funny. He's got a sense of humor.

Below the sewage plant is a canyon that's just a little too far to walk to. Drive to the parking lot.

Put in there, the pond.

From there, follow the trail. It will take you up a mostly dry creek-bed. (Hence the Aztec music, look at the name of the creek) Don't take a paddle. Be prepared for a short walk.

You will get to the marked (blazed) trail, go up, then look down. (It's well known) Remember the tree clue in the radio broadcast.

The peak--- he can see from his house...

Now- see if it's still there.

Happy Hunting!

It's amazing how many places can fit this poem. But there is only one that unlocks it. My cipher fits to a T,but the "look quickly down" has me stumped. I am certain of the state,wwwh,home of brown,no place for the meek,end is drawing ever nigh,the blaze, and a couple more. He says he knows people have been close by their stories of where they have been. I don't think he is close to the chest or can see it. For me once I figured out wwwh the whole poem fell into the "look quickly down". Time and boots on the ground will tell.

Start at FF's house.

He's watching from there. Spotter scope or telescope. (it's how he knows people have been close)

Look northward. Just a bit over 2 miles.

You will see the house of Brown. (It's a sewage treatment plant where the warm waters halt) Kinda funny. He's got a sense of humor.

Below the sewage plant is a canyon that's just a little too far to walk to. Drive to the parking lot.

Put in there, the pond.

From there, follow the trail. It will take you up a mostly dry creek-bed. (Hence the Aztec music, look at the name of the creek) Don't take a paddle. Be prepared for a short walk.

You will get to the marked (blazed) trail, go up, then look down. (It's well known) Remember the tree clue in the radio broadcast.

The peak--- he can see from his house...

Now- see if it's still there.

Happy Hunting!

If you look at the map there is a cemetery on the left side of Santa Fe, FF's house in the middle, and then the radio on the right. The rest of the landmarks line up as previously stated...

There is a VERY telling "clue" in the book if interpreted correctly that leaves no doubt in my mind the chest isn't in NM. But everyone has their clues and reasons. Maybe someday we will all know. BUT like I've said before, if it's me nobody will ever know.

There is a VERY telling "clue" in the book if interpreted correctly that leaves no doubt in my mind the chest isn't in NM. But everyone has their clues and reasons. Maybe someday we will all know. BUT like I've said before, if it's me nobody will ever know.

I have been of the NM school of thought all along.....but time will tell.

Tintin Treasure

Seems to me the only "special" place to FF is Taos Mt. I just don't think it was as special to him as other places. mho

You know what would be a great place to hide it and be very special to him? His vault.... just saying.

Im just wondering why some folks feel the need to say they found something when they didn't. Whats the reason? Just like people post on the Todays Finds of coins or relics with items they didn't really ffind. Whats the purpose? Whats the gain? Some people really need to make false claims to try and make themselves feel special? Maybe they didn't breast fed when babies or always felt their parents didn't love them? Such a strange thing. I feel sad for them.

Im just wondering why some folks feel the need to say they found something when they didn't. Whats the reason? Just like people post on the Todays Finds of coins or relics with items they didn't really ffind. Whats the purpose? Whats the gain? Some people really need to make false claims to try and make themselves feel special? Maybe they didn't breast fed when babies or always felt their parents didn't love them? Such a strange thing. I feel sad for them.

It was a joke from the start, no intent to deceive at all...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

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