Forrest Fenn s treasure

Ya gotta read between the lines. Lol

Reading between the lines is not clearly-

FF has given no clues clearly- other than he is building his personal legacy and selling lots of books, maps and artifacts.

Hey Folks,
I hate to burst everybody's bubble but Forest Fenn is a fraud. Let me do some basic math for those of you who are inclined to that. The rest can continue to believe in the narcissism of a sociopath.
1. He has offered no proof that any of his treasure exists. Take it all on pure faith. Why not take some pictures of what he was hiding? Document some coins? When the naysayers come out to stick up there nose he can say: "Well, these were once in my possession and they no longer are...where do you think they went?"
2. See number one and realize this guy is a business man. If he buries a couple million in treasure then that becomes a business expense that he can write off on his taxes. The genius is that the IRS could never prove him wrong, guaranteed money? What didn't he document it, log it, and take a deduction...because there isn't one.
3. The recent video shows an 80y.o. man trying to dig up Indian artifacts. He gives a few shifts on a sifter and is out of breath. No way this guy can walk a mile on flat ground...let alone hike through the wilderness. This type of illness does not just come on all of the sudden. His health has easily been deteriorating over the last ten years.
4. He mentioned that it would be his ideal for it to be found in 2000 years. Yeah right! 2000 years ago a fellow by the name of JC had just popped onto the scene. Who knows what the world would even remotely look like by then. If it can't be found for 2000 years then it can't be found. Any smart business man (which he obviously is) would then come to the conclusion not to hide anything. He will be long gone by then anyway. We can't even find a copy of the bible that is 2000 years old.
5. He is 80 years old, has seven grandkids, and numerous friends. His advice to hunters is to buy his books read about his life (cult like memorization) and then go looking for something "private to him." Lol, this is off the hook. Any of those grandkids and his friends have a history of his life at their he is not shy to talk about. Why would they not dig it up?
6. Bad people exist. Why hasn't somebody kidnapped one of these grandchildren (or him) and demanded the location of the treasure as ransom. Really wouldn't be that hard.
7. This guy has stated the treasure is "very personal to him." The most personal thing to him is the thrill of the hunt. He is able to rationalize his lies by knowing that he is sending thousands of people out into the wilderness on an adventure. That to him is a "treasure." He feels he is doing people good and providing an enjoyment; irrelevant, that nothing exists.
8. He gives vague clues and quotes poetry from a 16th century poet named "William Browne." He loves "The whistler" radio show that also references William Browne. None of his poetry is legitimate and his writing is remarkably simplistic. The only way he can sell something is to draw secondary attention.

I'm sorry folks. I want this treasure to exist as much as the rest of you. The truth is that it doesn't. There is no shred of evidence that it does and all logic points to the fact that it doesn't. We have all given Forest Fenn a huge leap of faith. He has lead us on a wild goose chase. It is time he antes up some solid documentation or we stop making a liar a rich man.


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You have stated nothing but YOUR OPINION in the entire rant. Why all the hate?
1. The reason it's called a hidden treasure is because it's hidden...not found.
2.Have YOU checked with the IRS to see if Fenn did what you claim?
3. KNOW the facts of when he hid the chest and when he had cancer.
4.Fenn states it could be found today or a thousand years from now he is "ambivalent".
5. Fenn has stated MANY times only he knows. Why would a bad guy pic him over ANY millionaire? Money is money.
6.See 5
7.It's personal to him.....hmm still trying to figure out why that makes it fake.

Where is the shred of evidence it DOESN'T exist? Where is the evidence of ANY of the treasures on this site exist? EVERY last one of them have a story,clues,maps,etc... Why are they real and this isn't? BELIEF!!! Everyone believes or not it the treasures of their choice. Correct? Until ANY treasure is found it is just a belief. BTW documentation DOESN'T make any treasure real until it's found. Just my opinion. NVRADAR

I thought this forum was for seekers of F. Fenns treasure, if someone dosen't beleive it exist they must have gotten on the wrong forum by mistake. There may be forum for nonbelievers.

If someone doesn't believe in treasure, once you expressed your opinion move on.

Since I believe in fairy tales I think I'll stick around.


Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages!!! I found the Treasure of Forest Fenn! My parents gave me this bottle of cognac the day I graduated and I have been saving it for a very special day. This is but a sample of what was inside of it. For obvious reasons, I can't show all that I have found. Thanks for all your help. Reading this thread was invaluable and would not have been able to find it without it. I admit, I was hot on the trail and tried to throw people off in case I was being followed. Forest Fenn is a saint. I hope he buries another one.

Ps. The cork disintegrated on opening. >25years old.

WOO HOO!!! I will even send a note to the IRS just to be helpful. I would hate for that to slip your mind because now you have admitted finding it and with photo's to prove it!! I wouldn't want them to think you were a fraud or anything. I can rest now from my many trips to the Rockies.

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And to think that all this time I though you were full of BS, Just goes to show how wrong a person can be. You just destroyed my hopes of finding it. Now that you have all of that wealth you probably won't have time to visit this site anymore. Enjoy your new found riches. Bye.

Not so quick on that letter to the IRS. I am planning on donating it to the Smithsonian once we got it all logged and documented. Cool thing for kids to visit when they go to DC. I don't need that much money. The real treasure was in the fun of hunting and finding it.

Now thats a big hearted thing you are doing right there! Be careful with large donations and not reporting them as well. Also be very careful as I'm sure BLM,Forest Service,Fish and Game,private land owners who WILL claim you found it on their land AND a whole host of lawyers will be contacting you very soon. Ya know what I think.... I'm glad you found the treasure and not me. Enjoy all you get from it.


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Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages!!! I found the Treasure of Forest Fenn! My parents gave me this bottle of cognac the day I graduated and I have been saving it for a very special day. This is but a sample of what was inside of it. For obvious reasons, I can't show all that I have found. Thanks for all your help. Reading this thread was invaluable and would not have been able to find it without it. I admit, I was hot on the trail and tried to throw people off in case I was being followed. Forest Fenn is a saint. I hope he buries another one.

Ps. The cork disintegrated on opening. >25years old.

Well don't hold back then....where did you find it?

He probably put in below the house of Brown and went up the creek that didn't need a paddle, then looked in the cave behind the rock that was below the blaze.

He probably put in below the house of Brown and went up the creek that didn't need a paddle, then looked in the cave behind the rock that was below the blaze.

GOOD LORD!!!!! I seen that but it just didn't look "treasury" to me!! darn!

Now thats a big hearted thing you are doing right there! Be careful with large donations and not reporting them as well. Also be very careful as I'm sure BLM,Forest Service,Fish and Game,private land owners who WILL claim you found it on their land AND a whole host of lawyers will be contacting you very soon. Ya know what I think.... I'm glad you found the treasure and not me. Enjoy all you get from it.

That is the wonderful thing about donations...they can be anonymous. I don't want to say where I found it because of everything you mentioned here. However I will give you a couple clues as to where it was: The watcher in the window is Forest Fenn, he has been keeping a close eye on it. The picture is not a picture but a map. The tombstones are a graveyard, the horse shoes are a well known stable, the poster is a water park, the gun is a shooting range, the soda signs are town center, and the radio is the treasure. Of course, right smack in the middle is Forest Fenn watching it all, but where is Forest Fenn? He gave the location away to me when he said it was "very personal." How can something be that personal but nobody else know about it? Surely, his friends would have talked to him about such a place. So I realized that it must be personal to him but unimportant on a grand scale. So I listened to the radio again and heard reference to the poet William Browne. Truly, an obscure 16th century poet...but a nature lover, almost all of his poems about nature. Then I happened along his longest and well known ode to (look it up) and it was about fishing. It all started clicking. Too far to walk, up a creek with no paddles... it was his old fishing hole. So I hired a private investigative service to go look among a number of places where he might freshwater fish for trout and the like. They had to scuba dive to get it but there it was in all its splendor. I got you Forrest, I got you...

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