Forrest Fenn s treasure

Care to share thoughts as to why these kilns were,are "a very dear place" to FF? We can't lose sight of this very important clue if we are to find the chest. I have been busy with life things for a while but where did he say "he would like to see someone do the trail to the chest". I hope I'm not that far behind.

the area forms a silhouette of his face and the exact outline is seen in the terra formed area surrounding the kilns on the map from google earth.

Just an observation, but he was about to be elevated to angel status and he saw a vision guiding him to what to do there, as he was looking at the area out of curiosity, and he has fished there before, being listed in his book, it actually names the river.

to go to place that can easily be scorched by fire? the historical records show further clues he derived are taken directly from the texts of the preserve paperwork filed to set these as historical records, which Fenn is clearly a partaker in this preservation effort for parks and rec, and the area is unknown but is truly the heart of american exploration from the foundation of the first trading posts in the west.

Fenn is so attached to this area it grows off him like a third arm waving at me telling me to shut up The other fact is the four mines were owned by a famous man there, who made the name of the adjacent mine, The Hidden Treasure

a whole series of images can be seen there in a Vision Quest type journey there, including a Reservoir bearing his Title to the Gold, the Swallow Canyon, the place he wanted you to find his charred remains?? The Kilns

Except when I got there there was another guy there 15 minutes later, and there was also supposed to be a GPS Geo Cahce tube there from another exploration party that leaves tokens to find and a stamp, which was gone, and the Kilns were recently raked clean inside, with no brush

Later Forrest said he would take a trip to "check on his Jar of 5450", and he obviously was hinting at the locations being close to his Jar, so he can check on it.

He then said that now 2 people have been within 200 feet of it.

Me and the other wandering guy?.......

ready to go yet?

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Eldo, you've conributed some excellent posts in this thread and I have enjoyed reading them thoroughly. I will not be surprised if you are the one to find the treasure. I recently emailed Fenn about my ideas and all he said was "I'm afraid I can't give you any advantages. Good luck in the search!" It was an honor to speak with him.

He is fair that way, but not after the storm I laid.

I emailed him a few's the scoop, it was through an online site that communed with him to help spread the Thrill of the Chase

A few online sites were offering an open invite for him to speak there, to let the forum submit their 9 clue solves and hear his responses, a segment of Questions with Forrest, so he bit and asked for anyone who has a solve to write in their ideas, and he would respond according to his preference on the site in its own thread

After I sent him my info first, cause I just happened to be online that day, he replied VERY promptly, after seeing my 9 clue solve word for word.

He said "I was going to respond to something in your post but was tired and had to take a nap, and when I woke up I forgot what I was going to say". Those were his exact words.

He then cut off all discussion with EVERYONE ELSE, after telling everyone that he was going to talk to them too.

What does that tell you about my solve, and what I wrote him in 2014.....?

They are onto me I am telling you...they are everywhere, these Fenner's, better make for the high pass and cut em off.

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Even my distributors are wanting me to find the trove.....they've got my back bigtime.....!

Been a while since I've checked in here just wanted to make some observations; I'm amazed at the number of groups out there looking for the treasure --- didn't any of these people watch the Humphrey Bogart classic 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre'? (plot spoiler: it's all fun and games out there until something is actually found and the ____ starts hitting the fan.) Fenn himself is a lone wolf and I believe it will be a lone wolf who eventually finds his hoard. I've yet to see anybody who actually went out searching say anything other than that they "had fun", "no regrets", "found a different kind of treasure" etc etc. Let me hear from the person who says: "I had a sinking feeling on the plane ride home that I'd just been hustled." Now, that's the person who is honest and would be interesting to talk to.... I think Fenn is confident that he's hidden his treasure so well that people will be talking about him and it 100 years from now. Similar to the way that they do about Blackbeard, Jesse James etc. That I believe was his real intention in hiding it --- to be remembered.
Just some food for thought....

the area forms a silhouette of his face and the exact outline is seen in the terra formed area surrounding the kilns on the map from google earth.

Just an observation, but he was about to be elevated to angel status and he saw a vision guiding him to what to do there, as he was looking at the area out of curiosity, and he has fished there before, being listed in his book, it actually names the river.

to go to place that can easily be scorched by fire? the historical records show further clues he derived are taken directly from the texts of the preserve paperwork filed to set these as historical records, which Fenn is clearly a partaker in this preservation effort for parks and rec, and the area is unknown but is truly the heart of american exploration from the foundation of the first trading posts in the west.

Fenn is so attached to this area it grows off him like a third arm waving at me telling me to shut up The other fact is the four mines were owned by a famous man there, who made the name of the adjacent mine, The Hidden Treasure

a whole series of images can be seen there in a Vision Quest type journey there, including a Reservoir bearing his Title to the Gold, the Swallow Canyon, the place he wanted you to find his charred remains?? The Kilns

Except when I got there there was another guy there 15 minutes later, and there was also supposed to be a GPS Geo Cahce tube there from another exploration party that leaves tokens to find and a stamp, which was gone, and the Kilns were recently raked clean inside, with no brush

Later Forrest said he would take a trip to "check on his Jar of 5450", and he obviously was hinting at the locations being close to his Jar, so he can check on it.

He then said that now 2 people have been within 200 feet of it.

Me and the other wandering guy?.......

ready to go yet?

Silhouette,scorched by fire,vision...? I understand he does love the old west stuff but I can't see the connections you do. I'm a bit farther north than you,in a "wet" state. I do think it is along a river he fished for sure,that part makes sense. He said mother nature "could" affect it in several ways but "not likely". I guess time will tell who if anyone is correct. Good luck.

Dont get me wrong, mine is 1.75 miles from a river and it flows 24/7, with so many side creeks you can get lost for weeks....

but luckily I am wise enough to follow his every of course

and he has let us know a few things that show that his chest is clearly laid up on a perch of some sort at about eye level, so easy that a 3 yo could get to it he said

on top of the fact that there is no more obvious nature surrounding his clues, other than the REAL Fenn........A Pioneer Spirit and Trading Post owner himself. A Digger AND Preservationist, one who has seen the crooked come and go, one who was known to be a rider on the storm....Barry Goldwater and Barry Storm's Thunder...

They are all friends from way back...and they have some other cowboy attributes from their times that are considered a positive influence on my life, having been led to one of the most Outlaw places on earth, so its cool to be following their trails......

I moved into my new executive office today, right over the central walking promenade of our city, in one of the most prestigious buildings in town,

I am an architect by education and by trade as well, and Fenn also made mention there was a single friend who helped him craft this poem......a fellow architect.

To say he is the author or co-author is meaningful, and I can rationalize the finite movements that are included in the scale of the path Fenn took.

Too Far to Walk, but not too far for him to hike, at 80......

So add it all up and you find the fact that there is nothing left to do but go and explore an area to find the most impressive points of reference to locate the actual final resting place of "Fenn's Bones" he put it....laying over the chest....

That's so :laughing7::skullflag:Pirate:skullflag: :laughing7:

He is fair that way, but not after the storm I laid.
What does that tell you about my solve, and what I wrote him in 2014.....?

A lot went on in 2014. It wasn't all about your "storm".
He is not so transparent as to be swayed so easily by a simple email or a good solve.

And now it is 2015 and ripe for a new season.
And I have a head start....

Head start on who.....? My work is My storm, when something changes AFTER you write something, that is directly related to your work.

You are here to pump up your own website.....and take attention from the TreasureNet over to your so called collective.......

TN has more articles and discussions than any other side shifting site......face it.

You are refuting everyones work here to attract attention to your magic clues.....

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He is fair that way, but not after the storm I laid.

I emailed him a few's the scoop, it was through an online site that communed with him to help spread the Thrill of the Chase

A few online sites were offering an open invite for him to speak there, to let the forum submit their 9 clue solves and hear his responses, a segment of Questions with Forrest, so he bit and asked for anyone who has a solve to write in their ideas, and he would respond according to his preference on the site in its own thread

After I sent him my info first, cause I just happened to be online that day, he replied VERY promptly, after seeing my 9 clue solve word for word.

He said "I was going to respond to something in your post but was tired and had to take a nap, and when I woke up I forgot what I was going to say". Those were his exact words.

He then cut off all discussion with EVERYONE ELSE, after telling everyone that he was going to talk to them too.

What does that tell you about my solve, and what I wrote him in 2014.....?

He cant give out anymore info or clues because someone


Head start on who.....? My work is My storm, when something changes AFTER you write something, that is directly related to your work.

You are here to pump up your own website.....and take attention from the TreasureNet over to your so called collective.......

TN has more articles and discussions than any other side shifting site......face it.

You are refuting everyones work here to attract attention to your magic clues.....

A couple of things Eldo...

I respect and admire and support each and every person that puts boots on the ground In regards to this chase. Here and anywhere else. Those that are taking the challenge are putting themselves at great risk of failure. And yet they try.

I am not pumping my website as you suggest. Yes I link it in my siggy. I patronise many websites that are in this collective of searchers. And I remain within the TAC of each site and act according to the direction of site owners and staff when so indicated. My so called collective is anyone anywhere that is enjoying this chase. I am not taking attention away from this vast website treasurenet.

I have posted here in regards to the chase. Suggested interesting facts. Corrected misdirected fallacies. And warned about fake sites that have been posted. I participate in fashion here and abroad.

I have been temporarily banned twice here. Banned exclusively for my bad reactions toward a member that was not positively promoting anything in regards to the chase and in my opinion was just out to besmirch anyone that was enjoying the chase. My responses were inappropriate and I accepted what I deserved. Other than that I have generally been accepted here and have had no other skirmishes that required staff intervention.

I do not refute anyones work on this site whatsoever. I promote it when possible. Treasurenet is in fact a vast collective of very interesting people and I fully respect that. I participate in that. I wish to add to that. I take nothing from this site period. There has been no massive exodus to my website from here as a result of my siggy. Quite honestly very much the opposite. And I am completely fine with that as that is not my reason here.

My magic clues?... that made me smile. Mr. Fenn's whole chase is all about magic clues. Of which nobody has completely proven yet their solutions. Yes I have found some things that nobody else has. No I have not released them yet. And yes, I truly hope they are magic.

My recent reply to your post Eldo was mearly to indicate that 2014 had significant dynamics in this chase and to suggest to you that your email to Mr. Fenn was not the exclusive reason that he decides to respond or not to your inquiries. Far from it actually. You need not put yourself in that regard as if you are truly in this chase you would have noticed on many websites many persons have thought the same of themselves. You are not alone.

And yes, someone is very close.

Dog gone it!! who blabbed I was close???

Anyways....I was in reference to events before your recollection of them at a later time.

I was a member of another site....just saying, the whole thing went down in front of thousands of people who were all waiting for forrest to comment on their 9 clue solves, I just happened to be there at the time when the admin had arranged it and was first on the list to send them in.

Forrest immediately made a comment, and closed the comments to the hundreds of others waiting to write in. run some sort of collective blog site.....with differentiating subject matter as diverse as the courses at Princeton, NJ

and you then come here to advertise your site as being better...?

just look at the tone in your own posts.......

banned twice....for a condescending tone, and promoting your own attempt at data mining for hits for your own website.

To be are a lurker of your own website collecting information about a hunt, without adding any of your own and you come here to contest other's work

inciting some sort of childish rally as a defense of your NON EXISTENT CLAIMS.

Have fun in denial ignorance

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you have no idea who Forrest Fenn really is do you?

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Eldo, your attack of me is unwarranted. All I detect is a defensive posture powered by envy of someone who is enjoying the chase and doesnt mind promoting it publically.

Regardless, I very well know who Mr. Fenn is as well as he I.

And you know where my links go. Directly to the discussion group related. The rest of my site is irrelevant to the chase. And My site is 100% non-commercial.

Why do I get the vibe that I have met you before here under a different username?

If you have a problem with me then bring it up with staff here. I will gladly speak with them regarding your concerns.

Anyways, back to the chase...

Eldo, your attack of me is unwarranted. All I detect is a defensive posture powered by envy of someone who is enjoying the chase and doesnt mind promoting it publically.

Regardless, I very well know who Mr. Fenn is as well as he I.

And you know where my links go. Directly to the discussion group related. The rest of my site is irrelevant to the chase. And My site is 100% non-commercial.

Why do I get the vibe that I have met you before here under a different username?

If you have a problem with me then bring it up with staff here. I will gladly speak with them regarding your concerns.

Anyways, back to the chase...

Ignorance Denied, your signature has been edited, we allow no links to other sites that are treasure forums no matter how small.

Hey no problem.

You could of asked many months ago but this works just the same.

Now where was I ...

I come back for a quick look from my other ventures and find you guys still chasing the ghost treasure! I guess some never learn, or just enjoy playing games. Frank

Here's a quote from a comment about a feb 8th 2015 story regarding Finn providing another clue that the treasure "is wet." My appologies if this was already posted...

Anon sez~

"I solved the puzzle after it was announced long ago. I won't explain all the details here, but it's located on top of 'Little Saddle' mountain in YellowStone on a trail called, 'Cold Creek' below the home of Brown(Gary Brown-ex park ranger). It would take a tremendous effort and bravery to go get it, plus expense. The alleged $2 million in treasure/gold; probably only has a street value of $350k; because you have to take into account you won't get auction/full value at any coin dealer. FF won't deny nor confirm I solved it. All he will say is that others came close when I tell him what I figured out. To make matters worse; the opportunity to go get it on top of that mountain is only a 3 months long, due to spring flooding and snow on the mountains. Knowing where it is, isn't good enough; you better have mountain man thinking and ability; I don't. I figured out the location; probably within 30ft. The pictograph of the boys playing a game is actually the top of the mountain and they point to the treasure location. Use Google Earth to triangulate it. It was a brilliant poem, but not beyond my skill to crack it, within a week of 24/7 thinking/obsesssing about it and mostly after getting the book. A FB group called, SAMRIID out of CA claimed they found it in the location I described, but it may be a bluff. Also, Yellowstone has said anything on their land is the Fed GVTs property and nobody should have left anything there in the first place. So if you go retrieve it and get caught; you'll be in prison on serious charges of GVT theft."

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