For the CA. dredgers who are still hoping

I fight with brains and not flaming ignorant bs. This 169 page comment was submitted--and 2 others to cdfg in response to illegal closures during the corrupted CEQA process. It was also requested by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals as information to base the considerations upon to mine or kill dredging. My comment was specifically entered as the judges saw mindless drivel galore for both sides BUT my comment garnered 3 full catagories in the published comments and intrigued them. CDFG website and court documents BOTH state this. And no I won't post links because lazy fools must learn how to use the internet and I've quit spoon feeding info to jerks who are tooo stupid and lazy to look.Yes dredging lost BUT 4 judges realized the EIR anti mining bs was just that unfounded mindless drivel same as yours too hahahaha wanna be dredgers. Russau is trying to save Missouri from California style ignorance and you are thusly promoting your own insipid flaming stupidity . Flame on fools as the karuk,environutz and fishermen love it--foolish CENSORED brats..And you did what??? Stand up and be counted or shut the LL up. John
....with chit in your neck as I have dont know me,where I have been,or what I have done....I need not talk in "DRIVEL",code,and SPEW contradicting stories on the net.See I dont get on here to find a wife either,I call t the way I see it,and all I ever see you do,is post a few pictures of a small amount of gold,biotch and cry....even when we could dredge here,you were crying about your claim being burned up,crying you were broke down,then turn around and claim you dredged "yesterday"?Sounds like BS,smells like bs likely BS!!I am glad our forefathers didnt have your attitude,we would be speaking British.........fight or get out of the way

In ignorance there is said to be happiness and you two ignoranuses are 2 a happiest sob's I've ever met...this pic is the culmination of information gathering to fight ignorance such as yours. Many 100's of hours to assemble,read and read again,collate,type assesments,assign,copy and publish . 100s a sources-can you count that high even- the last miners movement I saw was a few minutes ago and I flushed them-Vin and Kuge and they smelled the same as fulla chit. Flame on fools whilst real men do the job to save OUR mining rights. John


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:laughing7: Bitter,lonely,medication induced has been.....News for ya,I havent missed a dredge season in over 20 years,and you dont see me crying I got a ticket,thats because I have done what II have had to do...not illegally.You yourself stated just after the ban that YOU were dredging(That was a lie?)but you were condoning exactly what Vini did...guess you cant keep your lies straight?I guarantee I have put more money to this fight than you get each month.I am standing by Vini because he is doing something..not picking on people like you are,real big man

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Frankly, Hoser - I've read your comments to CDFG, several times, and they tended to read like the rant above, in places. You should have at least had
them proofread by somebody, and editing for clarity would not have hurt. In places, your comments sounded patronizing and arrogant. I know you have
been deeply hurt by events, but so have other people. I'm thinking about the head of lumber companies who were ruined by the "spotted owl bs", ranchers
who are about to be ruined by "sage grouse" bs. I have one sincere question, if I don't trigger your "PDSD" (post dredging stress disorder); that is - when
4 Judges of the 9th Circuit state that the majority opinion is BS, isn't there a glimmer of hope that thiswill be overturned on appeal? If not, why not? Please
ignore this post if you insist on "ranting" your answers. My desire is to learn something - not to argue.

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The day the ban was instituted the trinity river miners sat down and agreed to leave their 1-10" dredge--2-8' dredges and a 5" in the water visible from HiWay 299 with a car count of over 40,000 a week(cal trans). 4 gravel munching monsters worth at least $200,000,6 additional support vehicles,$75,000+, (could also be confiscated) with at least $10-$15,000 of back up supplies, and fines galore. This lasted for over a 100 days. Helicopters galore,reporters from 6 major papers to cover the story as also picked up by API and shot to numerous countries. Randy Davis was utilized as the example as a disabled Niet Nam Viet rotten to the core with cancer who had a 8" in the trinity. Interviews with record searchlight/sac bee/SJ Mercury news,tv interviews with a half dozen channels and on and on we churned for over 100 DAYS. The only thing missing from the PROTEST was DREDGERS hahahah who hid at home under the beds and in closets twisting their panties and send a few sheckles to their favorite MEGA CARPETBAGGERS & MINERS RIGHTS GROUPS who caused 99% of the problem in the first place hahahaha. Well the reporters/tv/news all went away as CDFG refused to ticket us out of respect for all we'd done over the years with/by/and for them. I made up tinker toys,called my long time friends in CDFG enforcement and administration and told them where to come and ticket me please. Yet again the respect garnered throught all the process since inception of dredge regulations got me nuttn' but the gold I found. I even sent in pics,posted on the internet on 7 forums and sent CDFG enforcement pictures hahahah no action...Miner unity is 100% unadulterated BS. 4 folks showed up to give us money(non miners) but as alwys the trinity miners RIP/miners alliance RIP absolutely refused all funds. Horn honking touristas stopped,applauded and hooted and hollered. Haters screamed ,cussed and fingered us good. But all the CDFG and the haters ever got was Mad Dogs naked butt(posted many time as the most famous ol'crusty rump on the planet) and a roaring F U as gravel was sucked on a daily basis. The only chance to present a unified front to the whole world was blown outta water simply cause ya'all woulda had to stand up like a man and united....hahahah never mo' sayeth the craven raven as that 100 days in time was the last stand and ya toooo chicken to leave the henhouse. NOW 3 more bill rammed jammed cramed through the legislative process,councils formed with Karuk,environutz, and the fishermen with NO MINERS PRESENT because the 1994 regulation council was killed 100% yet again by the MINERS RIGHTS GROUPS & MEGA CLUBS total refusal to even discuss a thing(OBSTRUCTIONISM/GERRYMANDERING SAME AS REP/DEMS AND RIGHTS BE DAM)--over 250 miles of openings..gone..a 2 mile stretch of the Mokelume project to resolidify the compacted gravels and PROVE DREDGING 100 EGOLIGICAL sound,and a permenent dredge committee to assure future generations the freedoms WE ONCE HAD. The fools on the illegal dredge secret committee even asked the CDFG for highbanking rules please AS WE NEED YOUR HELP AND GUIDANCE(not only no but LL NO) . These 2 brainiacs(minutes available on CDFG website for those not lazy) state specifically what was said by whom and when. So the waterboards complied and the CDFG with 5 more permits and the millions in fines about shooting yourself in the foot and the smucks represented the industry.. well the tale has ended with a dozen new laws,regs,permits,6 layers of containment and the coalition of casino cash,environutz and fishermen has a few mil laying around to kill any hope if all dozen or so LAWS(not in my world) in the next 100 years are ever removed. Now the feds step in next years and tie a big red bow on the whole convaluted dead end mess utilizing the EPA and Clean water act to kill any and all hope forever COUNTRY WIDE... as ye sow... so shall ye you hide under your beds a panty twisting all the live long day as my lifes passion DREDGING has been laid to rest after 41 years the of the fantastic life imagineable...and ya all got the gumption snivel what a mean ol man quit mining--such bs..when I die mining, me and Belzabob a gonna rip pergatory to pieces till LL freezes over...hahahahah John

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clear creek poundage
Rucky Chucky poundage
kidnapped at my biz
3+ lbs a shasta counties finest
Mad Dods 10" dual VW precision pumper-what a machine to risk for miners rights to dredge
Favorite shirts to wear to CDFG meetings


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anywhere at any time
black ops camod'
free lessons to Hunting For gold fundraiser
16,000 acres firebombed with napalm before my very eyes by Cal Fire in flame spewing helos-only problem is gee wiz the real fire never came close. As far as the eye could see total devastation AND my 100+ years old cabin and $1,000s in equipment was TOAST--and ya'all call that sniveling hahahaha
rebuild job after 57+ years a gold grubbn'-both of them shot. Now good for another 50+ years of righteous mining YAAAAAAAA
rain water recirculation turbidity screens
bigger creek turbidity screens


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giving my bros a panning lesson ifn' they'd quit playn' 58 Bagby
clear creek 1,630' climb daily in/out up a vertical cliff but bookoo poundage 6" triple at 50+old
drought don't matter to me as tinkertoys keep addict from withdrawls NF-EF-trinity
Douglas City,Trinity River sampling
best most loyal,honest,caring fella I,or any real mining man,could ever meet -not his best view-but Ize a badn'
sacraficial 2 1/2" highbanker dredge combo on whiskey-but they no show even with invites??
sacraficial 3" dredge on flat but yet again CDFG no shows.....
guns guns guns god I luv'm--let freedom ring
off to the SF American with my ol'homie all done up so rafters don't run into me.


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NOT 1/10th OF 1/1000th OF 1% OF THE GOOD TIMES. It was all sooo easy to keep but the 1/10 of 1% who did 99.999% of the work to preserve dredging and mining rights are either RIP or finally smarted up to-SO WHEN THE LL DO I GET A LIFE AND NOT SPEND EVERY FREE MINUTE, AND MISSING OUT ON $$$MILLIONS$$$ , PRESERVING RIGHTS TO THE UNDESERVING LAZY FEED ME INFO,TRAIN ME,PAMPER ME,DO NUTTN' MAMBY PAMBY LAZY ARSE NEW AGE MINERS HAHAHAHA' We sit down for a couple a years to relax and get our lives back in some semblence a order and ya all CARPETBAGGERS AND MEGACLUBS went and pisd' it all away--65+++ years a work flushed down the toilet --as ye sow--so shall ye reap--and a more deserving crowd I'll never see. This tale a woe is for the other 48 who still have a miniscule chance of saving something--anythings for gods sake of mining/dredging rights--Learn from kalif sloven ways and support folks like Russau in Missouri(Misery) and such as they strive UNAPPRECIATED to save whatever they can.. We now return to the flaming and great gnashing of teeth-yet once yet again --hahahaha---John
Addedium--The pics above are a miniscule sampling of what our kids-grandkids and all generations to follow have lost forever due to lazy people. ALL RIGHTS MUST BE FOUGHT FOR CONSTANTLY AS ONCE A RIGHT IS LOST IT'SA BILLION TIMES HARDER TO REGAIN THAN TO SIMPLY RETAIN IN THE FIRST PLACE--in dredging though never attachment is the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals dissenting Judges statement as to courts illegal action aka-NO MO'DREDGN' NEVER but 4 saw the truth from submitted evidence and we lost by 1 lousy judge who just pontificated from above with no basis in fact as reading something and doing their jobs was just toooooo much to ask---John


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....sure wish I could read your "drivel",but I are cool....I have one or two myself.I am done fighting with you.You know whats going on in your little world and figure thats all that exists.I went to at least four of the farce meetings,to the Capitol,and sat before three Assembly members....along with thousands of $$'s given,so John,dont give me your "nobody came BS",cause thats what it is....crazy you lash out at fellow miners!!!That really gets things done huh??

Let Hoser vent! The old man deserves the same right as all of us. Respect.
Reality - Dredging is gone, going on 4 years. If it makes you feel better, throw your money at it. Me, nope, I can't see it ever getting resolved just like hydraulicing, gone.
Hoser those are some cool pictures, bud. I would crack out mine but just makes me sad and ,on top of that, making me want to go dredge and it just be to cold in there right now. :skullflag:


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nice silt screen John! and i reconize some of them pictures and that old man shaveing from the truck mirror! its been over 42 years since i shaved last!i dont think my kids would recognize me if i did!haha

+1 to your nice silt screen. :)

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