For the CA. dredgers who are still hoping


Bronze Member
May 6, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Below is just a glimpe into the mindset of our opponents. This sat. is an event lasting six hours and costs over 90 dollars in
Nev. City. Following is an excerpt from the subject matter. ...The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, the depletion of oil, economic upheaval, and mass extinction together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions....Drawing on decades of teaching an empowerment approach known as the Work That Reconnects, the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. This process
equips us with tools to face the mess we're in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining
society. I DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO LAUGH OR CRY. What do you guys think????

Buddhism meets environmentalism. Sure they mean well, but in the end it turns to Jamestown, Guyana! Beware the KOOL-AID!

I cant read comments to the online news paper anymore,its damn scary how surrounded by complete loons we are....they are among us.Anytime people value the life of an animal more than a human,and think a Utopic world with Peace and purple skies are possible,you cant reason with them

Trust me... Those that "hope", are those that truly haven't realized that they have none.

Wow man don't chill my vibe or I'll whip ya with a wet noodle. hahahahah so much mindless little time left. GV has always been a freak fest central with rastas,dreadlocks,ol'braindead acid freaked hippies and naked folks all over the 3 yubas with theft and begging rampent. John

ya forgot ooooom hu mani padma huma krishna ra ra ra oooommmmmoooooohm- hahahaha--PUFF PUFF PASS is the creed but gold has always fulfilled my need,an a wife or 2 0r 3-hahaha. Base your life on the past history in kalif as history and knowledge are the foundation of your future...and dredging has none here. EPA has almost finished their draconian FEDERAL dredging regulations with Idaho as the preverbial sacraficial lamb due the first a the year. As federal law,same same as clean water act insanity, ALL STATES instantly under federal thumb-Buy nuttn'--support nobody but yourself as dredges make lousy petunia planters-John PS-for gods sake do not go out and get a dredging ticket as that bonehead move is good for the third strike law here in kalif or 1st or 2nd whatever. Mined continuously for over 57 years and NOT a single one ever from no agency NEVER!!!!

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Yes Frodos cloak of invisibility or a righteous camo job does indeed work wonders. Saw prelim rough draft of EPA and NASTY NASTY NASTY. Didn't know them 49er hating--and now all dredgers--Karuk aka the sue'm all the time tribe--had so much influence. Casino cash speakm' and miners rights much bs-John

I just hate everything EPA! Specially those dang EPA approved gasoline cans.
EPA is just a bunch of frigin evironutz that lie and cheat to get their agenda to fly.
They have just about red taped and regulated us to the point that we will never recover as a nation. Extreme BS at its finest.

John they make gooood targets but otherwise a teaspoon at a time in the engine with a pint splilled. I hit the swaps and stores before they got cleaned out of good old school and got enough last 2 lifetimes,good as gold as a 5 gallon goes for over $50 now on the black market. Speaking of black--now ya sees me and then POOF-hahaha-John. They can killl dredging but my gas cans are forever!! RUSSAU-hope a tiny part of my works may assist in the preservation of dredging in Misery-do what ya can as here come them *&^%$#@ feds at the EPA with the US wide dredge laws in January-no yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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I know a mite about that and must agree so you don't end up with 1000s a fools being sold their rights to mine public lands they already have by the mega clubs. So I know nuttn--ain't seen nuttn' and good to go. That is only about 1/10 of what I've published on miners rights so when ya have another free year or so I'll ruin your day and send a few 1,000 pages more. CONVINCE, cajole,impress them, be friends with your enemies whatever bud as you seem to be a solitary mind in a sea of ignorance in Misery-John

I know a mite about that and must agree so you don't end up with 1000s a fools being sold their rights to mine public lands they already have by the mega clubs. So I know nuttn--ain't seen nuttn' and good to go. That is only about 1/10 of what I've published on miners rights so when ya have another free year or so I'll ruin your day and send a few 1,000 pages more. CONVINCE, cajole,impress them, be friends with your enemies whatever bud as you seem to be a solitary mind in a sea of ignorance in Misery-John

“The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.”
Benjamin Franklin

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to speak out and remove all doubt.”
Abraham Lincoln

“Wise people talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.”


And idiots never prosper :laughing7: by flaming on as mindless drivel is like peen' in the wind .as any fool can do it but ,just stinks to high heaven and something sure smelled up the place. My 100s a WRITTEN comments containing 1,000,000s of intellectual words over 35 years in conjunction with The Western Mining Council RIP killed by carpetbaggers, kept dredging/mining open and free since 1945 till idjets killed it all-flame on as soooo much mindless drivel is indeed entertaining as IQ revealed. Russau ol' bud, truely hope all the info helps you in Missori fight,seems your the lone freedom fighter there, and as always more coming anytime your ready bud... --John

And idiots never prosper :laughing7: by flaming on as mindless drivel is like peen' in the wind .as any fool can do it but ,just stinks to high heaven and something sure smelled up the place. My 100s a WRITTEN comments containing 1,000,000s of intellectual words over 35 years in conjunction with The Western Mining Council RIP killed by carpetbaggers, kept dredging/mining open and free since 1945 till idjets killed it all-flame on as soooo much mindless drivel is indeed entertaining as IQ revealed. Russau ol' bud, truely hope all the info helps you in Missori fight,seems your the lone freedom fighter there, and as always more coming anytime your ready bud... --John

So John,when did you get the chit in your spine?If you are fought out then get out of the way,some are not willing to just roll over and pizz in the air...according to you,you cant mine anymore anyway so you have nothing to fight for anyway

I fight with brains and not flaming ignorant bs. This 169 page comment was submitted--and 2 others to cdfg in response to illegal closures during the corrupted CEQA process. It was also requested by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals as information to base the considerations upon to mine or kill dredging. My comment was specifically entered as the judges saw mindless drivel galore for both sides BUT my comment garnered 3 full catagories in the published comments and intrigued them. CDFG website and court documents BOTH state this. And no I won't post links because lazy fools must learn how to use the internet and I've quit spoon feeding info to jerks who are tooo stupid and lazy to look.Yes dredging lost BUT 4 judges realized the EIR anti mining bs was just that unfounded mindless drivel same as yours too hahahaha wanna be dredgers. Russau is trying to save Missouri from California style ignorance and you are thusly promoting your own insipid flaming stupidity . Flame on fools as the karuk,environutz and fishermen love it--foolish CENSORED brats..And you did what??? Stand up and be counted or shut the LL up. John

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