Ok, about the incredible amount of snow up north this year. Well, I was raised to always look for the positive
in any situation.
Ok. So it's evidently the largest amount of snow in recorded history!I
Now, just how can I see something positive in this?
Let's just think about it.
Ummmmm, well, er...no.
Well maybe! .........
Wait a minute, it'll come to me.
Let me think.....
Ok.... so here's something! That ground up there hasn't seen this much snow in a millennium and you know how heavy snow can be! You guys
almost have a mini glacier up there! So.....now follow me here.... that incredible weight has been pressing down on that soil all winter now. So, it's
been compressing the soil. Therefore, when it finally melts away, you'll be standing closer to the targets that used to be to deep to detect!
Making those goodies closer to the surface! When you guys finally get back out there I'm predicting a BANNER season this year!
So once it melts, around Sept, you can expect some delightful finding!
No need to thank me! Just remember where you heard it first and see!