Nothing new yet! Other than I am back in Florida...

Thank God!



Welcome back, glad you made it home from there safely...gregg

My understanding has always been that all beaches in Florida are public up to the high tide line. I believe that there are ordinances or laws requiring some landowners, such as hotels, to provide public access to the beach...that's the way it is in Miami Beach, anyway.

wreckdiver1715 said:
UPDATE on Private Beaches in Florida;
I have recently learned that there are indeed some privately owned beaches in Florida.

This is old but is important.

Private to the Mean High Water line. That's the furthest the H2O reaches at high tide on the sand.

We get people complaining about "people with dogs", "people jogging" and/or "a man metal detecting" on their beach all the time.

We look over the dune, see they are on the packed sand below the "Magic Line" and code out the call as unfounded.

Wreckdiver, I will address my question to you since you appear to be most know ledgable regarding Florida laws and regulations. But anyone else is also invited to chime in.

I have never seen anything on here regarding the sand dunes of public beaches. But I have always felt that they were to be protected from human traffic. I don't remember from where I heard this or why I made this assumption. Can someone shed some light on this for me?



the dune one is simple.all dunes natural or man-made are protected by law.they are off limits.even walking on them is a big NO NO.i believe even picking up the trash on them has to be done with a long pole with gripper as not to even disturb a grain of sand.fines are hefty and even imprisonment esp. digging in them.

Here where I'm at in CA, a lot of beaches have the dunes set aside, with protective cable-boundry thing, so that the natural vegetation doesn't get trampled (as it's fragile) and for the nesting birds or something like that. But snooksion2, I HIGHLY doubt someone's gonna get "imprisoned" for disturbing grains of sand, or shortcutting through them, or digging. You'll probably get a "scram" or warning, cross-eyed yelling at you, or whatever. Oh sure, I'm sure there's probably some minutia about "maximum penalties", etc... There is always the "maximum" for any violation (speeding, tailgating, etc....) that will often include ".... and up to 3 years in jail", etc... And yeah, I'm sure there's stories of motorists getting "roughed up" for nothing but a tail-light out, by an over-zealous cop.

snooksion2 said:
the dune one is simple.all dunes natural or man-made are protected by law.they are off limits.even walking on them is a big NO NO.i believe even picking up the trash on them has to be done with a long pole with gripper as not to even disturb a grain of sand.fines are hefty and even imprisonment esp. digging in them.

Can you or anyone tell me where this "law" is recorded, such as FAC or state statutes, etc.? It is important to know what is protected and what is not. When these early wrecks occurred on the reefs, the survivors and first salvors set up camps on the dunes and beyond as their base of operations. Much cargo was stored here until it could be later removed. See Kip Wagoners book for evidence of items found in the dunes from the wrecks of 1715.

I just stumbled upon this thread.. we just yesterday purchased a metal detector and my husband went out and hit the sand on Ft. Lauderdale beach. He was approached by someone saying that it wasn't legal to "metal detect" anymore on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale. I know this is several years out from this thread... but I'm trying to do my research but I don't see anywhere where it talks about the beach area and if you can actually enter the surf area. My understanding is its from the dunes on down to high tide line? Can anyone help me out with where exactly on the beach he can go? We wanted to be heading into the surf a couple of feet.

I have hunted Ft Lauderdale Beach with no problems..... only city beach in that area you can't hunt I know of is Riviera Beach.....

Who told you that you couldn't hunt?

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Just some guy that came up to him on the beach.. no cop or life guard or anything. We was over in front of Ireland's Inn... beach detecting is ok, right?

Just some guy that came up to him on the beach.. no cop or life guard or anything. We was over in front of Ireland's Inn... beach detecting is ok, right?

ok, so it "wasn't a cop or a lifegaurd" ? And the guy never cited his authority? Or who he was? Or anything? Gee I wish I could just waltz up to anyone and every one and tell them what to do.

Same here.....I'd end up with the whole beach to myself....forever! :laughing7:

Well we didn't know and for fear of getting thrown in the pokey we thought we'd check it out a little further. The guy wasn't nasty or anything, just mentioning that he'd heard that it was illegal now... we thought we'd look into it a little more. We've seen people out there from time to time (we live over in the area) and wouldn't want to be busted on our diving and metal detecting turf :dontknow:

ah, so at first you say the stranger says: ".... it wasn't legal to "metal detect" anymore on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale."

But now it's: ".... he'd heard that it was illegal now." (emphasis mine).

Then that carries no weight at all then. Not an LEO. Just someone making off-hand "gee I wonder" comments. Well that's fine to look into passerbys comments. And now you have your answer: that he's mistaken. Go have a ball :)

Woo hooo.... off we go then :icon_cheers:

I just stumbled upon this thread.. we just yesterday purchased a metal detector and my husband went out and hit the sand on Ft. Lauderdale beach. He was approached by someone saying that it wasn't legal to "metal detect" anymore on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale. I know this is several years out from this thread... but I'm trying to do my research but I don't see anywhere where it talks about the beach area and if you can actually enter the surf area. My understanding is its from the dunes on down to high tide line? Can anyone help me out with where exactly on the beach he can go? We wanted to be heading into the surf a couple of feet.
Dunes down to low tide line in areas that are part of treasure leases. I've read that this area is outside of that zone.

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You can get GPS cords for Treasure coast leases on the net, you can't hunt in the water closer than 1000 feet of a leases boundaries, but you can hunt on the shore from toe of dunes to mean low tide line.....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Thanks everyone... helps tremendously.

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