Fishing for Silver- Fish On!s CRH Log

Man that is awesome!! too bad you can only get one box right now, however, that is better than no boxes at all, and it is more convenient for you! Glad to see you are getting your fix.

Thanks. I'm going to fix the one box thing over the weekend. There are a few of my old standby pickup banks that I can pickup on the weekends. I just haven't had a chance to order from them.

The thing that baffles me about that $300 MWR is that if a customer had them order a box and then only wanted a few rolls at a time, then how could that customer possibly not go back and buy the whole box after seeing how good of a box it was? I remember those boxes and the other $200 definitely would have been as productive as the $300 I had.

I have a bank that orders a box of halves to give out to customers as loose rolls to who come in and ask for rolls, I usually buy the rest of the box when I stop in though.

I always buy them all.

Today was a surprise. I stopped by one of my weekly order banks to restart my weekly order now that I know this branch will at least be doable (boxes come in on Fridays and they are open sat and sunday so I can always pick them up).

Apparently they have had four boxes sitting there for me the last two weeks. I apologized profusely and picked them up as well as set up plans to continue the weekly orders. I was afraid they were going to cut me off, but they were completely cool about it.


Box 1: 2X40%
Box 2: 2X40%
Box 3: 2X40%
Box 4: skunk

There's nothing like ending up with 4 boxes when you aren't expecting to have any. This puts me back up to at least 5 boxes a week. I'll see how that goes next week and reassess the situation.

I need to get my mojo back.... I was supposed to have 5 boxes to pick up today. The new pickup bank did order the box they said they would but it was a skunk. My old standby order bank got me 5 rolls instead of 4 boxes. They were also a skunk. Better luck next week, I guess.

4 boxes today. At least I finally found some silver:

Box 1: skunk
Box 2: skunk
Box 3: 2x90%(ken and ben)
Box 4: skunk

Nice on box 3. What year/mm was the Ben?

It's been slow just like your 4 boxes yesterday, plus dimes are yet again solid 2013.

Well I finally had a chance to pick up a one box order that came in last Friday. This was my new order bank that could only get me one box per week. They were not pleased that I didn't pick them up on time. They didn't offer to order for next week and I didn't ask. It's such an inconvenient bank to get to that it just isn't worth it for one box per week. The box they had was awesome, though, so I'm glad I got this one:

4x90%(3 bens and a ken) 13x40%

Also got a foreign I have never seen: 1955 Queen Elizabeth the second coin of the Western Islands or something. Odd clad, but still just clad.

I really need to figure out how to get my volume back up there.......


4 boxes and 4 skunks today. Better luck next week......

Keep it will start flowing again.

In your early posts you mention your dump banks and machines. I'm newer to crh, but all the banks in my area don't have machines to dump in... When returning rolls it's always to the tellers. Are there any banks out there that still have machines to dump? Any suggestions or recommendations? I limit my crh because the dumping can be pretty inconvenient.

Keep it will start flowing again.

Thanks. Same to you. I'm going to try a little more volume this week and see how it goes with the new schedule.

In your early posts you mention your dump banks and machines. I'm newer to crh, but all the banks in my area don't have machines to dump in... When returning rolls it's always to the tellers. Are there any banks out there that still have machines to dump? Any suggestions or recommendations? I limit my crh because the dumping can be pretty inconvenient.

I think it depends on the area you live in. In my area, I think more banks have counters than banks that don't. I do all of my dumping in counters that go into armored car services that I don't order from. The amount I dump into a particular banks coin counters depends on what the capacity of the counter is as well as how cool the tellers are. I generally have two main chains of banks I dump into. One has a smaller capacity so I limit dumps to $1k there. My main dump bank has a virtually bottomless counter and the teller are cool so I do anywhere from $1500-$3000 per trip there. The main dump bank is a smaller regional bank with about 8 branches and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person that dumps halves into their counters since I know the tellers well and I am in all of their branches frequently.

Your best bet is to go into a ton of different banks and ask if they have any loose halves. Not only will this give you the possibility of finding silver, it will give you the chance to scope out the bank for coin counters. It never hurts to strike up a conversation with the tellers while you are there to find out the information you want.

The other option is dumping in coin lock bags. I tried this with one bank, but they had a two week turn around on crediting the money back to my account, so it wouldn't work for me. A couple other banks offered the service, but one used my armored car service and another would have required me to open yet another bank account, so I never explored that option further since I already had a dumping arrangement that was convenient and could take care of all the volume I could hunt.

Good luck!

Your best bet is to go into a ton of different banks and ask if they have any loose halves. Not only will this give you the possibility of finding silver, it will give you the chance to scope out the bank for coin counters. It never hurts to strike up a conversation with the tellers while you are there to find out the information you want.

Good luck!

Thanks Fish on! That makes a lot of sense. I have started out with the customer wrapped/loose rolls at my local banks and have had some really good success. However I've depleted those and have been ordering boxes of halves, dimes etc. I've been trying to "get friendly" with the tellers and have received some good info back, and also which branches to just avoid.

However at the dozen or so different banks I've been to they all use loomis.... I'm trying to avoid/trying to find a bank that uses another armored service but not having any luck. Do you travel to another city or county to avoid this? Do you find this typical?

Thanks Fish on! That makes a lot of sense. I have started out with the customer wrapped/loose rolls at my local banks and have had some really good success. However I've depleted those and have been ordering boxes of halves, dimes etc. I've been trying to "get friendly" with the tellers and have received some good info back, and also which branches to just avoid.

However at the dozen or so different banks I've been to they all use loomis.... I'm trying to avoid/trying to find a bank that uses another armored service but not having any luck. Do you travel to another city or county to avoid this? Do you find this typical?

I don't travel far at all. I don't know that anyone can say what is typical since every area is different. I live in the middle of a major city and there are 5-10 banks within 300 yards of my front door step several of which use different services. If I looked in a 7 mile radius of my house there are probably well over 100 banks. If you live in a smaller town or rural area things could be totally different.

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